The "Economic Strategies" journal

#5. Longstanding Generation
2018 #5. Longstanding Generation

Tectology of A.A. Bogdanov and the Universal Duality Principle

#5. Longstanding Generation
Tectology of A.A. Bogdanov and the Universal Duality Principle

Despite the fact that the total organizational science (tectology) has been existing for about a hundred years, it has not yet become a science in the classical sense of the word because of its universality. Scientists have not recognized the dual concepts, that saturate tectology, as their working tools. The universal principle of duality can become a means of transforming tectology from an intellectual monument into a consistently applied tool for obtaining new knowledge about the regularity of birth, development and disappearance of organizational forms.

Integral Development and Economy with Restraints on Super Profits — Evolutionary Perspective of Russia

#5. Longstanding Generation
Integral Development and Economy with Restraints on Super Profits — Evolutionary Perspective of Russia

Necessity of Russia’s transition to integral development is conditioned by many factors, including such as raw material economy, excessive social stratification, dehumanization of man, confrontation with the West. In such transition, the role of the state in all spheres of society’s life grows radically. The article presents a model of the economy functioning with restraints on super profits providing sustainable development.

Rotation of Elites: Military Time

#5. Longstanding Generation
Rotation of Elites: Military Time

Soon we’ll celebrate the 100th anniversary from the end of the First World War. To a large extent this war is still considered as a political, not a historical event, but it is already far enough in the past and can become the subject of an impartial research. In the present situation, of particular interest are the details of unleashing the war and specifics of its institutionalization, that is, its turning into a bloody conflict for years, the cost of which — in human lives, in money terms, and in social deformations — has repeatedly exceeded the value of disputed territories and assets. The authors are interested in a slightly different problem, though closely related to the above-mentioned: mechanisms of changing military and political leaders who demonstrated their inadequacy in wartime conditions.

Academician A.N. Efimov, Debates of the 1920s and Some Problems of the Present. To the 110th Anniversary of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov

#5. Longstanding Generation
Academician A.N. Efimov, Debates of the 1920s and Some Problems of the Present. To the 110th Anniversary of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov

The name of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov, the first director of Scientific Research Economic Institute under the State Planning Committee of the USSR (SREI), elected in 1955, is associated with fundamentally new stage in the history of planning after the end of the Stalin era in 1953. Pioneer and fundamental developments of the interbranch balance, awarded with the USSR State Prize in 1968, methodology for forecasting the country’s economy development, widely used today in the market conditions, have made up the content and novelty of this stage, as well as the main vector of SREI’s scientific research. The choice of these directions is not a flash of reason or sudden enlightenment. Their roots go not only into the environment, but also to the turbulent and dramatic events of the 1920s, which became a time of choosing the way of the country’s development, overcoming economic and cultural backwardness in conditions of isolation and a hostile external environment. Transition from the policy of “military communism” to the NEP, the broadest democratization of society served as a powerful impetus for development of planned economic thought.

Transcendental-Historical Significance of the Russian Revolution

#5. Longstanding Generation
Transcendental-Historical Significance of the Russian Revolution

The article reveals the non-Marxist meaning of the October Revolution of 1917. The author claims that the sequence of exploiter formations has a historical goal, not taken into account by Marxism, as a system of global power. The main idea of the article is that the 1917 revolution is a struggle not against capitalism, but against the supranational elite that is building the system of global power.

Regional Features of Implementing the Social Partnership Principles at the Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises

#5. Longstanding Generation
Regional Features of Implementing the Social Partnership Principles at the Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises

The article deals with the principles of social partnership at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the regional perspective.

Public-Private Partnership as a “Point of Growth” of Interaction Between the State and Business in New Industries of the VI Technological Order

#5. Longstanding Generation
Public-Private Partnership as a “Point of Growth” of Interaction Between the State and Business in New Industries of the VI Technological Order

Public-private partnership (PPP) is an effective mechanism of interaction between government and business for realization of complex and socially significant projects. The analysis of statistical sources made it possible to draw conclusions about the positive impact of investment in major infrastructure projects on GDP growth in both developing and developed countries. Having analyzed the definitions of PPP from different sources, author has identified the main principles, forms and characteristics of PPP, and suggested his own model of interaction between government and business. In present study special attention is paid to consideration of PPP contribution to the strategic development of key sectors of the economy in the context of transition to the sixth technological order. As a result of the study, perspective points of development of this mechanism in the sphere of high technologies have been formulated.

Mechanisms for Organizing Professional Retraining of Specialists in Accordance with New Technologies Introduced at the Enterprises of Machine-Building Complex

#5. Longstanding Generation
Mechanisms for Organizing Professional Retraining of Specialists in Accordance with New Technologies Introduced at the Enterprises of Machine-Building Complex

The possibility of the introduction of appropriate organization of professional retraining and the introduction of information technology structure in the machine-building enterprises. Educational institution is considered as the intellectual element of the logistics chain in vocational education. For the development of fundamentally new technologies proposed organization process reengineering involving professionals with a fundamentally new knowledge. As a criterion of the effectiveness of retraining is considered business income. The conditions to ensure the quality of training, developing strategic direction in improving the capacity of the enterprise. The proposed mechanism has shown the possibility of finding reserves to ensure the preparation of a management efficiency experts with balanced powers and responsibilities of participants in the introduction of new technologies.