Implementation of the “Smart Specialization” Concept in Russian Regions Bordering China
DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.80-87
The article dwells on the issues of implementing the strategy of sustainable innovative development of Russian regions as a basis for creating competitive advantages of territories and improving the quality of the population life. The work, in relation to the regions of Russia bordering China, describes the concept of “smart specialization” — a strategy for identifying priority areas for the regions development and enhancing specific types of economic activity, which involves exploiting the potential of their innovative growth, choosing a unique path with a focus on future development. The authors focus on the industry specialization of regions as a basis for determining directions of «smart specialization». As a result of the study, the authors propose the models of crossborder cooperation for the regions of Russia and China based on the «smart specialization» of the above regions.
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