The "Economic Strategies" journal


Property in a New Way

#4. Handful of Developments

Today the business has got very limited investment opportunities, and this hinders technical modernization of enterprises, teaching and training of personnel, preservation and increase of intellectual property, the restoration of competencies in those industries that were plundered and lost in the 1990’s.

One SRO — One Vote

#4. Handful of Developments

The single principle: I’m paying you a membership fee, and you do not disturb me, forget about my existence and do not interfere with my live. In this situation, one cannot speak about changes.

Current Issues of Appraisal

#4. Handful of Developments

Official data on the deals have always been and are still remaining “cunning figures”, and without checks and adjustments remain as such, becoming only “officially cunning”.

Qualimetry Formation: Riddles of Recognition or Regularity of Development?

#4. Handful of Developments

Qualimetry continues to fight “for a place under the sun” in the world science. One consequence of this was unpleasant for domestic researchers phenomenon – some Russian and foreign authors attempt to contest the necessity and usefulness of qualimetry and sometimes even question the priority of Russian scientists in its substantiation.

Tools of Successful Values Transformation in Responsible Business

#5. Cultural Revolution

How can society, government, business and citizens create conditions for the needed radical transformations to take place in economy, business, politics, civil society and culture based on credible and common values? The answer to this question were given at the Global Ethics Forum, held in Geneva on June 28-30, 2012.