The "Economic Strategies" journal

2025 #1. 2025. Truth as a Problem of Science

Specifics of Using the World Capital Market by Developed and Developing Countries

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.44-49

The purpose of the present study is to identif y the specifics of using the world capital market by developed and developing countries in modern conditions. It has been established that the interests of developed countries consist in shaping a controlled international financial market that will ensure long-term and low-volatility returns on assets without taking into account the interests of other entities in the global capital mark et. The interests of countries with developing economies are reduced to ensuring maximum return on assets in the shor t-term period, since in the long term they cannot compete with developed countries in the global financial mark et. Based on econometric calculations, it was made an assessment of the effects of growing investment returns in developed and developing countries due to the presence of competitive advantages in the global capital market. It is concluded that the global capital market is used by developed and developing countries in different ways — the former seek to ensure preservation of their privileges through exploiting global imbalances, the latter — to gain access to borrowed capital in order to stimulate their own economic development. Disproportions in the use and regulation of the global capital market lead to dependent position of developing economies, which is why they are striving to transform the global financial architecture to protect their own national interests.


1. Vinokurov E.Yu., Grichik M.V. Novaya kontseptsiya mezhdunarodnykh rezervov: bezopasnost’, diversifikatsiya, neortodoksal’nye podkhody [New Concept of International Reserves: Security, Diversification, Unorthodox Approaches]. Voprosy ekonomiki, 2022, no 12, pp. 24–43.

2. Voskanyan M.A., Khurshudyan S.E. Kontsentratsiya kapitala v global’noy ekonomike kak faktor neravnomernogo raspredeleniya dokhodov [Concentration of Capital in the Global Economy as a Factor in Unequal Income Distribution]. Sovremennaya mirovaya ekonomika, 2023, vol. 1, no 2(2).

3. Golovnin M.Yu., Nikitina S.A. Sovremennye tendentsii dinamiki mezhdunarodnykh potokov kapitala [Current Trends in the Dynamics of International Capital Flows]. Mir novoy ekonomiki, 2018, no 12(4), pp. 46–56.

4. Kuznetsov A.V. Kontseptual’nye podkhody k formirovaniyu ustoychivoy mirovoy valyutno-finansovoy sistemy [Conceptual Approaches to Formation of a Sustainable Global Monetary and Financial System]. Finansy: teoriya i praktika, 2023, no 27(4), pp. 164–172.

5. Bulatov A. Kuda dvizhetsya mirovoy kapital [Where is the Global Capital Heading?]. Ekons, available at:

6. FDI income by counterpart area, BMD4. OECD, available at:

7. Country Composition of WEO Groups. IMF, available at:

8. Nesterov I.O. Rezervnye valyuty — istochnik nestabil’nosti mirovoy valyutnoy sistemy? [Reserve Currencies — a Source of Instability in the Global Monetary System?]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2012, no 4, pp. 115–123.

Parallels and Meridians of Economy and Society (Strata and Routes)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.50-57

The author examines a “geodesic” model of the country’s socio-economic space, based on analogues of the geographical concepts of parallel and meridian as structural landmarks for an object’s location in the socio-economic space. The role of parallels is played by socio-economic strata, combining trajectories of the possible movement of agents without significantly increasing their status in the economy and society. The role of meridians is performed by routes that determine the possibilities of increasing the agent’s status without significantly changing the nature and location of his professional activity. This model can be used for navigation of socio-economic agents when moving in space, as well as for identifying current directions of socio-economic policy aimed at increasing the continuity and coherence of the socio-economic space of Russia. The geodesic model of socio-economic space, based on a grid of parallels and meridians, allows scaling and application not only to country systems, but also to other hierarchical socio-economic systems, including enterprises, cities, and sectors of the economy.


