The "Economic Strategies" journal


Challenges and opportunities for extra budgetary funding in preschools

The problems of expanding sources of financing the education system in Russia at the present stage of economic development are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the formation of sources of extrabudgetary funding for pre-school education. The content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is analyzed taking into account its role in shaping the content and structure of the educational program of preschool education. The necessity of further development of tools for extra-budgetary financing of preschool education institutions is substantiated.

Conceptual basis for improving mechanisms for managing the development of social infrastructure of territories

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.73-79

The algorithm for choosing strategic priorities for the development of social infrastructure is considered as a mechanism for managing territorial socio-economic systems (TSES). The applied approach is supplemented by monitoring the state of health care and education on the basis of a survey of direct consumers of social services at all stages of strategy development. To determine the priority areas for improving social infrastructure, a methodology for assessing the dynamics of the main indicators of the social sphere of TSES is proposed. It is based on determining the increment in the quantitative parameters of objects of health care and education systems. The advantage of the technique is the possibility to use publicly available statistics.

Current problems of restructuring of the system of engineering education

The article formulates the basic principles of personnel training in the transition to a new technological order. Successful transformation of the Russian economy into the knowledge economy could be carried out if the labor market is oriented towards highly skilled intellectual work. Against the background of a technological breakthrough and constantly changing external variables, the question of the principles that will form the basis for the design of vocational training for technical specialties requires a speedy solution.

Methods of reducing the cost of mining enterprises of the Murmansk region develop

The article analyzes the activities of mining enterprises of the Murmansk region, which is part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, examines the problem of rising production costs, analyzes the composition and structure of costs, developed and presented methods to reduce them.

The consumer’s desire for energy freedom and energy independence is the basis for changing the paradigm future energy development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.70-72

This article examines the existing paradigm of energy and the goal paradigm on the basis of the transition to a decentralized power supply associated with the development of digitization, renewable energy sources and energy storage, of transfer from AC to DC of different voltage.

Network neurocognitive management of complex organizations with a political component in fuzzy information environments

The article discusses the organization of information and network events aimed at protecting key points of political management of vital functions of the State on the basis of information and computing tools to operate the operating parameters of neural network monitoring and study the set of data on processes affecting personality. The need for the use of intelligent means of unclean logic and neural networks to support state systems of counterintelligence, surveillance and political governance with respect to subjects available for identification, digital description and analysis of their sociopathicity in relation to state institutions of political governance is justified. Neural network synthesis of digital matrices of key cognitive and psychosocial indicators of individuals and their groups is carried out to detect reactions to the package of political information of any subject using electronic communicative services. On this basis, measures are implemented to manage the metastable states of his personality and to configure cognitive and psychosocial mechanisms of interpretation of reality in conditions of dominance of unreported factors of an information nature (information stimuli).

Solving the problem of duplication of state obligations to provide free medical care based on the use of the state information system

The article analyzes the system of state guarantees of providing free medical care to citizens operating in the Russian Federation and proposes the direction of improving the accounting of state guarantees on the basis of the principle of «one person – one guarantee». To do this, it is proposed to create an information system of accounting that will allow in the short term to more accurately calculate per capita standards of financing of free medical care, and in the medium term opens up opportunities based on the analysis of accumulated data using elements of artificial intelligence to create predictive models of demand for free medical care in relation to the source of financing, and to work out different scenarios on them.

Strategic aspects of realisation of anti-recessionary management of the enterprises of the industry on economic level

In the scientific article the mechanism of anti-recessionary management on which basis are generated strategic alliances the enterprises on an example of an industrial complex is offered.

The educational aspect of the staffing of the fuel and energy complex in the Arctic region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.64-69

The quantitative and qualitative imbalance in the labor market threatens the implementation of fuel and energy projects in the Arctic zone. In projects for the development of offshore fields, there is an acute shortage of specialists who possess management skills with modern computer equipment, electronics, robotic systems. The analysis of the personnel training system showed that among all the Arctic States, the Russian Arctic has the most numerous and extensive network of highly qualified personnel training. However, the functioning system of training does not meet the needs of the industry in full. The purpose of this article is to consider the importance of the educational component in meeting the needs of the Arctic zone in qualified personnel of the fuel and energy sector.

On the development of the shadow economy in the field of migration

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of illegal migration and the use of migrant labor in the shadow sector of the economy. The author’s division of all labor migrants into three groups is given, according to income level, social status and specifics of the performed works. A large list of different sources consisting of statistical data, analytical reviews, scientific texts and journal articles has been studied. The dependence of poor sectors of the economy on cheap labor provided by labor migrants and, at the same time, the gradual and steady displacement of indigenous local residents by foreign workers in the labor market is shown. The authors come to the conclusion that it is impossible to build an economically developed state and a humane civilized society without solving the problems of illegal migration and its attendant shadow economy.