The "Economic Strategies" journal

#2. Alliance Great
2017 #2. Alliance Great

A View in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction. Marxist’s Interpretation in the Pre-October 1917 Period

#2. Alliance Great
A View in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction. Marxist’s Interpretation in the Pre-October 1917 Period

The following two lectures of the series on the role of State in the economy (see ES–2016, N 2, 3, 4) deal with Concepts of the founders of Marxism and their adepts respectively, in the pre-October 1917 and the post-October period on the directions, methods and goals of the State economic policy towards the building of so-called communist society. I identify the vector of economic thought in a separate section due to significant influence that Marxism and Leninism ideas had impinged on the Economics and Politics. A rising tide of interest in the Marxist ideas in some social strata and countries nowadays is due to a slowdown in the global economy and to the aggravation of socio-economic problems. The Marxist views analysis of the State’s attitude towards entrepreneurship is needed to identify the roots of the tragic events that occurred in the twentieth century, and which mark the centenary in 2017.

Juvenile Justice Paradox

#2. Alliance Great
Juvenile Justice Paradox

In the proposed article, the authors state inconsistency between the juvenile justice system in contemporary Russia and the population needs. To explain this phenomenon, the authors make a brief historical digression and trace the transformation of traditional family into the nuclear one, alongside with changes in the structure of individual’s needs, conditioned by technological progress. The authors analyze the role of the state in the said process, which, according to the authors, contributes to erosion and destruction of the traditional family values, stimulates decrease in the birth rate among the indigenous population and, at the same time, its increase among migrants, where the values of traditional family continue to dominate due to historical conditions. According to the authors, erosion and transformation of the values of a traditional family and its death as such is just as inevitable as scientific and technological progress. Solution of the problem seems to be in humanizing juvenile justice system and bringing its practice in conformity with the population mentality.

Dividend Policy of State Corporations: Agency Conflict

#2. Alliance Great
Dividend Policy of State Corporations: Agency Conflict

The article examines how the dividend policy provokes or smoothes potential or open conflicts of interests of private investors, the state and the state corporations management. The slogan of today — “50% of profit — in dividends” — would not be so terrible for a private investor, if there were no problems with calculating this very profit. Should the profit be counted according to IFRS or RAS? What adjustments should be applied to accounting profit? Should the profit in the group of companies be calculated according to the consolidated reporting or to the reporting of the parent company? How to take into account the investment program: again lobbying or algorithm, mandatory for all? Besides, the article examines other issues of corporate governance: how to attract private investors to participate in the state corporations capital and how to ensure their interests; what should be the participation of private investors in corporate governance; what should be KPI of the dividend policy and dividend policy as a motivation factor for top management.

New State Planning Committee

#2. Alliance Great
New State Planning Committee

In article mistakes of “the generalized government” on an interval of 2008 – 2016 are considered. It is claimed that they have system character owing to gross blunders in a design of an economic mechanism and incompetence of the head of the government. The conclusion is drawn that local measures it is impossible to change negative tendencies. Change of a control system of economy and creation of a new State Planning Committee is necessary. At the same time the market relations and the relations of property shouldn’t be broken. The designs regulating and planning development of the national economy in the economic developed countries exist for a long time and we need to use their experience only. Specially selected group of scientists, but not the government has to be engaged in reform.