1. Tambovtsev V.L. Institutsional’naya slozhnost’: novoe napravlenie izucheniya institutov? [Institutional Complexity: A New Direction for the Study of Institutions?]. Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki, 2023, no 2, pp. 22–24, DOI: 10.52342/2587-7666VTE_2023_2_22_34

2. Byrne D., Callaghan G. Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences. London & New York, Routledge, 2014.

3. Complex New World. Translating New Economic Thinking into Public Policy. Dolphin T., Nash D. (eds.). London: Institute for Public Policy Research, 2012.

4. Arthur W. Complexity and the Economy. Science, 1999, vol. 284, N 5411, pp. 107–109.

5. Bertalanffy L., von. General System theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1968. 289 p.

6. Gavrilets Yu.N. Slozhnost’, upravlenie i informatsiya v sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistemakh [Complexity, Governance and Information in Socioeconomic Systems]. Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya, 2016, no 12, pp. 39–49.

7. Lukin E.V. Regulirovanie mezhregional’nykh tsepochek dobavlennoy stoimosti: problemy analiza i modelirovaniya [Regulation of Interregional Value Chains: Problems of Analysis and Modeling]. Problemy prognozirovaniya, 2022, no 1, pp. 19–33, DOI: 10.47711/0868-6351-190-19-33

8. Orekhova S.V. Metodologicheskie osnovy opredeleniya institutsional’noy slozhnosti rynka [Methodological Foundations for Determining the Institutional Complexity of the Market]. Upravlenets, 2015, no 4, pp. 24–35.

9. Orekhova S.V. Teoreticheskaya model’ analiza institutsional’noy sredy otraslevykh rynkov [Theoretical Model for Analyzing the Institutional Environment of Industry Markets]. Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya ekonomika, 2016, no 3, pp. 164–176.

10. Gastev Yu.A. Gomomorfizmy i modeli (logiko-algebraicheskie aspekty modelirovaniya) [Homomorphisms and Models (Logical and Algebraic Aspects of Modeling)]. Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 152 p.

Procedural-legal Issues of Elections in the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.58-65

The article dwells on legal aspects of procedural issues during elections in the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the consequences of violations. Procedure for election to the post of director of a scientific organization should comply with the RF legislation, be justified by the election regulations and not be formal in nature. There are a number of violations that are grounds for recognizing the election results as null and void, contradicting the foundations of law and order, as well as morality. Such election practices in RAS institutes undermine the credibilit y of science in the eyes of society.


1. Opredelenie Vos’mogo kassatsionnogo suda obshchey yurisdiktsii ot 28 fevralya 2023 g. N 88-4922/2023 [Ruling of the Eighth Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction dated February 28, 2023 No. 88-4922/2023]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

2. Opredelenie Vos’mogo kassatsionnogo suda obshchey yurisdiktsii ot 7 marta 2023 g. N 88-4416/2023 [Ruling of the Eighth Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction dated March 7, 2023 No. 88-4416/2023]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

3. Pyatkova O. Chto stoit za vyborami v RAN? [What is Behind the Elections to the Russian Academy of Sciences?]. Media Krug NKO, 2025, 11 yanvarya, available at:

4. Grazhdanskiy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast’ pervaya) ot 30 noyabrya 1994 g. N 51-FZ [Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ]. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 1994, no 32.

5. Postanovlenie Trinadtsatogo arbitrazhnogo apellyatsionnogo suda ot 26 yanvarya 2022 g. po delu N A56-109735/2020 [Ruling of the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 26, 2022 in case No. A56-109735/2020]. Dostup iz SPS “K onsul’tant Plyus”.

6. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 30 dekabrya 2001 g. N 197-FZ [Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ].

Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 2002, no 1 (part one).

7. Pis’mo Minfina Rossii ot 16 oktyabrya 2007 g. N 03-03-06/1/723 [Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 16, 2007 No. 03-03-06/1/723]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

8. Apellyatsionnoe opredelenie Sankt-Peterburgskogo gorodskogo suda ot 19 aprelya 2022 g. po delu N 2-9783/2021 [Appellate Ruling of the St. Petersburg City Court dated April 19, 2022 in case No. 2-9783/2021]. Dostup iz SPS “K onsul’tant Plyus”.

