Analysis of the Socio-Economic Situation in Primorsky Krai: Trends and Forecasts
In conditions of the world economy turbulence and coherence and under unprecedented sanctions pressure on the Russian economy, it becomes necessary to analyze the phenomena that caused the crisis processes affecting all spheres of life. Crisis processes — reduction of the population’s incomes, migration processes, in particular in Primorsky Krai, low provision of the population with housing — require new approaches to management. The example of the Far East region show the socio-economic trends. National projects, local programs and subprogrammes represent the system of effective mechanisms and tools for improving the social situation. Recently, an improvement in the moral and psychological climate of the Vladivostok residents is noted in connection with constructing bridges across the Golden Horn Bay and to Russky Island, due to reconstruction of roads, construction of an international airport, the campus construction on Russky Island, creation of the advanced development territory “Russky Island” and the Free port of Vladivostok.
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