The "Economic Strategies" journal

2019 #5. 2019

Network neurocognitive management of complex organizations with a political component in fuzzy information environments

The article discusses the organization of information and network events aimed at protecting key points of political management of vital functions of the State on the basis of information and computing tools to operate the operating parameters of neural network monitoring and study the set of data on processes affecting personality. The need for the use of intelligent means of unclean logic and neural networks to support state systems of counterintelligence, surveillance and political governance with respect to subjects available for identification, digital description and analysis of their sociopathicity in relation to state institutions of political governance is justified. Neural network synthesis of digital matrices of key cognitive and psychosocial indicators of individuals and their groups is carried out to detect reactions to the package of political information of any subject using electronic communicative services. On this basis, measures are implemented to manage the metastable states of his personality and to configure cognitive and psychosocial mechanisms of interpretation of reality in conditions of dominance of unreported factors of an information nature (information stimuli).

The external debt of the USA and some aspects of petrodollar policy

The article considers the process of the continuing increase in the US public debt as a factor of negative impact on the financial policy of developed and developing countries, including Russia. The main conditions of devaluating the American currency are defined at a modern stage.

On the development of the shadow economy in the field of migration

The article is devoted to the study of the problems of illegal migration and the use of migrant labor in the shadow sector of the economy. The author’s division of all labor migrants into three groups is given, according to income level, social status and specifics of the performed works. A large list of different sources consisting of statistical data, analytical reviews, scientific texts and journal articles has been studied. The dependence of poor sectors of the economy on cheap labor provided by labor migrants and, at the same time, the gradual and steady displacement of indigenous local residents by foreign workers in the labor market is shown. The authors come to the conclusion that it is impossible to build an economically developed state and a humane civilized society without solving the problems of illegal migration and its attendant shadow economy.

To the question of a new economic security paradigm in the conditions of globalization

This article shows the main aspects that characterize global tendencies in economic security. The relationship of national economic security and international trade is shown. The issue of applying trade protection measures in order to ensure national economic security is touched. The influence of global and regional integration processes, as well as scientific and technological progress on ensuring national security is presented. The role of the trade status of each state didn’t go unnoticed. The new paradigm must take into account such a factor as the development of the global computer network “Internet”. An important element of a systemic nature in the new paradigm of economic security is the problem of limited resources and environmental pollution. An essential scientific result of the article is the identification and analysis of the impact of globalization processes on economic security.