9. Opredelenie Vtorogo kassatsionnogo suda obshchey yurisdiktsii ot 7 dekabrya 2023 g. N 88-28134/2023 [Ruling of the Second Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction dated December 7, 2023 No. 88-28134/2023]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

10. Opredelenie Konstitutsionnogo suda RF ot 17 fevralya 2015 g. N 404-O [Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 17,

2015 No. 404-O]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.

11. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo suda RF ot 23 iyunya 2015 g. N 25 “O primenenii sudami nekotorykh polozheniy razdela I chasti pervoy Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2015 No. 25 “On the

Approaches to Predicting Technology Evolution

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.66-73

The article examines the change in ideas about technology from 1772, when Johann Beckmann introduced the term “technology” into scientific use, to the present day. A modern approach to forecasting the technology evolution as a certain implementation of a complex self-developing system is proposed. Comparative analysis of technological and biological evolution is carried out. The ar ticle examines a systemic approach to expert forecasting technology as a separate modern direction, within the framework of which the author proposes its hypershell and dwells on the systemic constituent elements of this shell. Eight directions for future research in the field of technology forecasting are examined.


1. Demidchenko V.V. Ponyatie politicheskikh tekhnologiy: sushchnost’, formy i vidy [Concept of Political Technologies: Nature, Forms and Types]. Vlast’, 2015, vyp. 12, pp. 140–142.

2. Kharichkin I.K. O ponyatii “politicheskie tekhnologii” [On the Concept of “Political Technologies”]. Vestnik universiteta, 2013, vyp. 8, pp. 75–78.

3. Lem S. Summa tekhnologiy [Sum of Technologies]. Moscow, Mir, 1968, 608 p.

4. Kul’turologiya. XX vek [Cultural Studies. 20th Century]: Entsiklopediya. Gl. red., sost. S.Ya. Levit. Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya kniga, 1998, vol. 2: M – Ya. Vol. 2, 1998, 446 p.

5. Heidegger M. Die Frage nach der Technik. Die Kunste im technischen Zeitalter. München, 1954, S. 70–108.

6. Bol’shaya Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya [The Great Russian Encyclopedia]. V 30 t. Moscow, 2004.

7. Gibert P. Théologie en modernité et postmodernité. Recherches de Science Religieuse, 2004, no 3(3), pp. 341, 342.

8. Kononenko B.I. Bol’shoy tolkovyy slovar’ po kul’turologii [Big Explanatory Dictionary of Cultural Studies]. Moscow, Veche, 2003, 509 p.

9. Khorgan D. Profil’: neokhotnyy revolyutsioner [Profile: Reluctant Revolutionary]. Scientific American, 1991, vol. 264, no 5, pp. 40–49. Bibcode: 1991. SciAm. 264 e. 40H.16.

10. Traditsionnaya i sovremennaya tekhnologiya: Filos.-metodol. analiz [Traditional and Modern Technology: Philosophical and Methodological Analysis]. Moscow, IFRAN, 1998, 216 p.

11. Vig D.N. Technology, Philosophy and Politics. Technology and Politics. E. Kraft Michael and J. Vig Norman (eds.). Durham, NC, and London, Duke University Press, 1988, 356 p., pp. 7–15.

12. Kurdyumov S.P. Zakony evolyutsii i samoorganizatsii slozhnykh system [Laws of Evolution and Self-organization of Complex Systems]. Moscow, IPM, 1990, 45 p. Bibliogr.: pp. 36–45. (Preprint. In-t prikl. matematiki im. M.V. Keldysha AN SSSR, no 45.)

13. Shchedrovitskiy G.P. Filosofiya. Nauka. Metodologiya [Philosophy. Science. Methodology]. Moscow, 1997, 642 p.

14. Stepin V.S. Samorazvivayushchiesya sistemy i postneklassichekaya ratsional’nost’ [Self-developing Systems and Post-non-classical Rationality]. Voprosy filosofii, 2003, no 8, pp. 5–17.

