World Energy Sector — Objective Laws of Global Development
This transition process will last almost till the end of the ХХI century and will be connected with elimination of one of the energy resources — oil or coal — out of the energy turnover
This transition process will last almost till the end of the ХХI century and will be connected with elimination of one of the energy resources — oil or coal — out of the energy turnover
In order that the subject of cluster may become a customer of works for shaping a strategy, at least two things are required – the subject of cluster must be aware of its problems and challenges; the subject of cluster must have necessary resources to attract qualified management consulting specialists
Alternative neuro-semantic technologies of the Russian design should be also present in the market of innovations alongside with traditional software tools
Alexander Ageev’s opening remarks.
During preparation of a manager it is necessary not only to give him the required knowledge on the subject, but also to form relevant attitude to business and colleagues
Code of the market – is an integral part of the code of life, crossing of the coordinate system “space – time – life”
History doesn’t know subjunctive mood and the accomplished cannot be changed. But 20 years ago the country could choose the different path. And then, when the feeling that we lost the way was intensifying, it was not late to get back on the right track. The Russians, as is known, are strong hindsight. But this time it refused us, and we were stubbornly walking toward our death, not willing to learn from own mistakes committed/wp-content/mag_archive/?mid=109&cid=2544#article_2544Gaidar, market-oriented reforms, Gorbachev, shock therapy, privatization methods.
No major cause in the time of V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev was completed, no major affair had a large economic effect.
Unsaturation of the economy with money and dependence on foreign money demand led to the creation in the Russian Federation (in 1995 – 2008) of one of the most risky in the world models of financial market – a speculative model
Methodology and theory of synergetics has a number of the strongest benefits that promote formation of a proper level of competence of the innovative personnel, including systematic approach and management of self-organizing systems, divergencies and changes