The "Economic Strategies" journal


Digital Technologies of the Republic of Belarus: Multi-Service Platform For All Subscribers

#8. New Year’s Forces
Digital Technologies of the Republic of Belarus: Multi-Service Platform For All Subscribers

The Republic of Belarus today is on the threshold of global changes that will attract investments in the state economy and science from large world IT corporations. At the head of these innovations there is the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, one of the priority activities of which is the development of information and communication infrastructure in the republic, which is the basis for providing a wide range of services. Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus, Honored Communications Engineer of Belarus Sergei P. Popkov in his interview with the “ES” magazine told about development of the international cooperation of Belarus in the field of communication and information, changes and innovations in the telecommunications industry in Belarus, the impact of the burgeoning digital society on communication services.

Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

#8. New Year’s Forces
Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

The authors of the present article dwell on the main topics and forecasts of the telecommunications industry development that were dominant in 2017 in the world, as well as the situation on the Russian telecommunications market, and draw a conclusion that the situation on the telecommunications market is somewhat similar to the situation on the fronts of the First World war in 1917.

Digital Economy Infrastructure

#8. New Year’s Forces
Digital Economy Infrastructure

Building digital economy (DE) is a complex task. On this path, a number of directions require qualitative study, the absence of which (in any direction) can nullify all the positive results achieved in solving other issues, such as regulatory controls, staffing, organization and management, technological groundwork, etc. The author dwells only on one of such aspects — building the DE infrastructure.

The Aim and Nature of Post-Industrial War. Two “Ultimate” Strategic Subjects

#8. New Year’s Forces
The Aim and Nature of Post-Industrial War. Two “Ultimate” Strategic Subjects

On the basis of engineering and physical design, two “ultimate” subjects of strategic management are described, the conflict between which is the only sustainably reproducible factor in all armed collisions of the postindustrial society. The topological structure of the memory of dynamic awareness of both subjects is modeled as the prime cause of the ultimate incompatibility, and their identification was accomplished. The third, transitional stage between two “ultimate” subjects, known as “indigo”, is described. The causes of its evolutionary deadlock are investigated. Metatheoretical verification of results obtained on the basis of their comparison with the data of materialistic dialectics and philosophy of Edmund Husserl is made.

Trump as a Mirror of the World Revolution

#8. New Year’s Forces
Trump as a Mirror of the World Revolution

Trump’s personality and the events associated with him not for the first month excite the world. It was said so much that, it seems, there is nothing to add … except for the main thing — the real reasons for what is happening and a sound forecast for the future. The story with the “tops” and “bottoms” archived decades ago again becomes frighteningly real in all corners of our small world. There are more and more similarities…

Contours of the Concept of Developing Financial Cluster of the Russian Federation in the Long-Term Period

#8. New Year’s Forces
Contours of the Concept of Developing Financial Cluster of the Russian Federation in the Long-Term Period

Availability of a strong financial cluster is one of the key conditions for further economic growth of the Russian Federation. The purpose of its creation is to form conditions for protecting investors and providing efficiency, transparency and development of the national stock market and enhancing its international attractiveness. In this article, the author, having analyzed the world experience in establishing a financial center and working out its development concept, recommends to create an Agency for Financial Cluster (Center) Regulation or an Investment Agency. In turn, it is recommended for the agency to establish an international council as a consultative and advisory body. In such a situation, priority of the state policy should become the improvement of system-forming factors that have a long-term impact on forming the practice of financial institutions activity: the quality of state regulation; the quality of corporate legislation; availability of reliable and high-quality information, as well as free access to it; the level of development of the financial sector infrastructure, the level of trust and awareness of the public about financial sector services (financial literacy realization); training of professional personnel for financial market; improvement of accounting and taxation of financial market participants and financial instruments.

Eurasian Energy Civilization: Notes in the Margins

#8. New Year’s Forces
Eurasian Energy Civilization: Notes in the Margins

The peer-reviewed work “Eurasian Energy Civilization. To the Question of the “Energy of the Future””, prepared by a team of authors headed by Director General of the Institute of Energy Strategy, Professor V.V. Bushuyev, reflects the civilizational essence of the changes taking place today, based on power engineering as a system of civilization’s vital activity.

On the Nature of Corruption and Possibility of Its Suppression

#8. New Year’s Forces
On the Nature of Corruption and Possibility of Its Suppression

According to the authors, corruption, represents the negative of the integral socio-economic phenomenon, like a cancer eats away, in varying degrees, all the public system and the state. Without a radical reduction of corruption, all the most positive and effective socio-economic reforms are doomed to failure. The approach to corruption as a process occurring in the sociobiological hierarchical functional-professional man-made system of society gives you the opportunity to determine the most effective ways of suppressing this phenomenon. In fact, this is a deliberate, permanent and systematic struggle to achieve social dominance over biologiskai in the nature of modern man.