How a Document From Archives of A.I. Guchkov Helped Comrade I.V. Stalin

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
How a Document From Archives of A.I. Guchkov Helped Comrade I.V. Stalin

Among the most famous collections of archival documents of сonsiderable interest to researchers of national history of the Soviet period, there is the so-called personal archive of I.V. Stalin. Currently, these documents are stored in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. The author analyzes the documents, “confiscated with the help of agents” from A.I. Guchkov, on the history of the German-Polish-Japan coalition and its plans against the Soviet Union.


  1. Morozov S.V. “Varshavskaya melodiyadlya Moskvy i Pragi: dokumenty iz lichnogo arkhiva I.V. Stalina, Sluzhby vneshney razvedki Rossiyskoy Federatsii, II Otdela Glavnogo shtaba Voyska Polskogo i dr. (1933–1939 gg.) [“Warsaw Melody” for Moscow and Prague: Documents from the Personal Archive of I.V. Stalin, the RF Foreign Intelligence Service, the Second Department of the General Staff of Polish Armed Forces and Others (1933-1939 Biennium)]. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2017, 591 p.
  2. Morozov S.V. Igry teney v evropeyskoy mezhdunarodnoy politike v 1930-e gody [The Shadows Games in the European International Policy in the 1930s]. Velikaya Pobeda. Internet-proekt. Pod obshchey redaktsiey S.E. Naryshkina, A.V. Torkunova. Tom II. Kanun tragedii. Moscow, MGIMO (Universitet) MID Rossii, RVIO, 2015, pp. 7–28, available at:
  3. Morozov S.V. Kak pilsudchiki skolachivali severnyy blok” (1934 — vesna 1935 g.) [How Piłsudski’s Followers were Knocking Together the “North Block” (1934 — Spring 1935)]. Velikaya Pobeda. Internet-proekt. Pod obshchey redaktsiey S.E. Naryshkina, A.V. Torkunova. Tom II. Kanun tragedii. Moscow, MGIMO (Universitet) MID Rossii; RVIO, 2015, pp. 29–51, available at:
  4. Morozov S.V. “Lebedinaya pesnyamarshala, kotoroy tak i ne suzhdeno bylo prozvuchat’ [“Swan Song” of Marshal, Which was Never Destined to Sound]. Velikaya Pobeda. Internet-proekt. Pod obshchey redaktsiey S.E. Naryshkina, A.V. Torkunova. Tom II. Kanun tragedii. Moscow, MGIMO (Universitet) MID Rossii, RVIO, 2015, pp. 52–72, available at:
  5. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o sekretnom anglo-yaponskom dogovore 1934 g. [On the Question of a Secret Anglo-Japanese Treaty in 1934]. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel’skiy zhurnal, 2016, no. 8, pp. 153–155, available at:
  6. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o voenno-politicheskom sotrudnichestve Pol’shi i Yaponii protiv SSSR (1931–1935) [On the Question of Military and Political Cooperation Between Poland and Japan Against the Soviet Union (1931–1935)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2016, no. 413, pp. 138–144, available at:
  7. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o voenno-politicheskom sotrudnichestve Pol’shi i Germanii protiv SSSR (1933–1935) [On the Question of Military and Political Cooperation Between Poland and Germany Against the Soviet Union (1933–1935)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, 2016, no. 6 (44), pp. 70–79, available at:
  8. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy arkhiv sotsial’no-politicheskoy istorii [Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History]. Fond 558, opis’ 11, delo 188, document 12, listy 79–92


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