Antagonism in the Approach to Analyzing Foreign Investment into Strategic Companies
DOI: 10.33917/es-1.187.2023.122-129
The modern model of attracting foreign investment requires rethinking from the perspective of achieving the development goals of investment objects. The article examines the relationship of the institutional foundations of foreign investment in strategic societies with the development processes of such societies. The author provides data on the presence of some flaws in the institutional foundations, and also reveals extremely insignificant research activity in relation to the issue under study. The work used such general scientific and special methods as the scientometric method, the method of text analysis, the method of retrospective analysis, analytical methods and the method of system analysis. Empirical research materials are presented by open analytical reports of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, the UN Conference on Trade and Development. The shortcomings were identified and the directions of modernization of the institutional foundations of foreign investment in strategic companies were formed.
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