Countering market manipulation in the system of ensuring the economic security of the stock market
DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.94-103
Representatives of various objects of the country’s economy participate in the system of ensuring the economic security of the stock market. First of all, these are the control bodies of the exchanges – the organizers of trades, where dubious transactions are revealed. Specialists of the Department of Counteraction to Unfair Practices of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation carry out checks on the revealed violations and make a decision on bringing the culprit to administrative responsibility or transferring the materials of the check to law enforcement agencies according to their jurisdiction. Among unfair practices, the most common speculative phenomenon is market manipulation, the public danger of which is to cause significant harm to the interests of citizens and legal entities, society and the economy as a whole, undermining the confidence of investors and trading participants in organized financial and commodity markets, worsening conditions for investment and trade in them, hindering their effective development and strengthening international competitiveness.
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