The "Economic Strategies" journal


Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#6. Truth and force

The struggle for the role of successor was held between Gorbachev, who at that time represented the party apparatus, and Romanov, who was supervising the military-industrial complex. Romanov lost, as most of the “Kremlin elders” did not want to strengthen the defense industry: the country was already enough militarized. Moderate reformers were required and Gorbachev seemed to be just like this.

World on the Verge of Social Explosion

#5. Constants Instability

No new world order exists. But complete disorder exists. Those at the bottom of the social ladder think that up there above, there are normal people. They are not. The people above are crazy, mutants that have lost sound logic. They unconsciously commit a suicide, they have no culture, they are alien to the idea of solidarity, they do not feel the residents of our planet.

Neoliberalism – the Brake of Modernization. The Russian Experience

#5. Constants Instability

Modernization of the economy requires a major investment. A lot of money and monetary resources accumulated by the state and private business should not leak abroad, should not deaden in unjustified reserves, should not be used for exchange speculations and be wasted for ostentatious luxury and merchants excesses, but should be directed at augmenting the real country’s productive forces, its capital stock, in other words, should be turned into investment.

Deputy’s Revelations

#5. Constants Instability

 I would like intelligence and decency to return to Russia. But to make it happen, it is necessary to pass a very  long way, achievements of the national economy are not enough here. Today the so-called lost generation is growing in the country, that laughs at the name of Beethoven. These are unfortunate, God offended people who do not understand what they have lost in life. Television is sufficient for them.