The "Economic Strategies" journal


Whirlwinds of Global Risks and Strategy of Russia’s Development. Futurological Essays “Forecasting of emergency situations in Russia and the world”

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

 December 9, 2010 the Russian Academy of Sciences held the tenth anniversary session of the Global Strategic Forum on the topic “Whirlwinds of global risks and strategy of Russia’s development”. The third block of the forum – futurological essays “Forecasting of emergency situations in Russia and the world” – was devoted to problems of natural disasters control and crime fighting. Information and psychological pressure on humans as a factor of emergency situations was also discussed.

Transformation and Modernization

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

 March 29, 2011 in the Sergievsky Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, enlarged meeting of the Club of Orthodox entrepreneurs took place in the format of public hearings on key strategic issues of the country’s development, problems of social policy, childhood protection, formation of fair and conscientious financial system.

Without Warm-Hearted Trust it is Impossible to Make a Film

#5. Constants Instability

The history of Russia is directed not by individuals, but by people. And, participating in this process, people are very reserved, indifferent to what is happening. Main reason for this I see in a tremendous dispersion of people in space. We cannot absolutely afford such a great territory.