The "Economic Strategies" journal


Public-private partnership: current state and development dynamics

One of the tools for implementing the project approach in the public administration field, improving the financial, technological and innovative potential of various sectors of the Russian economy is public-private partnership (PPP). A comparative assessment of the dynamics of the public-private partnership development in Russia and abroad determines the purpose of this paper. The paper also presents an analysis of trends in the development of the PPP market, which caused a surge of interest in PPP on the business part and the risks that arise in the process of PPP projects’ implementing.

Development of integration processes in countries with a emerging economy

The article discusses the features of integration processes in modern developing countries. Shows the goals that pursue nation-states in the organization of integration unions. The position of the majority of associations of developing countries within the stages of development of world integration processes is indicated. The current and forecast dynamics of economic indicators of developing countries in comparison with the indicators of developed countries and the world as a whole is analyzed. Based on relevant statistics, a number of existing integration unions of countries with developing economies from various regions of the world are examined in terms of their composition and basic socio-economic parameters. The negative trends in the development of modern integration processes in countries with developing economies are investigated and the reasons hindering the effectiveness of their integration are identified.

Approaches to assessing the contribution of global financial centers to the development of sustainable finance

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.97-102

Financial centers create a powerful clustering effect by concentrating a number of interconnected financial operations – banking, capital markets, investments, insurance, professional services (jurisprudence, accounting), and regulation. Thus, they act as a driver for promoting the principles of sustainability in business through the organization of financing. However, at present this incentive potential is underused due to the lack of a unified approach to assessing their contribution to the development of sustainable finances. The development of such a unified approach will increase investment in sustainable finance, optimize its regulation, and increase public awareness of the development of a sustainable financial system. The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of the world’s leading financial centers in stimulating the development of sustainable finance.

Organization of development of the state strategic forecast

Development of the strategic forecast is presented as a multicomponent complex, which includes the following sub-complexes: strategic goals and objectives; objects of strategic forecasting; subjects of strategic forecasting; organization and management of the development of the strategic forecast; scientific and information support; staffing; countering illegal activities in the development and implementation of strategic forecasts; documentary support. In the absence of Russia’s system to develop a scientifically sound strategic forecast as a temporary measure, it is proposed to develop an annual integrated analytical review of the world strategic forecasts.

About the concept of «Strategic Forecasting»

Based on the study of the regulatory framework and comparative analysis of concepts, it is concluded that strategic forecasting should be considered as a special kind of forecasting, which is not identical to long-term and long-term forecasting. The principal specificity of strategic forecasting is its organic involvement in the complex of strategic management with the system of goal-setting. This determines the additional content of the logical scope of the concept.

Current state of logistics integration in economic security

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.92-96

The article assesses the current state of logistics integration in the context of economic globalization. Theoretical and practical approaches to logistics and integration processes are analyzed. The necessity to consider the modern integration stage in interaction with the innovative component is substantiated.

On the Target Orientation of a Regional Strategy for Socio-Economic Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.6-15

When you get acquainted with regional strategies, you see that their authors usually try to formulate several tasks that cover
all aspects of society. For example, increasing the region’s competitiveness or raising the level of culture, etc. Thus, attention is focused on a number of tasks that are actually subordinate to these two main tasks mentioned above. Each strategy is always focused on improving the living standards of the region’s population. But almost never we see inside the
strategy specific tasks to increase this region’s contribution to socio-economic development of the country. This contribution
doesn’t mean an increase in the specific gravity of the region, for example, in creating the country’s gross domestic product,
but usually it is much higher due to those industries and areas of specialization in which the region plays a major role.
Many consider it extremely important that each of these tasks, which they list in the usual regional strategy, be divided into
subtasks, and those, in turn, into smaller tasks. As a result, several dozen tasks of the region are formulated, which are usually not specifically applied to any large enterprise or organization of this region, but to the activity direction. For example, the task of developing physical education or improving the population’s nutrition, etc. is highlighted.
Such approach in terms of system analysis seems to be very important, but in fact it is quite formal. And this formality tends
to obscure analytics — the main method necessary for serious strategy development. Based on considerable experience in developing strategy of the Russian regions — Vladimir, Kostroma, Irkutsk regions and the Trans-Baikal Territory, St. Petersburg, as well as regional strategies for Kazakhstan — for the Kyzylorda region and the capital Akmola region, the author of the article proposes a methodology for developing the region’s strategy taking into account its contribution into the country’s socio-economic development

In Expectation of Investment Growth

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.16-23

At the present moment Russia faces the problem of increasing the economic growth rates to the average world rates. As the country economy was in crisis and post-crises conditions for several years, so the effective measures should be taken in all economic fields. Here, the question of investment activity comes to the fore. In spite of the fastening in economic growth as of 2018 according to the official data, investments in Russia in conditions of a high external and internal uncertainty have not yet recovered to pre-crisis level. The article raises the issue about necessity of creation a conductive investment environment, special measures and programmes orientated on the local and foreign investors which can help to increase the investments volume and quality and to promote Russia’s economic growth