15. Tekhnologiya kak vyzov vremeni (izuchenie, ponyatie i tipy tekhnologiy) [Technology as a Challenge of Time (Study, Concept and Types of Technologies)]. Philosophy and Cosmology, 2017, vol. 19, pp. 133–142.

Industrial Products as a Central Element in the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Sector of the Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.74-79

The article contains, for discussion purposes, an interpretation of such terms as “data economy” and “digital transformation” involved in the national project “Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State”. The article examines the approach to forming the organizational structure of a new generation for the manufacturing sector of the economy based on creation of the global territorially distributed data catalogue and communication environment for industrial products.


1. Treyer V.V. Produktsiya proizvodstvennogo naznacheniya: problemy i resheniya [Industrial Products: Problems and Solutions]. Standarty i kachestvo, 2020, no 3, pp. 58.

2. Glushkov V.M. Makroekonomicheskie modeli i printsipy postroeniya OGAS [Macroeconomic Models and Principles of Construction of OGAS]. Moscow, Statistika, 1975, 160 p.

3. Geyts B. Biznes so skorost’yu mysli [Business at the Speed of Thought]. Moscow, Eksmo-Press, 2001, 480 p.

4. Treyer V.V. O roli kommunikatsionnoy sredy dlya sozdaniya produktsii proizvodstvennogo naznacheniya [On the Role of Communication Environment for Creating Industrial Products]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 1, pp. 122–127, DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.122-127

Implementation of the “Smart Specialization” Concept in Russian Regions Bordering China

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.80-87

The article dwells on the issues of implementing the strategy of sustainable innovative development of Russian regions as a basis for creating competitive advantages of territories and improving the quality of the population life. The work, in relation to the regions of Russia bordering China, describes the concept of “smart specialization” — a strategy for identifying priority areas for the regions development and enhancing specific types of economic activity, which involves exploiting the potential of their innovative growth, choosing a unique path with a focus on future development. The authors focus on the industry specialization of regions as a basis for determining directions of «smart specialization». As a result of the study, the authors propose the models of crossborder cooperation for the regions of Russia and China based on the «smart specialization» of the above regions.


1. Voronov A.S. Upravlenie ustoychivym innovatsionnym razvitiem regional’nykh sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistem: Monografiya [Management of Sustainable Innovative Development of Regional Socio-Economic Systems]. Monograph. Moscow, YuNITI-DANA, 2022, 287 p.

2. Aver’yanov M.A., Evtushenko S.N., Zhivaykin A.L., Kochetova E.Yu. Strategicheskoe planirovanie v usloviyakh vyzovov tsifrovoy transformatsii [Strategic Planning in the Face of Digital Transformation Challenges]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2024, no 1, pp. 54–61, DOI:

3. Orlova L.N. Osnovnye printsipy i podkhody k upravleniyu ustoychivym innovatsionnym razvitiem ekonomicheskikh system [Basic Principles and Approaches to Managing Sustainable Innovative Development of Economic Systems]. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2016, no 3, pp. 3–9.

4. Alekseev A.V. Vyyavlenie klyuchevykh spetsializatsiy regionov i klasternykh struktur v usloviyakh perekhoda k kontseptsii “umnoy spetsializatsii” (na primere Baykal’skogo makroregiona) [Identification of Key Specializations of Regions and Cluster Structures in the Context of the Transition to the Concept of “Smart Specialization” (using the Example of the Baikal Macroregion)]. Estestvenno-gumanitarnye issledovaniya, 2021, no 38(6), pp. 34–39.

5. Tagirov K.T., Glushchenko A.V., Dovgan’ E.A. Strategiya “umnoy spetsializatsii” regionov kak faktor innovatsionnogo razvitiya [The Strategy of “Smart Specialization” of Regions as a Factor of Innovative Development]. Gosudarstvennoe i munitsipal’noe upravlenie. Uchenye zapiski, 2023, no 1, pp. 152–156.

