Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Means of Influencing the Mass Consciousness of People within the Framework of a New Social Reality

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.46-53

The purpose of this article is to identify criteria for the influence of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems on the consciousness of the population as their main user. When reviewing technologies, methods of scientific analysis were applied: the method of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, description, induction, deduction.

The article dwells on assessment of the implementation and impact of technologies based on artificial intelligence. It is shown that at the moment a situation has arisen where artificial intelligence tools have the opportunity to manipulate human consciousness. Accelerated development of human interaction in the virtual space resulted in both positive and negative consequences of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in payment systems within the framework of the new social reality. Based on the identified advantages and disadvantages, criteria for the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on the consciousness of the population were discovered and identified.


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