The "Economic Strategies" journal

2019 #6. 2019

The consumer’s desire for energy freedom and energy independence is the basis for changing the paradigm future energy development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.70-72

This article examines the existing paradigm of energy and the goal paradigm on the basis of the transition to a decentralized power supply associated with the development of digitization, renewable energy sources and energy storage, of transfer from AC to DC of different voltage.

The educational aspect of the staffing of the fuel and energy complex in the Arctic region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.64-69

The quantitative and qualitative imbalance in the labor market threatens the implementation of fuel and energy projects in the Arctic zone. In projects for the development of offshore fields, there is an acute shortage of specialists who possess management skills with modern computer equipment, electronics, robotic systems. The analysis of the personnel training system showed that among all the Arctic States, the Russian Arctic has the most numerous and extensive network of highly qualified personnel training. However, the functioning system of training does not meet the needs of the industry in full. The purpose of this article is to consider the importance of the educational component in meeting the needs of the Arctic zone in qualified personnel of the fuel and energy sector.

Work with the end user as a mandatory component of the energy management of the energy company

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.58-63

The article reveals the topic concerning the importance of interaction between energy companies and end consumers. The principles and functions of energy management are defined. Measures for energy management of end users are systematized. Federal and regional energy development programs are analyzed and energy efficiency measures are proposed that take into account the interaction of energy companies with consumers.

Features of financial accounting during the decommissioning of oil fields in accordance with IFRS

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.51-57

The article analyzes the Russian system of accounting for the decommissioning of oil fields, its compliance with IFRS standards, defines the features of financial accounting for decommissioning, proposes approaches to measuring the reserves for decommissioning of oil fields and criteria for their evaluation, provides an example of calculating the reserves for decommissioning.

Us shale oil and gas (analytical review)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.51-57

The article analyzes the Russian system of accounting for the decommissioning of oil fields, its compliance with IFRS standards, defines the features of financial accounting for decommissioning, proposes approaches to measuring the reserves for decommissioning of oil fields and criteria for their evaluation, provides an example of calculating the reserves for decommissioning.

Trends in the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian economy (analytical review)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.38-46

The article analyzes the Russian system of accounting for the decommissioning of oil fields, its compliance with IFRS standards, defines the features of financial accounting for decommissioning, proposes approaches to measuring the reserves for decommissioning of oil fields and criteria for their evaluation, provides an example of calculating the reserves for decommissioning.

Development of a personnel management model for a modern rocket and space enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.31-37

An economic-mathematical model of optimal management of the personnel potential of the enterprise in the rocket and space industry was formed, based on taking into account external factors affecting the personnel potential of the enterprise in the context of changes in the space services market and the emergence of new tasks for the enterprise. The economic justification of the formed model for managing the personnel potential of the enterprise is given taking into account the specifics of enterprises in the rocket and space industry of Russia. A modification of the economic-mathematical model of optimal management of the personnel potential of the enterprises of the rocket and space industry was developed, which takes into account the specifics of planning the activities of enterprises of the rocket and space industry of Russia.

Assessment of the needs of companies in support systems for effective management decisions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.22-30

The article discusses current issues of making effective management decisions using the management decision support system and identifying key indicators and indicators characterizing the needs of companies in using these systems. Within the framework of these questions, the results obtained as a result of the implementation of the state program “Digital economy of the Russian Federation”, including the use of Industry 4.0 technologies, are considered. The implementation of the objectives of this program is possible only under the condition of diversification of production, which should be preceded by a number of measures, united in the concept of “diversification management”, discussed in detail in the article. Based on the analysis, key indicators and indicators are identified that allow to characterize the needs of the company and society in decision support systems.

Methodological problems of determining the resource support activities of the national program «Digital economy»

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019. 14-21

The purpose of this work is to substantiate methodological approaches to determining the cost of activities of the national program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation». The article presents an analysis of the compliance of this program with the requirements for the structure and content of state programs established in the «Guidelines for the development and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation» (enacted by the order of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2012 № 817). As a result, the main shortcomings were identified and proposals were formulated to improve the level of validity of the main indicators-the volume of financial resources and economic efficiency of measures.

The paper proposes a methodological approach to determining the cost of major activities of major national programs. As a method of solving the problem, it is proposed to use not one but two methods, namely, expert and correlation-regression analysis.

Russian transnational corporations as global leaders

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.89.2019.5-13

The paper considers the largest Russian transnational corporations and the possibilities of consolidating their status as global economic leaders. The positions of Russian companies in international ratings are analyzed: Fortune Global 500, The World’s Largest Public Companies (according to Forbs magazine), Top-100 non-financial MNCs from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, ranked by the size of foreign assets and a number of other foreign ratings. The features of the activities of the companies represented in the ratings are established, measures are proposed to strengthen the positions of Russian companies in the global economy.