6. Kroll H. Efforts to implement smart specialization in practice — Leading unlike horses to the water. European Planning Studies, 2015, no 23(10), pp. 2079–2098, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2014.1003036

7. Sotarauta M. Smart specialization and place leadership: Dreaming about shared visions, falling into policy traps? Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2018, no 5(1), pp. 190–203, DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2018.1480902

Main Directions for Improving the State and Municipal Proper ty Management System

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.88-95

The state and municipal property management system is a set of agreed methods and means of targeted influence on the subjects of management process in order to achieve specified goals. The principle of maximizing the income received cannot be used as the basis for assessing the management of state and municipal proper ty objects due to the public nature of this category. In addition to the general principles of managing state and municipal proper ty inherent in the existing mixed economy, it is also necessary to take into account specific ones that meet the requirements of the transition period.

These include: compliance of the content and methods of management with the nature of reforms and, first and foremost, with ensuring progressive institutional shifts in the economy; focus of management on overcoming the systemic crisis of the economy and implementing its restructuring; compliance of organizational elements of management with the tasks of implementing industrial, investment, innovation and other policy areas.


1. Rozhkov E.V. Ispol’zovanie zemli v granitsakh munitsipal’nogo obrazovaniya kak polozhitel’nyy opyt upravleniya krupnym gorodom [Use of Land within the Boundaries of a Municipality as a Positive Experience in Managing a Large City]. Vestnik soveta molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov Chelyabinskoy oblasti, 2022, vol. 1, no 1(36), pp. 69–75.

2. Bagaeva L.E., Kondratenko Z.K. Stanovlenie i reformirovanie zakonodatel’stva o privatizatsii munitsipal’nogo imushchestva [Formation and Reform of Legislation on the Privatization of Municipal Property]. Vestnik Mariyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Istoricheskie nauki. Yuridicheskie nauki, 2019, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 166–172, DOI: 10.30914/2411-3522-20195-2-166-172.

3. Akhmatova A.M., Lushinkova T.Yu. Bol’shaya privatizatsiya: tseli, zadachi, osobennosti realizatsii v rossiyskoy ekonomike [Large-scale Privatization: Goals, Objectives, Implementation Features in the Russian Economy]. Obshchestvo, ekonomika, upravlenie, 2018, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 10–16.

4. Mal’ginov G.N., Radygin A.D. Pervye itogi privatizatsionnoy programmy 2017–2019 gg. i osnovnye voprosy upravleniya gosudarstvennym imushchestvom [The First Results of the Privatization Program 2017–2019 and the Main Issues of State Property Management]. Ekonomicheskoe razvitie Rossii, 2018, vol. 25, no 6, Iyun’ — iyul’, pp. 42–55.

5. Grigor’ev L.M., Kurdin A.A. Nereshennyy vopros legitimnosti chastnoy sobstvennosti v Rossii [The Unresolved Question of the Legitimacy of Private Property in Russia]. Voprosy ekonomiki, 2016, no 1, pp. 36–62.

6. Gengut Yu.L. Metodologiya statisticheskogo issledovaniya protsessov privatizatsii gosudarstvennogo i munitsipal’nogo imushchestva na territorii Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Methodology of Statistical Research of Privatization Processes of State and Municipal Property on the Territory of the Russian Federation]. Regional’noe razvitie: elektronnyy nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal, 2014, no 2, pp. 112–119.

Mental Sovereignty

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.96-101

Over the past three centuries, economic liberalism has emerged as a global cultural norm that permeates international institutions and business practices. Global turbulence has coincided with degradation of the idea of liberalism; corporate leaders feel the need for change, but don’t associate the transformation goals with exhaustion of the liberal model.


