The "Economic Strategies" journal

#7. Hysteresis Loop
2016 #7. Hysteresis Loop

Towards a Theory of Managing the Social Space Transformation

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Towards a Theory of Managing the Social Space Transformation

The author defines the basic concepts of the problem area, the opportunities and the need to manage transformation of the Russian social space. He formulates the probable general and other objectives of managing social space transformation, defines objects and subjects of management. He identifies five main areas of the social space transformation, for each of which specific objectives are formulated.

Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

The paper studies the dangerous phenomenon of institutional dehumanization that leads to social destruction and stagnation in social development, to blocking the ways of its further historical development. Targeted impact on a person from meta-level of a systemic organization through a global digital platform allows to distort imperceptibly the structure of his needs, which leads to the loss by individuals of empathy and of possibility to implement activities within social and state construction. Institutional dehumanization is characterized by manifestations of terrifying violence, various forms of deviant and delinquent behavior. That is why, it is used as the main chaosintroducing component of the hybrid wars allowing imperceptibly to destroy the sovereignty of state formations, depriving them of the possibility to maintain their original concept and implement accumulation of their own unique ways of existence, state system, culture and science, management structure, as well as their individual and unique mental constructions serving as a model unifying results of socially significant activities. The antidote to dehumanization can become the state support in developing higher moral and ethical needs of the population as dominating in the hierarchy of an individual and society.

Synchronizing Subject Areas of Communicants in the Process of Dialogue

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Synchronizing Subject Areas of Communicants in the Process of Dialogue

The paper presents the problems of the world modeling by a man and coordination of meanings between different people in the process of communication. The model of the world (as well as the subject field model) consists of three components: the language one and two multimodal — individual and socialized. The world model of every human being is a unique structure and, despite some their similarity for members of the same society, requires constant synchronization during communication of people, which is realized in the process of dialogue. In addition to information mechanism (synchronization by key concepts of subject areas) intentional mechanism (determination) is involved in the dialogue, and this mechanism is realized through personalities of communicating subjects. The work of these mechanisms is disclosed through the example of collective activity and the quality of communication literacy. Communication literacy of people, as shown in the work, essentially depends on the linguistic component, i.e. on the ability to work with text in a natural language. This means any person himself should be able to write qualitatively and work with meanings, as well as to understand meaning of texts written by others. It is especially important in the context of wide spread of different network structures on IT and telecom platforms (from social and expert networks of “collective intelligence” to instant messaging networks).

Economic Uncertainty — the Main Obstacle to Further Growth

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Economic Uncertainty — the Main Obstacle to Further Growth

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the January – August 2016 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.

It is Possible to Turn Back the Time

#7. Hysteresis Loop
It is Possible to Turn Back the Time

A graduate of Bauman Moscow State Technical University MSTU, a successful businessman, co-owner of “Antares” group of companies Dmitry Pavlov has for many years been investing the earned money in … science, considering himself first of all a scientist. One of his latest projects — mini science city near Murom, which regularly hosts scientific conferences, physico-mathematical schools for talented youth, seminars and lectures of prominent Russian and foreign scientists. But as his main project D.​Pavlov considers to be the private Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics, working in Fryazino near Moscow, which he founded and is heading. Aims and objectives of the institute are very audacious, no less than to change our ideas about the world in which we live and to expand qualitatively the possibilities of humanity.

State Support of Investment Projects in Industry by the Program of Project Financing

#7. Hysteresis Loop
State Support of Investment Projects in Industry by the Program of Project Financing

Given the recent economic situation in Russia, occurred due to the fall in oil prices and sanctions restrictions it can be concluded that in the foreseeable future, most of Russia’s budget revenues will amount to non-oil revenues. In this connection it is necessary to create conditions for improving competitiveness of the domestic industry and its diversification. This problem cannot be solved without government assistance. The article discusses one of the most important measures of the state support for industrial investment projects implementation — Projects Financing Program (RF Government Resolution of October 11, 2014 № 1044). The article presents detailed specifications, conditions, advantages and disadvantages, as well as results of the Projects Financing Program functioning in 2015. Special attention is paid to describing selection procedures of investment projects and principals with timelines and performance characteristics of each of its stages. Based on the analysis of key aspects of projects selection and funding within the Projects Financing Program a number of recommendations for stakeholders of this process is formulated.

On Some Fundamentals of an Integrated Economic System Forming and Functioning

#7. Hysteresis Loop
On Some Fundamentals of an Integrated Economic System Forming and Functioning

The article dwells on some issues of forming an integrated economic system (IES) on the basis of its fundamental structural and hierarchical parts, combined by vertical and horizontal connections. Integrity conditions both of basic parts and the system as a whole on the basis of solving the basic socio-economic and structureforming contradictions are formulated. The article describes some cases of social and economic strains, leading to disruption of the system integrity. Possible goals and objectives, which can be put before IES and solved by it, are proposed.

The System Approach to Forming Objectives in the Development of Power Sales Organization’s Strategic Program

#7. Hysteresis Loop
The System Approach to Forming Objectives in the Development of Power Sales Organization’s Strategic Program

The article emphasizes the relevance of developing economic and mathematical tools based on a systemic approach and allowing to evaluate the objectives consistency of energy sales organizations (ESO) with the objectives of electric power industry in the process of strategic programs development. The paper considers the available methodological basis in the field of systemic research in the energy sector, on the basis of which co-ordination was selected as the most appropriate method for addressing questions of coordinating industry objectives with those of its subjects. The proposed structural model for assessing consistency of industry goals with the ESO’s goals comprises objectives of different levels: formation of energy-efficient economy; objectives of the state economic policy in the energy sector; electric power industry objectives; goals of a power sales organization. Its application will reduce contradictions in the ESO’s interaction with other subjects of electric power industry.
