Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

#2. Sisyphean Task
Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

To ensure political and economic stability in Russia the article proposes technology of convergent monitoring and personality programming within the system “bioelectric activity of the brain — psychosemantic subjectivity of the individual — imprinted reflexive matrices — information stimuli” based on its multi-parameter monitoring analysis. The authors study relationships between metastable states of individuals as a bifurcation point in developing intellectual dynamics of behavioral activity and interrelated political, economic, social and other processes that are determined by the influence of coherent-resonant clusters of manifestations having biophysical and information-cognitive nature. As a result of obtaining the forecast, it becomes possible to use both standard measures of preparation for possible extreme manifestations of different degrees of organization, and to implement communicative and other measures to “quench” the amplitude of coherent manifestations of biophysical and information-cognitive nature and to create conditions for their asymmetry in order to “dump” accumulated stresses within identified and unidentified aggregated groups of people due to a series of targeted information impacts, through changing communication mechanisms for obtaining information, etc.


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