The "Economic Strategies" journal

#1. Event Horison
2018 #1. Event Horison

Prospects for Forming New Global Value Added Chains on the Basis of Cooperation Between Scientific-Industrial Complexes of Russia and Belarus

#1. Event Horison
Prospects for Forming New Global Value Added Chains on the Basis of Cooperation Between Scientific-Industrial Complexes of Russia and Belarus

Global Value Chains (GVCs) are currently the main theoretical concept for analyzing globalization processes in the sphere of industrial production and the object for perfecting the foreign economic policy of each country. Traditions and schools of studying GVCs, that have developed in the world community, can be divided into macrostructural, united under the general title of “internationalism”, and cluster ones, that are forming the “industrialism” trend. Referring to the problem of Russian-Belarusian industrial cooperation in the course of neoindustrialization and formation of new GVCs, macrostructural approach turns out to be completely unproductive for a number of reasons, therefore the authors of the article, considering the programs of Russian-Belarusian cooperation, follow the cluster approach.

Impact of Post-Industrial Processes on the World Power Engineering and CO2 Emissions

#1. Event Horison
Impact of Post-Industrial Processes on the World Power Engineering and CO2 Emissions

Transition to the postindustrial phase of the economic development is characterized by saturation in dependence of energy consumption from economic growth. Maximum of global energy use equal to 25–30 G toe and twofold of the current level is expected in the middle of the century. Perspectives of CO2 emission limitation by the level determined by the UN Paris climate agreement are analyzed by transformation of global energy sources.

History of Energy Prices

#1. Event Horison
History of Energy Prices

In this article long-term trends of the energy market are viewed not from the point of view of supply and demand balance, as it is usually done, but exclusively analyzing quotations. Particular attention is paid to coal prices, which have been traced since 1834. The main conclusion is that there isn’t any shortage of raw materials on the planet, and the tendency of refusing mineral fuel in favor of renewable sources, if it is manifested in quotations — it will happen only in several decades. Much more important for price dynamics are big cycles of the business situation, on the basis of which a long-term forecast is made.

Adaptability of the High-Tech Complex to Digital Challenges

#1. Event Horison
Adaptability of the High-Tech Complex to Digital Challenges

The plan of measures on implementing the program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” in the direction “Formation of research competencies and technological reserves” provides in 2018 elaboration of methodological approaches to development and implementation of strategies for digital transformation of enterprises. The world practice has accumulated an interesting, diverse experience of digital transformation, but Russia’s leadership potential in the world digital competition can be formed solely by developing independent, breakthrough approaches that will allow Russian industry not only to adopt successful experience of foreign partners, but also to put forward its competitive solutions and digital transformation tools. The proposed methodology for studying adaptability of Russia’s high-tech complex to realities of the digital economy can make a worthy contribution to forming competencies in the digital transformation of high-tech enterprises. The authors hope for an active and constructive dialogue with a wide range of experts in the interests of development and further improvement of this approach.

Program for Identifying Leaders in Holding Structures

#1. Event Horison
Program for Identifying Leaders in Holding Structures

Methodology and program for identifying leaders of labor collectives in big production structures was developed. Its approbation was carried out within the framework of «Concern VKO “Almaz-Antey”». Analysis of the obtained results is presented.

Influence of Progress in Science on the Understanding of the Notion of Homo Economicus

#1. Event Horison
Influence of Progress in Science on the Understanding of the Notion of Homo Economicus

From the perspective of modern physics, the article aims to describe the economic agent meeting the criteria of homo economicus today and to assess the possibility of creating an economic model with the features of this agent in mind.

Application of Software at the Enterprise While Forming the Budget

#1. Event Horison
Application of Software at the Enterprise While Forming the Budget

The article dwells on some budgeting processes in the industrial enterprise and the degree of participation of thematic units in this procedure, as well as makes a review of available software tools in terms of their functionality. The problematic issues of using existing software for preparing budgets are determined and indicative sections of the interface are presented.