Development of Hard-to-Reach Regions of the North, Siberia and “Disruptive” Technologies of Unmanned Aviation
DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.72-81
The air cargo market is developing rapidly both in Russia and around the world. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles with vertical take-off and landing without an aerodrome base is becoming a promising area for air transportation of goods in remote regions. Companies around the world are intensively developing various types of unmanned aerial vehicles that are potentially capable to carry out cargo transportation. There are objective and subjective issues of their use that have to be solved at present. Russian developers offer promising innovative solutions that can have export potential, expand the range and areas of their application, and may be attractive for investment. Transportation of goods with the help of UAVs is expected to be cost-effective, which should result in business development, should increase jobs, strengthen the economy and infrastructure of hard-to-reach regions
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