The "Economic Strategies" journal

2024 #5. 2024. Shifting Continents

Potential GDP growth and social well-being of BRICS countries through the prism of a new distributed ecosystem of payment and settlement solutions

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.32-37

The purpose of this article is to find options for solving the problem of trust in various settlement and payment instruments within the emerging new multipolar world, as well as the problem of managing inflation and pricing processes for the purposes of progressive predictable economic development. In analyzing trends, theories and solutions, methods of description, abstraction, analysis and deduction were used.

An analysis of existing practices in terms of instruments applicable for settlements and payments in international trade is conducted. Aspects of their application for transactions and operations with investment capital, which are currently nominated and processed using centralized monetary instruments, are also touched upon. The result of the study is the proposed concept of the UNIT ecosystem, capable of solving the problems of trust and inflation and, as a consequence, the limitations of existing instruments for settlements, payments and operations with investment capital in international trade.


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7. Hayek F.A. A Free-Market Monetary System. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008.

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7837 (S. 2639) in Three Volumes (1913), available at:

Current Issues of Russian Foreign Direct Investment Exports: Monetary Mechanisms

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.50-55

The article dwells on some current aspects of foreign direct investment (FDI) migration in Russia and abroad. The aim of the study is an attempt to theoretically reassess the role of monetary and credit mechanisms of FDI. The article provides information on the trends and pressing development problems of Russian FDI exports into the countries of Eurasian region and BRICS. According to the research, restrictive monetary policy in Russia is a significant obstacle to economic growth, foreign economic relations and FDI exports. Many economic indicators of the Russian Federation are negatively affected by the high key rate of the Bank of Russia. However, due to monopolistic structure of the Russian economy and many other factors, the restrictive monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation often causes not only suppression of inflation and the increase in the production competitiveness, but excessive enrichment of a number of companies, banks and individuals at the expense of the economy as a whole. In the long term, in order to stimulate foreign direct investment, it seems feasible for the Bank of Russia to gradually shift from a restrictive monetary policy to a stimulating one, including for the purpose of optimal development of Russian FDI exports into the countries of the Eurasian region and BRICS.


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3. Tatuzov V. Contemporary global economic crisis: Some conclusions for Russia and BRICS (taking into account Kondratieff long waves). BRICS Journal of Economics, 2020, no 1, pp. 25–40, available at:

4. Stiglitz J., Regmi I. The Causes and Responses to Today’s Inflation. Roosevelt Institute, 2022, available at: uploads/2022/12/RI_CausesofandResponsestoTodaysInflation_Report_202212.pdf

5. Key Rate Statistics. 2024. CBR, available at:

6. СBR: Inflation and Consumer Sentiment. Inflation and Consumer Sentiment, 2024, no 4(88), available at: File/49132/Infl_exp_24-04_e.pdf

7. Macroeconomic survey of the Bank of Russia. October, 2024. CBR, available at:

8. FDI Database. 2024. New York, UNCTAD, available at:

9. The State Council on further optimizing the environment for foreign investment. Opinions on increasing efforts to attract foreign investment. Guo Fa, 2023, no 11, available at:

10. FDI database. Paris, OECD, 2024, available at:

Modern technologies in the agricultural sector of Kyrgyzstan: myths and reality (crop production)

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.56-61

The study covers key trends in the agricultural sector, institutional foundations for their development in the Kyrgyz Republic, and also presents some mechanisms for their implementation in crop production and the main problems that hinder this process.


1. Analiz razmera i doli rynka tsifrovogo sel’skogo khozyaystva — tendentsii rosta i prognozy (2024–2029 gg.) [Digital Agriculture Market Size and Share Analysis — Growth Trends and Forecasts (2024–2029)]. Mordor Intelligence, available at:

2. Kontseptsiya tsifrovoy transformatsii Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki na 2024–2028 gody [Concept of Digital Transformation of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2024– 2028]. Tsentral’nyy bank dannykh pravovoy informatsii Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki, available at:

3. Zakon Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki ot 18 maya 2019 g. N 65 “Ob organicheskom sel’skokhozyaystvennom proizvodstve v Kyrgyzskoy Respublike” [Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 18, 2019 No. 65 “On Organic Agricultural Production in the Kyrgyz Republic”]. Ministerstvo vodnykh resursov, sel’skogo khozyaystva i pererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki, available at:

4. Proekt postanovleniya Kabineta ministrov Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii klasternoy politiki v agropromyshlennom komplekse Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki na 2023–2033 gody” [Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Approval of the Concept of Cluster Policy in the Agro-industrial Complex of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023–2033”]. Kabinet ministrov Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki, available at: ru/npa/s/4327

A study of the practice of cross-border electronic commerce using customs warehouses in the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.62-69

The article deals with topical issues of the creation and functioning of customs warehouses in the Russian Federation. The approaches to grouping customs warehouses are investigated, the results of the dynamics and structure of the e-commerce market are presented. The possibilities of organizing cross-border electronic commerce in the Russian Federation using customs warehouses have been studied. The volume of sales of goods in the framework of e-commerce is analyzed and the conditions for monitoring commodity flows along the entire chain of gross value creation are determined. Recommendations have been developed to improve approaches to planning and controlling the turnover of cross-border electronic commerce.


