The "Economic Strategies" journal


Consolidating German Society and Right-Wing Radical Forces in Europe in the Conditions of Hitlerism

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Consolidating German Society and Right-Wing Radical Forces in Europe in the Conditions of Hitlerism

One of the most important tasks remains the need to understand why two processes were going at such a speed: coming to power in Germany of the NSDAP headed by Adolf Hitler and the subsequent consolidation around the National Socialists not only of a significant part of the German electorate but also of the right (first of all right-wing) forces in Europe and in the world as a whole.

Bretton Woods

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Bretton Woods

A lot has been written about the United Nations International Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton Woods. Let us dwell on a less well-known story. The author describes the events connected with the Soviet delegation’s participation in this conference, and about the circumstances of taking a decision on the USSR’s participation (or rather, non-participation) in the work of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development created at the conference.

Moral Economics

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Moral Economics

Today politicians, various experts and scholars from all the tribunes unanimously speak of the global systemic crisis that engulfed the entire civilized world and, of course, did not leave aside Russia, being an integral part of this world. More critical are becoming the search for an alternative to the existing world order, the shift of emphasis from satisfying the irrepressible appetites of global corporations to the individual’s interests with his quite understandable and sufficient needs. Here, the moral conduct of business or moral economy, ethical economy becomes a key global issue. The problems of economic ethics were raised and resolved throughout the whole history of the ethical teaching development . Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant and other thinkers expressed many ideas about the goals and values of economic life, but the first attempt to address these problems systematically was undertaken by German thinker Max Weber. In Russia the term “moral economy” was first introduced by the Soviet economist Alexander Chayanov and his colleagues. In the 1920s, they proved that the family-labor economy, characteristic of Russia, was aimed not at making a profit, but at providing livelihood for its members. To what extent it is important to raise ethical issues in business, and how the ethical economy today can help the world in general, and Russia in particular to overcome the current situation – this is what we are talking about today with our guest, founder and head of the social network, professor of the Basel University Christoph Stuckelberger.

Integrated Reporting Should Work for Everybody

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Integrated Reporting Should Work for Everybody

Today a new management tool is gaining worldwide popularity – integrated reporting. What is the difference between integrated reporting and ordinary corporate reporting? How is it related to integrated thinking? What companies have got the need for it? What are the advantages of using it and what are the difficulties? Henning Drager, Head of the Business Networks Department of the International Council on Integrated Reporting (ICIR), certified specialist in the field of sustainable development and rational use of natural resources dwelled on these and many other issues in his interview with “ES” magazine.

Effective Risk Management Strategy as a Basis for Economic Security of a Bank

#3. Attraction of Diversity
Effective Risk Management Strategy as a Basis for Economic Security of a Bank

This article discusses development of a strategy for banking risks management, aimed at ensuring the economic security of a bank in the current economic conditions. Banks influence functioning of large enterprises, whose successful operation provides the country’s economic security.

On Some Features of Forming the Enterprise Management System Within an Integrated Economic System

#3. Attraction of Diversity
On Some Features of Forming the Enterprise Management System Within an Integrated Economic System

Modern foreign policy and external economic situation raise the need for forming an internal integrated economic system (IES). The basic parts (enterprises) constitute the basis of the IES, and the integral efficiency of the IES functioning largely depends on the methodology of forming the system for their internal management. The article dwells on the factors that influence formation of the internal system of the enterprise management. The authors conclude that the basis for creating an optimal internal management system is the effective resolution of a natural-technological contradiction, which requires classification of enterprises by production-technological feature. This classification allows to establish the optimal ratio and practical forms of implementing the principles of centralism and democracy in the enterprise management. The possibility of realizing the principle of democratic centralism on the basis of organizing internal contractual relations in the form of “horizontal” and “vertical” contracts is considered. The article shows the possible influence of the system of internal contractual relations on the efficiency of the enterprise’s functioning and the cardinal growth of the quality of the goods produced.

Only Equal Market Conditions will Open the Way to Real Integration of Economies

#2. Alliance Great
Only Equal Market Conditions will Open the Way to Real Integration of Economies

“Whatever problems arise in the process of searching for common approaches in the current agenda of the Union construction, there won’t be any landslide processes”, said the Chairman of the Representatives’ Chamber of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, First Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia Vladimir Pavlovich Andreichenko. “Our countries have created such cooperation mechanisms that allow them to solve effectively all the problems”. In his interview to the “Economic Strategies” magazine he dwells on the above.

Union of Capitals

#2. Alliance Great
Union of Capitals

The Russian-Belarusian relations in early 2017 have revealed a cascade of increasing conflicts and claims — these include the unresolved problems in the oil and gas sector between Russia and Belarus, the decelerated movement for providing Belarusian products with the status of “national” in the Russian market, claims to Russia on the EAEU sites… “Economic Strategies” magazine in its special issue makes an attempt to change this background and in the interview with Anatoly Gennadievich Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Markets — to identify the facets of Belarusian-Russian cooperation in a constructive way.

The Strategic Goal is to Completely Restore Confidence in the National Currency Unit

#2. Alliance Great
The Strategic Goal is to Completely Restore Confidence in the National Currency Unit

In 2017, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus will keep a balanced monetary policy, the main goal of which is to reduce inflation to an unambiguous level — non higher than 9 percent, and will continue to implement systemic measures for ensuring financial stability, including through a number of initiatives aimed at reducing the problematic debt of banks, reduction of directive lending, creation of conditions for accelerated development of non-banking segments of the financial market. Activities of the National Bank of Belarus aimed at ensuring macroeconomic balance, implementation of a number of important changes in the field of monetary and foreign exchange policy, the way the bank manages market risks in the current economic situation were discussed by the Board Chairman of the National Bank of the Belarus Republic Pavel Vladimirovich Kallaur in his interview with the “ES” magazine.