Outline of the Russian Ruble Internationalization Strategy
To improve the market competitiveness of the ruble we will have to form its international reputation.
To improve the market competitiveness of the ruble we will have to form its international reputation.
What events became the most significant in the past 2012? How can one see Russia in the current year 2013?
Winners of the Institute for Economic Strategies anneal program “Characters of the century” in 2012 found their own way of will and civic awareness manifestation, adequate to the environment threats and risks, their personal and managerial response. They became one more step, one more year closer to the possibility to manage environment and to form independently favorable circumstances of their life and work.
Many events became an unpleasant surprise, they pulled off the veil of illusions from the eyes: these were inactivity of authorities during the disaster in Krymsk and corruption scandals, which spilled through the country one after another, and the revealed ineffectiveness of many higher education institutions.
By the end of 2012 it has become obvious that Russian economy began a gradual slide into stagnation.
For the next 2-3 months (March, April and May) the dynamics of Brent crude oil price quatations will decrease.