1. Chupina Zh.S., Zorina S.M., Annaberdyeva L. Strategii rossiyskikh i zarubezhnykh marketpleysov [Strategies of Russian and Foreign Marketplaces].Aktual’nye issledovaniya, 2023, no 13(143), pp. 82–86, available at:

2. Tamozhennyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 28 maya 2003 g. N 61-FZ (TK RF) [The Customs Code of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2003 No. 61-FZ (TC RF)]. Garant, available at:

3. Mosbi A. Rost prodazh elektronnoy kommerotsii v mire (2016–2027) [Global E-Commerce Sales Growth (2016–2027)]., available at: https://

4. Itogi vneshney torgovli so vsemi stranami [Results of Foreign Trade With all Countries]. Federal’naya tamozhennaya sluzhba, available at: https://customs.

5. Obzor mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovaniya torgovli [Review of International Legal Regulation of Trade]. Agroeksport, 2020, 29 sentyabrya, available at:

6. Top-10 eCommerce rynkov mira: mirovye prodazhi, trendy, statistika [Top 10 eCommerce Markets in the World: Global Sales, Trends, Statistics]. Shopolog, available at: 3ny639675011

7. Zakonodatel’nye novelly v chasti administrirovaniya tamozhennykh platezhey v otnoshenii tovarov transgranichnoy internet-torgovli. Vystuplenie zamestitelya nachal’nika GUFTDiTR V.I. Reshetnikova [Legislative Innovations in the Administration of Customs Payments in Respect of Goods of Cross-border Internet Trade. Speech by the Deputy head of the GUFTDiTR V.I. Reshetnikov], available at:

8. Monitoring aktual’nykh sobytiy v oblasti mezhdunarodnoy torgovli N 55 [Monitoring of Current Events in the Field of International Trade No. 55]. ATES, 2020, 30 sentyabrya, available at:

9. Karashchuk O.S. Bondovye sklady: sovremennaya infrastruktura torgovli sel’skokhozyaystvennoy produktsiey [Bonded Warehouses: Modern Infrastructure of Trade in Agricultural Products]. Agrarnyy vestnik Urala, 2020, no 3(194), pp. 82–90, DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2020-194-3-82-90

Artificial Intelligence: Ability of Judgment? Natural Force or Driver Behind AI

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.70-79

Currently, the topic of super-AI (Artificial General Intelligence or AGI) has captured the world’s press. Some are fascinated by the incredible possibilities, including the creation of a future global government, while others fear the arrival of an alien mind capable of displacing man. The authors show that, as usual, both positions miss the mark. There is no doubt that AI is a fundamentally new tool. Therefore, it can be both extremely useful and immensely dangerous, depending on its application. One thing is clear: innocence has been lost and it will not be possible to rewind it. The world is entering a new phase of development with the enormous potential. However, the transition period threatens with even greater dangers than the first half of the 20th century, when the advent of the internal combustion engine to replace the steam one has led to dramatic shifts in the economy and a change in political dominance against the backdrop of two world wars.

As industrial productivity growth decreases, financialization grows, oppressing the “real” sector, demographics is falling and the world is sliding into wars for dominance against the backdrop of the fading industrial society of the 20th century.


1. Badalyan L.G., Krivorotov V.F. Industrial’nye Srednie veka, ili Est’ li zhizn’ posle industrial’nogo kapitalizma? Chast’ I [Industrial Middle Ages, or Is There Life After Industrial Capitalism? Part I]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal, 2023, no 3, pp. 17–37.

2. Badalyan L.G., Krivorotov V.F. Industrial’nye Srednie veka, ili Est’ li zhizn’ posle industrial’nogo kapitalizma? Chast’ II [Industrial Middle Ages, or Is There Life After Industrial Capitalism? Part II]. Rossiyskiy ekonomicheskiy zhurnal, 2023, no 4, pp. 4–23.

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8. Zhukovskiy V.A. Skazka o Ivane-tsareviche i Serom Volke [The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf]. Moscow, Prospekt, 2013, 31 p.

