The "Economic Strategies" journal


Safety is the Highest Priority for the Nuclear Industry

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Safety is the Highest Priority for the Nuclear Industry

“The annual report is an effective mechanism for building trust between the company and the parties concerned. We are actively working in foreign markets, lately the range of stakeholders has significantly expanded, rersulting in raising requirements for public reporting”, said Valery Igorevich Limarenko, president of the ASE Group of Companies, doctor of economics. In an interview with the “ES” magazine he told about successes and achievements in modern nuclear power plants designing, as well as about peculiarities of a full-fledged project risk management system.

International Energy Hubs: New Strategic Model of Integrating Russian Energy Companies in the Global Economy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
International Energy Hubs: New Strategic Model of Integrating Russian Energy Companies in the Global Economy

One of the major goals of political and economic sanctions, imposed on Russia in post-Crimean period, is an attempt of Western geostrategic players to intercept the trade and financial flows between Russia and the countries importing energy and raw resources of Russian or transit origin. These flows are the basis of economic, political and social well-being of Russia. Under extremely severe change of external economic conditions of the Russian energy companies activities an urgent development of a new strategy for their integration into the world economy is required. Such a strategy should be based on the organizational model of the space-stream arrangements and interaction of Russian energy companies, which could be implemented in the most effective way based on the concept of forming energy hubs abroad as a kind of energy infrastructure nodes combining different business profiles of Russian economic agents activities.

Through a Magic Crystal

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Through a Magic Crystal

At the end of 2016, the 1st Russian crystallographic congress “From convergence of sciences to nature-friendly technologies” was held in Moscow. It was organized by the Russian National Committee for Crystallography, the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” and the Federal Research Center “Crystallography and Photonics” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chairman of the Congress, President of the Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, the RAS Corresponding Member M.V. Kovalchuk believes that development of science-intensive technologies today is possible only on the basis of crystallography. What kind of science it is and what it gives to our country — the issues discussed with Mikhail Valentinovich.

The Mechanism of Formation of the Development Priorities of Fundamental Scientific Researches

#4. Monument up to the Sky
The Mechanism of Formation of the Development Priorities of Fundamental Scientific Researches

Developed the main provisions of the mechanism of formation of development priorities fundamental research as an integral part of the strategic planning system in science. Submitted by provisions and procedures provide for the selection of shortand medium-term priorities fundamental research based on the needs of science, subjects’ ability to influence the strategic socio-economic objectives. Developed an approach to identifying long-term priorities of fundamental scientific research. Proposals to ensure a real susceptibility sector of the economy to the results of scientific and technological activities.

New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

The paper presents an original interpretation of both economy at large and current economic reality, fraud with dramatic changes which may entail the transformation of economy into post-economy or technomy. The author views the economy as a value-driven phenomenon of active consciousness within which it is implemented accepting specific digital (monetary) expression. The author argues that at the basis of any economic organization lies the notion of ‘creating chaos’ which, thanks to consciousness as synergy attractor, constantly generates a certain economic order, chaosmos, overcoming initial chaos but not attaining sustainable order of cosmic character. The economy is chronically changeable either towards growth and development or towards decline and stagnation. Here the negentropy is combined with entropy, thus reflecting the apocalyptic nature of economy, where crisis is a natural anomaly. Overall economic self-organization, or self-governing, is necessarily coupled with assertive selective organization, or management (various forms of dirigizm). In general, the organization of economy is not only diversified, but also is much more large-scale than economy itself; it is bound to be supported by an external organization, mainly not economic one but institutional, legal, governmental, political, etc. Managerial ecology of economy implies taking into consideration the importance of economic self-governance through dirigizm; managing the economy is only possible on the basis of self-governnance combined with economic freedom. Massive introduction of computing and analytical devices in economic processes creates an opportunity not only for greater administrative efficiency in the economy but also for the replacement of economic organization proper (homo-socio-value type) with non-economic technotronic organization, and of the economy with technomy. Hence, there exist a probability of transgressive revolution in the economy and then in the society. Presently, world economy, undergoing overall qualitative and organizational crisis, is on the brink of transition from uni-centered global type to the poly-centered integrated one, which, in turn, will put an end to the dominance of the US dollar, the Wall Street, the USA and the West.

Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric

The increasing role of artificial intelligence, fusion of robotics with industry and business, introduction of “Internet of things” into automated production have resulted in the fourth industrial revolution. The progressive countries have witnessed qualitative changes in life. But Industry 4.0 is only part of a more global process. Today, the Japanese government speaks about the birth of a superintellectual society — Society 5.0. How the new level of digital opportunities is perceived in Japan and in the world — this is covered in the interview to Alexander Ageev by Uemura Noritsugu, Government & External Relation Div. Senior General Manager at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

New Architecture of Digital Economy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Architecture of Digital Economy

Digital economy has become a key trend in building a modern information society, including e-governments, knowledge management, FinTech, industrialization 4.0, clusters, ecosystems, and the like. It offers new fundamental changes in all disciplines and industries. Today the chaotic creation of separate fragmentary software products of the Internet of Things is growing uncontrollably and avalanche-like. Such software products depending on the performer’s tastes or on the customer’s requirements are written in various ways, with various development tools, with various DBMS, GIS, CAD/CAM and other common software. Traditional cybernetics has outlived itself and is dying. At the conceptual level the IT leaders are exhausted. The article proposes a new paradigm and a network GGG-architecture for implementing the instrumental infrastructure of a collective balanced digital economy.

“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

#4. Monument up to the Sky
“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

Information economy is forcing management to redefine drastically the business models of managerial decision making by leveraging the aspects of interdependence and mutual influence of business and information technology and systems. Such interaction, known as the concept of enterprise architecture (EA) in the international practice, opens up new possibilities for an effective strategy of the enterprise. The article analyzes the conceptual framework of EA and considers the tools and the technology of its deployment.

Mechanisms of Social Processes Self-Organization

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Mechanisms of Social Processes Self-Organization

One of the aims of the present article is an attempt to reveal self-organization mechanisms of complex social processes. The authors explain the main reasons for genesis of processes and events coherence in the social space of society. The examples show generality of the order emergence regularities as a result of the chaos self-organization in physical and social reality. On the other hand, significant differences between complex dynamic processes and events in physical and social reality are also described. All the basic concepts are formalized, self-organization mechanisms are presented at the level of technological processes. Proposed systemic approach assumes the possibility of using the obtained results in socio-engineering and other complex measures in order to provide social, legal and information security of society. Obtained results can also enter into one of the sections of scientific, practical and theoretical basis of sociology.

Choosing Singularity

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Choosing Singularity

The article continues the cycle of works dedicated to the social system transition into a new qualitative state — from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, where the moral-ethical characteristics of people will be the factor determining its further development and functioning. The authors postulate that “singularity” like a “vertical” on a well-known graph of the phase transitions distribution of A.D. Panov is attributable not only to biological and technical development of civilization — “technical singularity”, how it seems to ideologists of transhumanism, but namely to “moral singularity”. Moral and ethical properties, “worked out” by mankind in the course of historical process, have an even higher level of complexity than technical ones, therefore they are the leading factor in the further systemogenetic development of our space-time continuum. Aspiration of the transhumanism ideologists to represent singularity as a result of purely technical progress is an attempt to camouflage due to various information campaigns the destructive “concept”, which somehow manifests itself in the continuum of nonspecific activity results — in destruction of social structures and stagnation of social processes, in blocking the begun phase transition (moral singularity).