The "Economic Strategies" journal

2024 #3. 2024. Goals Achieved?

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Strategizing Innovation Development of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.50-59

Innovation is a key factor in the modern economy development. At the same time, strategic planning in the context of innovation development is a primary step towards scientific and technological leadership and sovereignt y. In the modern world, key powers are investing enormous amounts of money in the race for leadership in the field of ar tificial intelligence, defining innovation for the coming years and decades. At the moment most countries, including Russia, have already formed their strategic vision for this sphere’s development. If we consider ar tificial intelligence technologies not just as a way to automate production processes, but as a tool to transform the entire economy due to the synergistic ef fect from introducing these technologies, then the question of the current role of AI in strategizing innovation becomes paramount. Analysis of the relationship between strategic planning documents and the National AI Development Strategy will mak e it possible to identify its place in the existing hierarchy of strategic documents and, as a result, to determine the strategy’s potential in stimulating Russia’s innovation development and economic transformation.


1. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 10 oktyabrya 2019 g. N 490 “O razvitii iskusstvennogo intellekta v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2019 No. 490 “On the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Russian Federation”]. Garant, available at:

2. Porter M. Konkurentnaya strategiya. Metodika analiza otrasley konkurentov [Competitive Strategy. Methodology for Analyzing Competitors’ Industries]. Moscow, Al’pina Pablisher, 2015, 435 p.

3. Khamel G., Prakhalad K.K. Konkuriruya za budushchee. Sozdanie rynkov zavtrashnego dnya [Competing for the Future. Creating Tomorrow’s Markets]. Moscow, Olimp-Biznes, 2014, 288 p.

4. Kvint V.L. Kontseptsiya strategirovaniya [Concept of Strategizing]. Kemerovo, Kemerovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, 2022, 170 p., DOI: 10.21603/978-5-8353-2562-7

5. Artificial Intelligence Index Report, 2023. Stanford University, available at:

6. Pasport FP “Iskusstvennyy intellect” [FP Passport of “Artificial Intelligence”]. Konsul’tantPlyus. Sudebnye i normativnye akty RF, available at: https://sudact.


7. Indeks gotovnosti prioritetnykh otrasley ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii k vnedreniyu iskusstvennogo intellekta: Analiticheskiy otchet [Index of Readiness of Priority Sectors of the Russian Economy for Implementing Artificial Intelligence: Analytical Report]. Analiticheskiy tsentr pri Pravitel’stve RF; MGU imeni

M.V. Lomonosova, 2021, 159 p.

8. Kolin K.K. Novyy etap razvitiya iskusstvennogo intellekta: natsional’nye strategii, tendentsii i prognozy [New Stage of Artificial Intelligence Development: National Strategies, Trends and Forecasts]. Strategicheskie prioritety, 2019, no 2(22), pp. 4–12.

Confiscation of Russian Assets — a Repressive and Unlawful Act of the Collective West

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.44-49

The author examines the legal features of the procedure for the confiscation (expropriation) of frozen Russian assets by Western countries. The procedural aspects of the possible illegal seizure of Russian property are analyzed in the context of international law, taking into account the role of the UN Security Council.


1. V MID predupredili Zapad o posledstviyakh konfiskatsii aktivov [The Foreign Ministry warned the West about the consequences of asset confiscation]. RIA Novosti, 2024, 28 yanvarya, available at:

2. V MID poobeshchali dat’ adekvatnyy otvet v sluchae konfiskatsii aktivov Rossii [The Foreign Ministry promised to give an adequate response in the event of confiscation of Russian assets]. Izvestiya, 2024, 28 yanvarya, available at:

3. Ustav Organizatsii Ob”edinennykh Natsiy (Prinyat v g. San-Frantsisko 26 iyunya 1945 g.) [Charter of the United Nations (Adopted in San Francisco on June 26, 1945)]. Konsul’tant Plyus, available at:

4. Case concerning military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America),

available at:

5. Legal consequences for states of the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), available at:

6. Venskaya Konventsiya o prave mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov (Zaklyuchena v Vene 23 maya 1969 g.) [Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Concluded in Vienna on May 23, 1969)]. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo: Sb. dokumentov. T. 1. Moscow, BEK, 1996, pp. 67–87.

7. Mezhdunarodnyy pakt o grazhdanskikh i politicheskikh pravakh (Prinyat 16 dekabrya 1966 g. Rezolyutsiey 2200 (XXI) na 1496-m plenarnom zasedanii General’noy Assamblei OON) [International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Adopted on December 16, 1966 by Resolution 2200 (XXI) at the 1496th

plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly)]. Byulleten’ Verkhovnogo Suda RF, 1994, no 12.