1. Vtulkina N., Firsov A. Khrupkaya, trevozhnaya, nelineynaya, nepostizhimaya [Fragile, Disturbing, Non-linear, Incomprehensible]. Forbes, 2022, 5 sentyabrya, available at:

2. Bashnin A.V., Ozols O.K. Kto upravlyaet IT krupnykh industrial’nykh kompaniy? [Who Manages the IT of Large Industrial Companies?]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2024, no 3(195), pp. 60–67, DOI:

3. Belousov L.V. Biologicheskiy morfogenez [Biological Morphogenesis]. Moscow, URSS, 2023, 256 p.

4. Wonga M.L., Cleland C.E., Arend D.J., Bartlettd S., Cleaves H.J., Demarestc H., Prabhua A., Lunineg J.I., Hazen R.M. On the roles of function and selection in evolving systems. PNAS, 2023, vol. 120, no 43, e2310223120.

5. Sharma A., Czégel D., Lachmann M., Kempes C.P., Walker S.I., Cronin L. Assembly theory explains and quantifies selection and evolution. Nature, vol. 622, October 12, 2023.

6. Budanov V.G. Metodologiya sinergetiki v postneklassicheskoy nauke i v obrazovanii [Synergetics Methodology in Post-nonclassical Science and Education]. Moscow, LKI, 2009, 240 p.

Value Foundations of the Methodology for Compatibility of Society Paradigms

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.102-109

The purpose of the study is to form the value foundations of the methodology for compatibility of the society paradigms and society subsystems. Mutually complementary types of value theories and dual understanding of values are analyzed. The article explores the common values of the society paradigms, including sustainable development, social justice; inclusiveness, equality and human rights protection. Necessary composition of aspects of the value foundations for methodology of compatibility of society paradigms is formed and a structural scheme of paradigms compatibility of society spheres is compiled.


1. Morozov V.A. Metodologiya sovmestimosti paradigm obshchestva: filosofsko-psikhologicheskie i sistemotekhnicheskie osnovaniya [Methodology of compatibility for society paradigms: philosophical-psychological and system-technical foundations]. Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie. Moscow, ID “Ekonomicheskaya gazeta”, 2024, no 2, pp. 209–217.

2. D’yui Dzh. Obshchestvo i ego problem [Society and its problems]. Per. s angl. I.I. Myurberg, A.B. Tolstova, E.N. Kosilovoy. Moscow, Ideya-Press, 2002, 160 p.

3. Sheler M. Resentiment v strukture moraley [Resentment in the morals structure]. Per. s nem. A.N. Malinkina. Saint Petersburg, Nauka, 1999, 282 p.

4. Vindel’band V. Istoriya filosofii [History of philosophy]. Per. s nem. A.I. Vvedenskogo. Moscow, KANON-press, 1998, 548 p.

5. Stepin V.S. Teoreticheskoe znanie: struktura, istoricheskaya evolyutsiya [Theoretical knowledge: structure, historical evolution]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya, 2000, 743 p.

6. Salas S.D. Moral’ XXI veka [Morality of the 21st century]. Moscow, Kodeks, 2013, 483 p.

7. Riker P. Konflikt interpretatsiy: ocherki o germenevtike [Conflict of Interpretations: Essays on Hermeneutics]. Moscow, Akademicheskiy proekt, 2008, 695 p.

8. Lebedeva N.M., Tatarko A.N. Tsennosti kul’tury i razvitie obshchestva [Cultural values and development of societ y]. Moscow, ID GVShE, 2007, 528 p.

9. Anopchenko T.Yu., Savon D.Yu. Ustoychivoe razvitie: opyt, problemy, perspektivy [Sustainable development: experience, challenges, prospects]. Moscow, Institut ustoychivogo razvitiya Obshchestvennoy palaty Rossiyskoy Federatsii, Tsentr ekologicheskoy politiki Rossii, 2011, p. 120.

10. Morozov V.A. Dukhovnaya ekonomika i sovmestimost’ obshchestva. Teoriya sovmestimosti [Spiritual economy and compatibility of society. Compatibility theory]. Moscow, Dashkov i K°, 2021, 576 p.

Path to a Dream and a Lot of Music

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.110-111

The novel “Reconstruction” by journalist and musician Boris Igorevich Lifanovsky plunges into realit y, which, according to the author, “should remain in the past.”