The "Economic Strategies" journal

2025 #1. 2025

The analysis of paradigms in the spheres of society, their specifics and features

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.5-13

The purpose of the study is to analyze the paradigms of the subsystems of society with the identification of their specifics and features. The types of society are considered through the prism of its economic, social, political and spiritual development. The stages of development of the paradigm are shown in the changing structure of the economy. The systemic interrelation of paradigms in the context of the specifics and features of their evolution is revealed. The idea of a structural hierarchy of subsystems of society for understanding and solving problems of interaction of paradigms is proposed. The specifics and features of the paradigms of the subsystems of society and ways to smooth out contradictions and conflicts of paradigms are determined.


1. Bell D. The Coming Postindustrial Society: An Experience of Social Forecasting / Translated from English, edited by V.L. Inozemtsev. Moscow: Academia, 2004. 783 p.

2. Zaitsev A.K. Social Conflict. 2nd Edition. Moscow: Academia, 2001. 464 p.

3. Zborovsky G.E. Theory of Social Community. Yekaterinburg: Humanitarian University, 2009. 300 p.

4. Comte O. The Spirit of Positive Philosophy. (A Word on Positive Thinking) / Translated from French by I.A. Shapiro. Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2003. 256 p.

5. Kravchenko S.A. Formation of a Complex Society: Towards a Substantiation of a Humanistic Theory of Complexity. M.: MGIMO-University, 2012. 306 p.

6. Kuzin I.V. Paradigmatic delusions in the fate of rationalism. St. Petersburg: RHGA, 2020. 252 p.

7. Morozov V.A. Spiritual economy and compatibility of society: compatibility theory. M.: Publishing and trading corporation “Dashkov and Co.”, 2022. 577 p.

8. Ritzer J. Modern sociological theories / Trans. from English by A. Boykov A. Lisitsyna. 5th ed. M.: Piter, 2002. 686 p.

9. Toshchenko Zh.T. Sociology of life. Moscow: UNITY, 2016. 399 p.

Methods of International scientific-technical reconnaissance based on open sources

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.14-17

Development of the universe of Internet demonstrates expansion of the possibility to collect and analyze information about military, special and other similar developments obtained from absolutely open sources. Authors of the present article formulate a methodology for building logical chains and identifying connections between various facts during scientific and technical reconnaissance based on open sources.


1. Ageev A.I., Averyanov M.A., Evtushenko S.N., Kochetova E.Yu., Sivakov R.L. Digital transformation of national security in the context of global hybrid threats. Economic strategies. 2021;23(4 (178)):60-69.

2. Ageev A.I., Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Use of artificial intelligence in the implementation of command and control of troops and civilian facilities as a single hybrid battlefield. Neurocomputers and their application: Abstracts of the XX All-Russian scientific conference. 2022. Moscow: MGPPU. pp. 31-33.

3. Ageev A.I. The role of sanctions, conflicts and special operations: reflections on the future. Part 1. Scientific Bulletin of the Defense Industrial Complex of Russia. 2023;4:66-74.

4. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Special military operation as a strategic technology for choosing the future of Russia and the world. Economic strategies. 2023;25(5 (191)):6-21.

5. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Strategic predetermination of special military operations in the world supersystem. Economic strategies. 2023;25(4 (190)):6-19.

6. Ageev A.I. Economic espionage in the First World War. Humanities. Bulletin of the Financial University. 2017;7(4 (28)):52-61.

Compliance with the principle of prudence when conducting compliance procedures in the tax sphere

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.18-28

The freedom of economic activity of enterprises is connected not only with their independence in choosing the sphere of application of forces and means, but also with risks in carrying out entrepreneurial activities. Managing in conditions of uncertainty involves risks, of which we will consider tax risks. The state makes it the duty of enterprises to be attentive to their counterparties. You earn and pay taxes, not forgetting about society. Taxpayers are needed to keep the state machine running.

Tax compliance, as a system of organizational and legal measures aimed at complying with the requirements of tax legislation, acts as an integrative component of tax and management policy, applicable both at the state level and at the level of specific organizations.

Prudence, which implies some caution in making decisions, prevents the occurrence of factors that can later be interpreted by tax inspectors against the benefit of the audited.


1. Pogodina I.V., Valentik M.S. Tax compliance: law, duty or moral norm? Taxes. 2019;6:10-14.

2. Tsaregradskaya Yu.K. Tax compliance: approaches to understanding. Lex Russica. 2021;74(12):66-73.

3. Koval A.A., Chernovol K.A. Assessment of tax risks of counterparties: tax compliance in decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and in foreign practice. URL:

4. Korostelkin M.M. Tax compliance as a system for confirming the reliability of calculating tax liabilities. Managerial accounting. 2014;11:60-64.