8. Yassin Abdullah Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council and Commission (No. C-402/05 P, No. C-415/05 P). InfoCuria. Case-lav, available at:

9. Rezolyutsiya Soveta Bezopasnosti OON № 820 (1993) (Prinyata v g. N’yu-Yorke 17 aprelya 1993 g. na 3200-m zasedanii Soveta Bezopasnosti OON)

[UN Security Council Resolution No. 820 (1993) (Adopted in New York on April 17, 1993 at the 3200th meeting of the UN Security Council)]. E-Dos’e, available at:

Potential for Economic Sanctions Effectiveness

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.34-43

The article analyzes mechanisms of sanctions action and the problems that are faced by countries that use this political instrument. Particular attention is paid to cases of applying sanctions against the Russian Federation and Iran without expressing any subjective opinion on the legality of these countries’ actions. It is proved that economic sanctions in most cases are fraught with economic costs for all participants in sanctions episodes, including countries that initiate these sanctions. The country, against which the sanctions are imposed, is likely to develop trade relations with the third parties that do not participate in the sanctions coalition.


1. Alekseeva T.A. Sovremennaya politicheskaya mysl’ (XX–XXI vv.): politicheskaya teoriya i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Modern Political Thought (XX–XXI centuries): Political Theory and International Relations]. Moscow, Aspekt Press, 2015.

2. Timofeev I.N. Ekonomicheskie sanktsii kak politicheskoe ponyatie [Economic Sanctions as a Political Concept]. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 2018, no 2(59), pp. 26–42, DOI: 10.24833/2071-8160-2018-2-59-26-42

3. ES i SShA otsenivayut vliyanie sobstvennykh sanktsiy v otnoshenii Rossii [The EU and the US Assess the Impact of their own Sanctions Against Russia]. Otkrytyy zhurnal, 2022, 5 marta, available at:

4. Khaffbauer G., Shott D., Elliot K., Egg B. Peresmotr ekonomicheskikh sanktsiy [Revision of Economic Sanctions]. Elsevier. Zhurnal mezhdunarodnoy ekonomiki, 2007, vol. 76(1), pp. 135–137.

5. Rezolyutsiya 1929, prinyataya Sovetom Bezopasnosti na ego 6335-m zasedanii 9 iyunya 2010 g. [Resolution 1929, Adopted by the Security Council at its 6335th Meeting on 9 June 2010]. Sovet Bezopasnosti OON, available at:

Why did the Russian Economy not Collapse under the Influence of Sanctions?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.16-27

Chronicles of the trade and economic war (sanctions, restrictions, etc., in fact, attempts to organize an economic, scientific and technical blockade) of the conventionally united West against Russia after 2014 in general and after the beginning of the Limited Military Operation in particular clearly demonstrate that Atlantic opponents didn’t manage to defeat us economically. They don’t understand why that happened… Russia, to the whole world’s surprise, is successfully realizing its economic potential, monetizing it into stability of the political regime and building up a victorious defence potential. What’s the cause of such macroeconomic stability (national strength) of Russia?


1. Isard W. Interregional and Regional Input-Output Analysis: A Model of a Space Economy. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, vol. 33, pp. 318–328.

2. Leontief W., Strout A. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis. Structural Interdependence and Economic Development (ed. T. Barna). London, Macmillan (St. Martin’s Press), 1963, pp. 119–149.

3. Koopman R., Wang Z., Wei Shang-Jin. Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports. NBER Working Paper no 18579, Cambridge, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012.

4. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Natsional’naya strategicheskaya sila stran, mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i ekonomicheskaya uspeshnost’ stran v nestabil’nom mire [National Strategic Power of Countries, International Trade and Economic Success of Countries in the unstable World]. Strategirovanie: teoriya i praktika, 2023, vol. 3, no 3(9), pp. 277–297.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v

usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii,

2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15, DOI:

6. Makarov V.L., Il’in N.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Khabriev B.R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World: Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI:

7. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Loginov E.L. Primenenie ekonomiko-matematicheskikh metodov i modeley optimal’nogo planirovaniya v tsifrovoy ekonomike budushchego (TsEMI AN SSSR i TsEMI RAN: prognosticheskaya interpretatsiya i razvitie nauchnogo naslediya nobelevskikh laureatov L.V. Kantorovicha i V.V. Leont’eva) [Application of Economic-mathematical Methods and Optimal Planning Models in the Digital Economy of the Future (CEMI AS USSR and CEMI RAS: Predictive

Interpretation and Development of the Scientific Heritage of Nobel Laureates L.V. Kantorovich and V.V. Leontief)]. Moscow, Tsentral’nyy ekonomiko-matematicheskiy