The "Economic Strategies" journal

#10. Russia Concentrates?
2014 #10. Russia Concentrates?

Correct Bird Poultry of “Akashevskaya” Poultry Farm

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Correct Bird Poultry of “Akashevskaya” Poultry Farm

The theme of the food embargo does not cease… But generally speaking there is no reason to panic, especially when real success of the Russian manufacturers is evident. Today agricultural holding “Akashevo” is among the five largest enterprises in Russia for production of poultry meat. How the poultry giant is developing, how it manages to win the battle for the consumer — all these was described in the article by commercial director of CJSC Poultry farm “Akashevskaya”, winner of the international award “Person of the Year 2014” Sergey Bilan.

Intellectual Nature as the Basis of the Intellectual Property Institute

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Intellectual Nature as the Basis of the Intellectual Property Institute

Chaotic development of modern society, where the number of new risk factors is constantly and rapidly growing, by many scientists is estimated and predicted as a way to disaster, self-destruction. The concepts of humanity, society or social medium don’t have any scientific fundamentals, so the development vector of these forms is not clear. Perception of humanity is qualitatively changing if it is regarded as the third nature after the inanimate — astrophysics and live — biological. Intellectual nature has evolutionary arisen from biological one due to successful competition of a man with other human animal bodies. Among other organisms a human being turned out to be the most versatile and multifunctional. The same universalism is the major competitive advantage also within the intellectual nature. The article predicts the consequences of introducing the concept and phenomenon of “intellectual nature” into scientific circulation. In this direction Russia could become the world leader and efficiently develop progress in social, technical and fundamental scientific knowledge.

Regulation of Various Economic Activities in the Sixth Technological Revolution Era

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Regulation of Various Economic Activities in the Sixth Technological Revolution Era

Regulators (which may be state agencies as well as private companies) are the important tool for organizing different kinds of effective economic activity both in a given country and around the world. They carry out actions aimed at specific objects of economic activity, such as production of various types of material or information goods. At that material wealth is characteristic for the previous and the current technological civilization; over the past 300 years they have served as indicators of economic development or decline during the previous technological revolutions. With the onset of the current crisis and the new sixth wave of technological development these indicators have become insufficient.

Capital Concentration and Centralization. Similarities, Differences, Economic Importance

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Capital Concentration and Centralization. Similarities, Differences, Economic Importance

In today’s world a profit of certain companies is constantly changing, their mergers or acquisitions are very often. But is it possible to predict these indicators’ behavior or at least to explain how they work behindhand? The answer to this question is related to the capital concentration and centralization concepts and to the corresponding theoretical apparatus developed by Karl Marx. But how does this apparatus work in real life, are all its prerequisites to be performed, are there any factors that it does not consider? Or maybe this whole theory is worth no more than the paper on which it was written? The answers to all these questions constitute the contents of this essay. Thus, the paper considers practical application of Marx’s theoretical theses on capital concentration and centralization.