5. Tsaregradskaya Yu.K., Dubinskaya E.S. Institute of unjustified tax benefits: novels and judicial practice. Legal education and Science. 2019;4:45-47.

6. Ovcharova E.V. Tax compliance in Russia: problems of correlation of administrative coercion and incentive measures. Right. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2019;1:89-90.

7. Kemal Altuğ Özgün, Burcu Seven. Why Third-party risk management Matters for Compliance. URL:

8. Tax compliance. Due Diligence / Higher School of Economics Research University (HSE). URL:

9. Kishtein N. A brief history of economics: 77 main ideas about wealth and poverty from Plato to Piketty [trans. translated by T.Kudasheva]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2022. 336 p.

Application of the Six Sigma concept in the enterprise’s economic security management system

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.29-43

The article reveals and classifies such concepts as economic security of an enterprise, a crisis management. The main tools for diagnosing crisis phenomena are described in order to identify them early and reduce the impact on the company’s business activities. Special attention is paid to the description and the possibility of applying the Six Sigma concept for crisis management at the process level. Using the example of an enterprise manufacturing equipment for the electric power industry, the application of the Six Sigma concept in the procurement management process is considered. The results of calculating the process quality indicator (σ) are presented, measures for its optimization are proposed, and the economic efficiency of implementing measures is determined.


1. GOST R ISO 13053-1-2015 Quantitative methods for improving Six Sigma processes of the year. Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Moscow: Standartinform, 2016. URL:

2. Report of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on the state of the business climate in 2023. Moscow, 2024. URL:

3. Akberdina V.V. Comprehensive tools for assessing the economic security of economic sectors: regional aspect / V.V. Akberdina, A.V. Grebenkin, O.P. Smirnova. The economy of the region. 2017;13(4):1264-1279.

4. Bezdenezhnykh T.I. Economic security in scientific research of modern foreign authors / T. I. Bezdenezhnykh, E. V. Pecheritsa, E. E. Sharafanova. Technical and technological problems of the service. 2021;3(57):69-74.

5. Bratyakov A.A. On the definition of the concept of «Economic security of an enterprise» in modern Russian science. Scientific research in the modern world: experience, problems and prospects of development: A collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Part 1. Ufa: Bulletin of Science, 2019. pp. 161-167.

6. Volkova M.N. Functional directions of the enterprise security service / M.N. Volkova, D.S. Ivannikov. Socio-economic sciences and humanitarian studies. 2015;4:144-147.

7. Gorbachev D.V. An integrated approach to the organization of the economic security service of an enterprise / D. V. Gorbachev, M. V. Kononova. Intelligence. Innovation. Investment. 2013;S:165-170.

8. Gradov A.P., Kuzin B.I., Fedotov A.V. [et al.]. Strategy and tactics of anti–crisis management of the company. St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 1996. 511 p.

9. Dolzhenko R.A. The essence and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of optimization technologies «Lin» and «Six Sigma». Bulletin of Omsk University. Series: Economics. 2014;1:25-33.

10. Dyakov S.A., Gorbenko E.A., Zhivitsyna Yu.A., Plyasovitsa I.A. Anti-crisis management as a mechanism for ensuring economic security of an enterprise. Bulletin of the Academy of Knowledge. 2023;2(55):426-431.

11. Endovitskaya A.V., Volkova T.A., Baliashvili D.U. Theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the essence of economic security of an enterprise and its assessment. Modern economy: problems and solutions. 2014;10 (58):62-68.

Methodological approaches to determining the level of shadow economy in forestry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.44-55

Illegal deforestation is a consequence of socio-economic relations, especially in regions where logging is the main source of income. Forests in such regions are perceived only as raw materials, which leads to negative consequences leading to the loss of national wealth. Specific assessment methods for different industries and sectors of the economy lead to a lack of a unified approach, which creates difficulties in analyzing and combating the shadow economy. The level of criminalization in the field of logging can be assessed by various methods. The authors have modernized and changed the formulas for assessing the level of criminalization of forestry to meet modern realities with a significant reduction in error.


1. Myasnikov D.A. Mechanism for assessing the level of the shadow economy in the forestry complex. Izvestiya IGEA. 2008;5:39-42.

2. Antoshchenko A.V. Analysis of the causes and conditions for committing crimes in the forestry complex (on the example of Primorsky Krai). Contentus. 2020;1:164-189.

