Bretton Woods
A lot has been written about the United Nations International Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods. Let us dwell on a less well-known story. The author describes the events connected with the Soviet delegation’s participation in this conference, and about the circumstances of taking a decision on the USSR’s participation (or rather, non-participation) in the work of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development created at the conference.
- Krotov N.I. Zhizn’ i udivitel’nye priklyucheniya bankira Viktora Gerashchenko, syna bankira Vladimira Gerashchenko, rasskazannye im samim, ego druz’yami i kollegami, vnimatel’no vyslushannye i zapisannye letopistsem Nikolaem Krotovym [Life and Amazing Adventures of the Banker Victor Gerashchenko, the Son of Banker Vladimir Gerashchenko, Told by Himself, His Friends and Colleagues, Carefully Listened and Recorded by the Chronicler Nikolay Krotov]. Moscow, Ekonomicheskaya letopis’, 2010, pp. 66–76