9. De Gruyter. Kant and Artificial Intelligence. Edited by Hyeongjoo Kim and Dieter, 2022.

10. Asimov I.I, Robot. Garden City. N.Y., Doubleday, 1950.

11. Zhuravlev Yu.I. Ob algebraicheskom podkhode k resheniyu zadach raspoznavaniya ili klassifikatsii [On an Algebraic Approach to Solving Recognition or Classification Problems]. Problemy kibernetiki, vyp. 33. Moscow, Nauka, 1977.

12. Zhuravlev Yu.I. Korrektnye algebry nad mnozhestvami nekorrektnykh (evristicheskikh) algoritmov [Correct Algebras over sets of Incorrect (Heuristic) Algorithms]. Kibernetika, 1977, no 4; 1978, no 8.

Unified System for Monitoring Pricing Processes: Implementation in the Development Strategy of State Regulation and Performance Assessment

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.80-89

The article proposes approaches to implementing a system of monitoring pricing processes in the strategy of state regulation and to assessing the effectiveness of such monitoring system. The author synthesizes the key functional blocks of a unified system for monitoring pricing processes and, on their basis, develops appropriate approaches. Such approaches, containing information about some participants in the system, legal acts that will require changes, as well as quantitative and qualitative indicators for assessing performance, demonstrate the potential and scale of a unified system for monitoring pricing processes.


1. Kabmin planiruet vklyuchit’ elektroenergetiku v servis skvoznogo ustanovleniya tarifov na baze “Gostekha” [The Cabinet of Ministers Plans to Include the Electric Power Industry in the End-to-end Tariff Setting Service Based on Gostekh]. Kodeks, 2024, 1 avgusta, available at:

2. Kovalev A.V. Formirovanie mekhanizma regulirovaniya protsessov tsenoobrazovaniya v sovremennoy ekonomike [Formation of a Mechanism for Regulating Pricing in the Modern Economy]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 3, pp. 136–143, DOI:

3. Kovalev A.V., Orlova L.N., Domkin P.A., Sokolov S.M. Dialektika tseny i kontseptsiya sozdaniya edinoy sistemy monitoringa protsessov tsenoobrazovaniya v ekonomike: Monografiya [Dialectics of price and the Concept of Creating a Unified System for Monitoring Pricing Processes in the Economy: Monograph]. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2021, 189 p.

4. Afanas’ev M.P., Shash N.N. Instrumentariy otsenki effektivnosti byudzhetnykh program [Tools for Assessing the Effectiveness of Budget Programs]. Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i munitsipal’nogo upravleniya, 2013, no 3, pp. 48–69.

5. Gorshenin A.N., Gorshenina E.V. Klyuchevye pokazateli deyatel’nosti: ot strategii k real’no rabotayushchim pokazatelyam [Key Performance Indicators: from Strategy to Real-world Performance Indicators]. Ekonomicheskie issledovaniya, 2014, no 1.

6. Eremina G.A., Sobol’ O.V. Mesto izmereniya effektivnosti deyatel’nosti v sisteme upravleniya organizatsiey [The Place of Performance Measurement in the Organization’s Management System]. Upravlenie personalom i intellektual’nymi resursami v Rossii, 2017, vol. 6, no 2, pp. 29–33.

7. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Organizatsiya, orientirovannaya na strategiyu. Kak v novoy biznes-srede preuspevayut organizatsii, primenyayushchie sbalansirovannuyu sistemu pokazateley [The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Organizations Are Succeeding in the New Business Environment]. Moscow, Olimp-Biznes, 2004, XVIII, 392 p. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Natsional’noy elektronnoy biblioteki, available at: catalog/000199_000009_002428994/

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Cooperative Economy — Back to the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.96-105

The authors have examined historical, social and economic foundations of the previously presented model of a cooperative economy, presented arguments in favour of a cooperative economy as civilizationally organic economic model for Russia.


1. Pereslegin S.B. Tsivilizatsii v lyudyakh i kodakh [Civilizations in People and Codes]. Izborskiy klub, 2021, 17 fevralya, available at:

2. Toshchenko Zh.T. Prekariat. Ot protoklassa k novomu klassu [Precariat: From Protoclass to New Class]. Institut sotsiologii FNISTs RAN, RGGU, Moscow, Nauka, 2018, 346 p.

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4. Galushka A.S., Niyazmetov A.K., Okulov M.O. Kristall rosta. K russkomu ekonomicheskomu chudu [Crystal of Growth. Towards the Russian Economic Miracle]. Moscow, 2021.

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