Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ) as a Tool of Social Partnership
One of the mechanisms of interaction between government, business and non-profit organizations is the use of community foundations.
One of the mechanisms of interaction between government, business and non-profit organizations is the use of community foundations.
Social campaign has a significant impact on women’s decision to restrict smoking during pregnancy or even give up this habit.
In the name of long-term sustainable development of Russia, the state should work towards management of risk of moral degradation of the population with the aim of creating a society of moderate consumption and fair distribution of the state wealth without infringing on everybody’s rights of private property.
Today the success of modernization in many respects depends not only on achieving social cohesion around core values of development, but also on the forced solution of the two key challenges: ensuring the growth of productive forces and completing the construction of the political system, capable to guarantee that growth.
Knowledge and Professional Competence — the Most Important Competitive Advantage.
Natural resource management can be thought of only as one of the essential components of the long-term strategy for the country’s development, but we don’t have such a strategy.
Introduction of quality principles into educational programs should become the immediate step — recently the quality of our education is falling down.