The "Economic Strategies" journal


Under the Supervision of Rostekhnadzor

#4. Window of Opportunities
Under the Supervision of Rostekhnadzor

Creating a remote monitoring system for dangerous or potentially dangerous objects in order to provide security will become a priority for companies and research institutions in the next few years. Rostekhnadzor is carrying out activities to create a system of remote monitoring of technological processes in dangerous production facilities with the use of modern telemetric facilities, information and communication technologies. In his interview with the chief editor of the “Economic strategies” magazine Alexander Ageev the State Secretary – Deputy Head of Rostekhnadzor Alexander Rybas told about the possibilities of not only qualitatively predict accidents, but also to make recommendations with regard to changing operational risks, about experts certification in the field of industrial safety.

National Models of the Defense Industry Strategic Development: International Experience and National Practice

#4. Window of Opportunities
National Models of the Defense Industry Strategic Development: International Experience and National Practice

The article presents comparative analysis results of national models of the defense industry strategic development in the United States, Western Europe and China. It examines the influence of the national mentality, national business culture and existing business traditions in the countries under consideration on integration processes development in the defense industry, organizational forms applied and mechanisms. The article dwells on characteristics of the civil-military integration mechanisms, public-private partnerships and inter-ethnic cooperation, reveals features of their implementation in different countries of the world. It presents conclusions on the possibility of adapting the advanced foreign experience to domestic practice of strategic management of the defense industry development.

War as a War of Meanings

#4. Window of Opportunities
War as a War of Meanings

What meanings of being, system of values and morality can confront Russia today and tomorrow as the basis of a future war? The article provides a brief analysis of geopolitical projects for superethnoses, forming the basis of leading contemporary civilizations.

The Concept of a Just War in the Context of Forming Warfare National Ethics

#4. Window of Opportunities
The Concept of a Just War in the Context of Forming Warfare National Ethics

Ideological and theoretical justification of violence and its extreme form — the war — has a solid philosophical and political base. Nevertheless, this question becomes especially acute nowadays. Not least due to the fact that a substantial segment of the confrontation is shifting into the sphere of ideological and political warfare — war of meanings aimed at suppressing the enemy’s will to resist. Wars of the so-called fourth generation are asymmetric and hybrid ones, wars of “everybody against everyone”, in conditions of losing monopoly on violence by state institutions and increasing the power of non-state and mixed (public-private) paramilitary systems will require re-interpretation of the concepts of justice and war sacredness.

Metaphysics of Violence

#4. Window of Opportunities
Metaphysics of Violence

The article analyzes metaphysical aspects of violence on the basis of three theses. 1. Metaphysics of violence. Violence in today’s world acts as an end in itself and its volumes grow towards the apocalypse. 2. Physics of violence. Violence is used by the state and its institutions as a means of positivity. 3. Wisdom of violence. Philosophy of economy and Russian sophianic philosophy are seeking the ways of transforming violence into meaningful, educational, training, cultural forms of human behavior determination, into the social structures of justice.

Reduction of Investments — the Death of the Economy, Investment Growth — its Salvation

#4. Window of Opportunities
Reduction of Investments — the Death of the Economy, Investment Growth — its Salvation

Particularly hampered is the economic growth without investment in industries with obsolete fixed assets where it is always necessary to replace or overhaul equipment and units, where it is necessary to create new capacities for expanding production and mastering new, best-selling products.

IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

#4. Window of Opportunities
IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

On the example of IBM strategies it is possible to look at the information revolution and to understand what drives the modern IT and what future these technologies are preparing for us. The article identifies relationships and the impact of the latest military developments on the IT development vector. One of the main conclusions: the information society should be seen metaphorically as an iceberg. First of all, we see only the tip of an iceberg, and the submarine part remains outside our focus area. Secondly, isn’t the modern society a sort of “Titanic” rushing toward the iceberg? But not everything is so bad. In principle there are possibilities to control the development movement and to choose the own course in order not to endure catastrophe from a collision with an underwater part of the iceberg. There is one way out, and it is evident in many respects. It is necessary to use the self-preservation and survival instinct. And our actions should be dominated by strategic thinking and foresight. Otherwise, society will get the shackles of the “digital slavery” from information owners of the world. One must not lose mind, sovereignty and the right to think. One should not go on about the puppeteers and deceivers — who will outwit or replay someone. Now decisive became the factor — who will strongly, elastically and with a margin do a great deal of thinking.

Economic Growth of Rapidly Changing Economy. Development Strategy

#4. Window of Opportunities
Economic Growth of Rapidly Changing Economy. Development Strategy

The article dwells on the problem of economic growth organization in the world economic system, as well as the question of implementing the catch-up and outstripping development strategies for countries lagging behind in development. The author gives a simple model of the system economic growth and demonstrates the major factors determining the development strategy. The author substantiates an adequate strategy of advanced development in Russia, taking into account global changes, structural changes, technological regimes (trajectories) of development, carries out an empirical analysis of economic growth results from 1961 to 2012 inclusive. The idea of the factor productivity evaluation is fundamental in the framework of modern theories of economic growth. Yet the structural parameters of the economic system, institutions and technological changes, though the latter are reflected in the changing parameters of the production function, practically are not taken into account in the framework of the known approaches. However, the ratio of structural elements, on the one hand, defines the future value of an aggregated factors productivity, and on the other — has a strong effect on the rate of economic growth and on the mode of its innovative dynamics. Introduction of the economic system’s structural parameters into growth models with the possibility to evaluate such regimes in terms of interaction of old and new combinations represents a significant step in evolution of the economic growth (development) theory. It allows to form a policy of stimulating economic growth based on structural relations and ties, identified for this economic system. It is most convenient in obtaining such models to take advantage of logistics functions, representing a resource modification for the old and the new combinations within the economic system. Result of the economy development depends on the initial conditions, as well as on the institutional parameters of changes in the resource borrowing rates in favor of a new combination and creating its proper resource. Resource formalization in a model is carried out through the idea of investing into new and old combinations.

System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

#4. Window of Opportunities
System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

The paper examines in detail the system designs of the global oil and oil products market based on accomplishing a series of preconditions for a global competition compliance (for example, by such indicator as the price-quality of oil and oil products), to which the following compliances can be attributed: the existence of the great number of independent oil producer, as well as producers, suppliers and consumers of petroleum products, the possibility of a free trade of the productive forces (logistics) and oil products produced with the help of such forces. The productive forces include the broad paradigm of activities related not only to mining and processing of oil resources, but also to their transportation through pipelines and marine large vessels. It is also necessary to include here the independence of business entities; uniformity, comparability of oil and oil products; availability of access to objective information about the market.