Effect of the “Foreign Field”: Russian Science in Anglo-Saxon Cognitive Space
In the basis of modern globalized science there is the science itself, and it is postulated that it is objective, law-abiding (discursive), is the only correct, last, final method of cognition, hasn’t got a civilizational, cultural, linguistic or national component. But if the world is too complicated for single-focus control, then the Universe must be too complicated for single-focal cognition. Then globalized science, considered as the only possible format of cognition, creates a number of unacceptable risks at the level of humanity, as it fixes very narrow range of possible development scenarios. Therefore, it is necessary to create a description of the science dependencies, to answer the question of how language, cultural codes, civilizational preferences, national character and national interests are reflected in methodology of science, directions and paces of its development, how these social determinants fit into the scientific cognition results and where they are contained in these results.
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