3. Botasheva L.Kh. Identification and assessment of the shadow economy. Economy. Taxes. Law. 2018;11(5):28-37.

4. Putyakova P. Shades of gray. The share of the shadow economy in the Perm Territory will grow. URL:


6. Report of representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Territory. URL:

7. Statistical analysis of the forestry complex of Russia. URL:

8. Strengthening the fight against illegal timber trafficking was discussed in the Kama region, 2022. URL:

9. Petrov V.N., Katkova T.E., Karvinen S. Trends in the development of the forest economy in Russia and Finland. Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. 2019;12(3):140-157.

10. Tolpyshev G.V. Methodological tools for assessing the level of criminalization in the forestry sector / G. V. Tolpyshev, A. G. Svetlakov. Perm Agrarian Bulletin. 2017;1 (17):151-156.

Identification, identification of falsification and counterfeiting as tools to ensure the economic security of production and trade by the 43rd commodity group of the EAEU customs code of foreign economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.56-73

This article examines the organizational and economic aspects of identification, identification of falsification and counterfeiting as tools to ensure the economic security of production and trade of 43 commodity groups of the EAEU Customs Union (fur goods) in modern conditions. An analysis of the current situation shows that ensuring the economic security of the fur trade is not balanced in the Russian Federation and the state may lose the furring skills of industry operators, as well as the technological culture of manufacturing and wearing natural furs.

The state needs to create further conditions for the development of the domestic fur industry, ensuring economic security, countering low-quality counterfeit imports of fur products, which unscrupulous sellers sell, posing as Russian goods, and introduce protectionist measures to protect and support Russian producers.


1. Annekar V.V. The «Honest mark» labeling system in the paradigm of non-food consumption of natural fur products. The Constitution. 2023;8(2). URL:

2. Beketov S.V. Mandatory labeling of fur products. Rabbit breeding issues. 2020;5-6:57-62.

3. Bystrova N.Yu., Akopova E.I. Determination of safety indicators of fur products. In the collection: Innovative technologies: leather, fur, chemical materials, production. Moscow, 2023. pp. 15-17.

4. Guz N.A., Bozhenova A.A. Introduction of product traceability systems: foreign experience and domestic practice. risk: Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. 2022;2:6-12.

5. Zalomaeva E.O. The process of making economic decisions and consumer behavior from the point of view of neuroeconomics (on the example of the fur market). In the collection: Economics and Innovation. Moscow, 2022. pp. 81-85.

6. Kvyatkovsky D.V. The impact of the introduction of the EGAIS «Honest Mark» labeling system on the turnover of counterfeit goods in Russia. Legal science. 2023;11»236-239.    

7. Kibzun V.N., Nagornaya N.P. Segmentation of consumers of fur products in a trading enterprise and forecasting demand for them. Bulletin of the Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture. 2021;1(147):34-42.

8. Kirsanova E.A., Bodryakova L.N., Tyumentseva E.Yu. Development of approaches to improving the efficiency of production processes for manufacturing products from fur semi-finished products. Design and technology. 2021;82(124):24-30.

9. Kostyakova Yu.V. The sale of foreign-made fur products subject to labeling: customs aspects. Financial economics. 2020;2:142-147.

10. Kochetkova N.G. On the marking of fur products with control (identification) signs. Science Alley. 2018;3(6(22)):556-562.

11. Markina A.S. Problems of labeling fur products in Russia and ways to solve them. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2023;2-1(77):224-227.

12. Mukhina V.S. Control identification mark (KEYES) of fur products. In the collection: Actual problems of branch legal science. Vladimir, 2020. pp. 95-100.

Investigation of consumer actions in the context of the need for import substitution in the Russian oil and gas industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.74-81

In the context of modern sanctions against Russia and the high demand of various types of oil and gas business for material and technical resources, equipment, and technologies, it is necessary to consider various scenarios for the development of the situation. At the same time, for making managerial decisions, including in the field of resource procurement, it is possible to compare the postulates of microeconomics on consumer behavior with the situation in the field of purchasing necessary equipment, spare parts, basic and auxiliary materials for the needs of oil and gas production. The results of the work provide opportunities for systematization of factors influencing decision-making in the search for import-substituting technological equipment for oil and gas production or the purchase of affordable fixed and working capital of foreign or domestic production.


1. Makhovikova G.A. Microeconomics. Advanced course: textbook and practice for universities / G. A. Makhovikova, S. V. Pereverzeva. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2025. 313 с.

2.  Federal Law of 05.04.2013 № 44-FZ «On the contractual system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state and municipal needs». URL:

3.  Pelmeneva A.A. Assessment of the oil and gas equipment quality influence on the economic efficiency of the company activity. Management of quality in oil and gas complex (UKANG). 2013;3:23-26.

