Development of Undesirable Trend
Strategic potential rating of Russian appraisal companies in 2015.
Strategic potential rating of Russian appraisal companies in 2015.
Until recently, the work executors for the cadastral value definition were chosen not by the level of professionalism, but according to the principle of “who is faster and who is cheaper”.
In case of legislative recognition of these novelties the process of cadastral estimation results contesting will become truly effective and professional institute in the system of real estate taxation.
Today the cadastral value contesting is one of the leading activities for appraisal companies.
In our practice there were often situations when exactly the active position of appraiser in defending his professional judgment helped to fundamentally change the course of business and to achieve positive solution.
Achievements of sovereign Kazakhstan entered the world history in close connection with the name of its President N.A. Nazarbayev. Exactly Nursultan Nazarbayev played the role of an architect of the new independent state. In his interview with A.I. Ageev, the chief editor of the “Economic Strategies” magazine, the doctor of economic sciences, the doctor of political sciences, the author of several scientific papers and publications on the Eurasian economic integration, Kazakh-Russian relations and the history of modern diplomacy Tair Mansurov told about the depth and significance of the ambitious goals set up and strategic objectives achieved, about his book “Nursultan Nazarbayev”, the nuances of the Eurasian countries integration, the key tools of the Eurasian project realization. T.A. Mansurov was awarded the prize “Man of the Year – 2015” by the Russian Biographical Institute for scientific research and development in the sphere of modern Eurasian integration.
The review of the book “Nursultan Nazarbayev”, writhing by T.A. Mansurov and V.F. Mikhaylov published by Young Guard publishing house in 2015.
Balancing between strong European states, the peripheral Russia tried to secure its economic development and not to slide down to the status of a semi-colonial country.
The article presents a comparative analysis of intellectual environment, creative development and the literary activity results of two writers of the early twentieth century, who depicted the last days of their epoch in their works, — I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin, binded by long-term friendship.
The article presents an original concept of the economy structural development. As methodology is used the concept of cluster development, worked out by the author, and the principle of subsidiarity, which gets a new interpretation in the framework of this concept. Analyzing structural development of the property management system, the author shows that structural development of the economy is associated with transition from property management models, based either on the unified property mobilization (public ownership and state management) or on the specified property mobilization (individual-public property, private property) to models based on cluster-oriented, unified-specified property mobilization. The article proves that transition from the current hierarchical property cluster to subsidiarycluster property mobilization is the main condition for sustainable economic growth.