The "Economic Strategies" journal


National Security in the Light of Mineral Raw Material Problems

#2. Agenda

It is necessary to restore faith in the powerful mineral resource base of Russia as an integral part of national security of the country, in that the work of a geologist is extremely important for the country

Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Ruble and the Problems of Optimum

#2. Agenda

The practice of manipulating the exchange rate to achieve the “unfair” competitive advantage in international trade has repeatedly led to waves (more properly to be termed wars) of devaluations in response

Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results of the Global Economy and 12 Civilizations Development in the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#2. Agenda

In the development of all civilizations it is found one fact common to all of them. In 1987–1993 it changes qualitatively the development type of all civilizations, without exception that indicates the achieving a high degree of integration of all countries of the world.

Metaphysics of the Handicraft

#2. Agenda

We want to create in Verkhoturje a model of construction site, a kind of school where our masters could, in practice, pass on the specific skills in reconstruction of cultural heritage to their Russian counterparts, to share some professional nuances