4.  Pelmeneva A.A. Formation of innovative mechanisms of economic development of Russia. Microeconomics. 2023;5:5-15.

5.  Federal Law of 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ (ed. 08.08.2024) «On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities» (with amendments and additions, effective from 01.01.2025). URL:

6.  Federal Law of 31.12.2014 № 488-FZ (ed. of 30.11.2024) «On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation» (with amendments and additions, effective from 20.12.2024). URL:

7.  List of goods (including those supplied in the course of performance of purchased works, provision of purchased services) originating from foreign states, works, services, respectively performed, rendered by foreign citizens, foreign legal entities, in respect of which the prohibition of purchases for state and municipal needs, purchases by certain types of legal entities is established. URL:

Review of the application of energy storage devices in space

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.82-87

The article examines and describes in detail the main types of energy storage devices used in space, namely nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and lithium-ion (Li-ion). A comparison of these storage systems is conducted and their economic efficiency is evaluated.


1. Nadaraia C.G., Shestakov I. Ja., Fadeev A.A. and more. Improving energy efficiency of power system supply of the perspective space vehicles. Siberian aerospace journal. 2016;17(4):983-988.

2. Kuzmina N.A. Spacecraft power supply system. Reshetnevskie readings. 2017; 21-1:274-276.

3. N+1. Energy in space. How ships and satellites are charged. URL:

4. Wybor. All about nickel-cadmium batteries: characteristics, operation, pros and cons. URL:

5. Wybor. Application of nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd). URL:

6. Stuart T.A., Hande A. HEV battery heating using AC currents. J. Power Sources. 2004;129:368-378.

7. MOTOMA. Solar Panels and Energy Storage Battery – Advanced Spacecraft Power Systems. URL:—advanced-spacecraft-power-systems.html

8. NEOVOLT. Batteries burn space: from nickel-cadmium to lithium-ion. URL:

9. Anil D. Pathak, Shalakha Saha, Vikram Kishore Bharti and more. A review on battery technology for space application. Journal of Energy Storage. 2023;61.

10. Khromov A.V. Lithium-ion batteries for low-orbit spacecraft. Questions of electromechanics. 2016;152(3):20-28.

11. Fan X., Liu B., Liu J. and more. Battery technologies for grid-level large-scale electrical energy storage. Trans. Tianjin Univ. 2020;26:92-103.

12. UFine Battery. What Is the Energy Density of a Lithium-Ion Battery? URL:

13. TASS News Agency. NIIkhimmash stated that the cost of delivering cargo to the ISS starts from 1 million rubles per kg. URL:

14. Habr. New Japanese batteries made from diamonds and carbon-14 will outlive their owner, his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. URL:

Methodological basis for assessing financial risks using monopolies as an example

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.88-95

Presents a methodological basis for assessing financial risks, which includes a probabilistic assessment method with finding the variation coefficient, the Delphi method, Savage criteria and Hurwitz criteria, as well as an expert assessment method based on constructing a «decision tree», a financial risk map and scenario analysis. An assessment option is given using the example of the largest regional monopolist in the gas sector of industry.


1. Financial Risk Management: textbook and practical training for universities / edited by I. P. Khominich. 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2024. 582 p.

2. Akaeva V.R., Kuzmin M.S., Zhukovskaya I.V. Actual problems of digitalization of companies on the example of the industrial sector. Microeconomics. 2023;4(111):51-55.

3. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of risk management of investment projects in industry. Economics and Management. 2010;2:53-56.

4. Analytical data of the electronic database system «Kontur-Fokus» and «SBIS».

The concept of early degassing of coal seams for the development of the coal industry and the economy of the region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.96-102

Early degassing of coal seams is one of the key technologies aimed at optimizing coal mining processes, minimizing negative environmental impacts, and increasing safety during coal mining. Advance degassing is a process in which hydrocarbon gas is removed from coal seams in advance, which reduces the risk of its accumulation and explosions during mine development. The creation of a concept for the implementation of early degassing of coal seams contributes to the development of the coal industry and, as a result, the development of the region’s economy.


1. Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2020 No. 1523-r. URL:

2. The program for the development of the coal industry for the period up to 2035, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2020 No. 1582-r. URL:

3. Order No. 507 of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 8, 2020 «On Approval of Federal Standards and Regulations in the field of Industrial Safety Safety Rules in Coal Mines». URL:

4. Order No. 498 of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated December 28, 2023 «On Approval of the Safety Manual “Recommendations for Degassing of Coal Mines”». URL:

5. Melekhin E.S., Kuzina E.S. Prospects of using the gas resources of methane-coal deposits. Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and management. 2019;2 (165):59-61.

6. Melekhin E.S. Some problems of degassing of highly gaseous coal seams. Surveying and subsoil use. 2013;1:10-13.

7. In 2023, SUEK will invest billion in coal mining and mining equipment. URL:

8. International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2016. URL: