The "Economic Strategies" journal

2024 #1 2024 Nuances of Sovereignty

Technologies of the VIth Technological Order and Risks of Socio-Humanitarian Development in the Post-Industrial Era

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.42-53

Particular attention is paid to assessing the consequences of the spread of transhumanism as an ideology aimed at using the high transformative potential of convergent technologies not in line with humanistic values, but for deforming effect on humans, society and nature, which creates conditions for increasing social inequality and implementation of a model of a new social order based on the principles of “cybernetic totalitarianism”. The author raises a question of the need to create an alternative to transhumanism theory, based on socio-humanism and noospherism, which will allow using the creative possibilities of convergent technologies (primarily nature-like ones) to form a nature-like (bio-like) technosphere, on the one hand, and on the other hand – to improve the quality of life and to overcome severe physical and mental illnesses of a human. The role of bioethics and biopolitics in reducing the environmental, biosocial and socio-humanitarian risks of using new technologies is assessed.


1. Kondrat’ev N.D. Bol’shie tsikly kon”yunktury i teoriya predvideniya. Izbrannye trudy [Large Conjuncture Cycles and the Theory of Foresight. Selected works]. Moscow, Ekonomika, 2002, 767 p.

2. Dement’ev V.E. Tsikly Kondra’’eva i postindustrial’naya ekonomika [Kondratieff Cycles and Post-industrial Economy]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii, 2018, no 4, pp. 7–19.

3. Sokolova S.N. O nekotorykh zadachakh filosofii v kontekste perspektiv tekhnologizatsii cheloveka [On Some Philosophy Tasks in the Context of Human Technologization Prospects]. Izvestiya TGU. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2015, no 1, pp. 19–30.

4. Kas’yanov V.V. Sotsium i chelovek v usloviyakh nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa [Society and a Man in the Context of Scientific and Technological Progress]. Obshchestvo: sotsiologiya, psikhologiya, pedagogika, 2012, no 1, pp. 11–15.

5. Khristolyubova N.E., Khudorenko E.A. Zarubezhnyy opyt sotsial’nykh posledstviy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiya: mesto obrazovaniya [Foreign Experience of Social Consequences of Scientific-Technological Development: Place of Education]. Otkrytoe obrazovanie, 2016, vol. 20, no 3, pp. 61–68.

6. Koval’chuk M.V. Ideologiya prirodopodobnykh tekhnologiy [Ideology of Nature-Like Technologies]. Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2021, 336 p.

7. Koval’chuk M.V, Naraykin O.S, Yatsyshina E.B. Prirodopodobnye tekhnologii — novye vozmozhnosti i novye vyzovy [Nature-Like Technologies – New Opportunities and New Challenges]. Vestnik Rossiyskoy Akademii nauk, 2019, vol. 89, no 5, pp. 455–465, DOI:

8. Buyanova M.E. Identifikatsiya i otsenka stranovykh riskov razvitiya konvergentnykh tekhnologiy [Identification and Assessment of Country Risks in Developing Convergent Technologies]. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2021, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 40–51, DOI:

Strategic Planning in the Face of Digital Transformation Challenges

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.54-61

High dynamics of geopolitical changes, enhanced by expansion of the range of challenges facing the country, have exposed new requirements for government and economic management. The speed with which these requirements should be realized raises the issue of the need for a technological breakthrough in the field of management. And the scale of shifts in the global economy requires special attention to strategic planning, raising its role in the public administration system to a level that will ensure all government bodies’ orientation towards achieving the goals of social development that are being formed right now.

The article dwells on the issues of strategic planning technologization, the challenges to which a new strategic planning system should respond, some risks of digital transformation of the public administration sector and possible directions for overcoming them.


1. Aver’yanov M.A., Evtushenko S.N., Kochetova E.Yu. Tsifrovoe obshchestvo: novye vyzovy [Strategic Planning — Necessary Condition for Developing the Vital Activity of Modern Society]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2017, no 6, pp. 166–175.

2. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 8 noyabrya 2021 g. N 633 “Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoy politiki v sfere strategicheskogo planirovaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2021 No. 633 “On approval of theFundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”]. Garant, available at:

3. Putin prizval rasshirit’ natsional’nye tseli razvitiya [Putin called for expanding national development goals]. RIA Novosti, 2023, 21 dekabrya, available at:

Technological Sovereignty: Measurement Method

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.62-69

The paper deals with the problems of measuring the technological sovereignty of a country, region, the provision of which is set as a priority strategic task for the Russian economy. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of measuring technological sovereignty based on the available statistics on the technological development of the Russian economy and, on this basis, to propose an assessment method that involves expanding accounting capabilities. The theory of measurement and technological development is used as a methodology. Using this methodology, it is shown that the index and rating method for assessing the aggregated “technological sovereignty” does not allow obtaining its necessary measurement, especially since the indicator itself in an aggregated form is not of great value, since there is a dependence on technologies for specific types of activities and industries that localize technological specifics of development. A direct method for measuring technological sovereignty is proposed, for the implementation of which there is no statistics in practice, which actualizes changes in the system of statistical accounting of technological development. However, already at the theoretical level of analysis, it is possible to obtain that, from the point of view of a direct measurement method, in order for technological sovereignty to grow, an outstripping growth rate of domestic domestic technologies is necessary over the growth rate of their total number, taking into account imports. In addition, if we introduce the concept of obsolete and new technologies, then in order to increase technological sovereignty, measured by the direct method as the ratio of the number of imported technologies to the number of domestic technologies of this type of activity, the growth rate of new technologies within the country must outstrip the difference between the weighted growth rates of the number of imported and obsolete domestic technologies. This condition is derived analytically precisely, confirming the importance of measuring and accounting for various technologies for specific activities.


1. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Nanotekhnologii kak klyuchevoy faktor novogo tekhnologicheskogo uklada v ekonomike [Nanotechnology as a Key Factor in the New Technological Order in the Economy]. Moscow, Trovant, 2009, 304 p.

2. Sukharev O.S. Ekonomika promyshlennosti, tekhnologiy i intellektual’nykh firm [Economics of Industry, Technology and Intellectual Firms]. Moscow, Lenand, 2022, 304 p.

3. Sukharev O.S. Tekhnologicheskiy suverenitet: resheniya na makroekonomicheskom i otraslevom urovne [Technological Sovereignty: Solutions at the Macroeconomic and Industry Level]. Mikroekonomika, 2023, no 2, pp. 19–33.

4. Chichkanov V.P., Sukharev O.S. Reytingi v upravlenii ekonomikoy: informativnost’ i tselesoobraznost’ [Ratings in Economic Management: Informativeness and Expediency]. Nauchnyy vestnik OPK Rossii, 2021, no 3, pp. 72–82.

2023: Strengthening the State Sovereignty and Sustainability of Russia’s Strategic Development in Conditions of Turbulence

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.70-75

The article dwells on the changes in the Market Index of “Economic Strategies” (MIES) for eleven months of 2023.

Contribution of demand and supply indicators to MIES is assessed. Analysis of industrial production is carried out.


1. Itogi goda s Vladimirom Putinym: pryamaya liniya s grazhdanami i bol’shaya press-konferentsiya s predstavitelyami SMI 14 dekabrya 2023 goda [Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin: Direct Line with Citizens and a Large Press Conference with Media Representatives on December 14, 2023]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

2. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii v yanvare — noyabre 2023 goda: Doklad [Socio-economic Situation in Russia in January — November 2023: Report]. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, available at:

3. Frenkel’ A.A., Tikhomirov B.I., Surkov A.A. Itogi strategicheskogo razvitiya Rossii v yanvare — aprele 2023 goda — luchshe pessimistichnykh prognozov [Outcomes of Russia’s Strategic Development in January-April 2023 are Better than Pessimistic Forecasts]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, no 4, pp. 86–91, DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.86-91

4. Obrashchenie Prezidenta RF V.V. Putina v svyazi s predsedatel’stvom RF v Ob”edinenii BRIKS [Address by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in Connection with the Russian Federation’s Chairmanship of the BRICS Association]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

5. Kontseptsiya predsedatel’stva RF v Sodruzhestve Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv v 2024 godu [Concept of the Russian Federation’s Chairmanship of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2024]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Prezidenta RF, available at:

Solidarism or Distributism? On Domestic Concept of the Solidary Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.76-81

Recently, the concept of society, which, according to the characteristics of its authors, is an alternative to both socialism and capitalism, has become quite actively discussed in Russia. Some of them do not consider it shameful to use the concept of “solidarism” to describe it, while others, on the contrary, actively distance themselves off it, preferring to call their doctrine a solidary society and economy.

No matter how surprising it may seem at first glance, the set of views expressed by modern domestic solidarists had foreign predecessors and modern supporters in the person of the so-called distributists.


1. Koshkin V.I., Kretov S.I. Osnovy politicheskoy ekonomii solidarizma [Foundations of the Political Economy of Solidarism]. Moscow, LENAND 2017.

2. Belyaev S., Koshkin V. Mozhet li ekonomika byt’ solidarnoy? Chast’ 1 [Can the Economy be Solidary? Part 1]. Ekspert, 2020, no 14, pp. 66–71.

3. Belyaev S. Retsept ot bednosti: vvesti sobstvennost’ rossiyan na vse prirodnye resursy. Kak preodolet’ vopiyushchee neravenstvo [The Recipe for Poverty: Introduce Russian Ownership of all Natural Resources. How to Overcome Gross Inequality]. Moskovskiy komsomolets, 2021, 20 maya, available at:

4. Koshkin V.I., Kretov S.I. Solidarnaya ekonomika: Put’ v budushchee [Solidarity Economy: The Way to the Future]. Moscow, LENAND, 2018.

5. Belyaev S., Koshkin V. Mozhet li ekonomika byt’ solidarnoy? Chast’ 2 [Can the Economy be Solidary? Part 2]. Ekspert, 2020, no 15–16, pp. 38–43.

6. Belloc H. Essays of a Catholic. N.Y. Books for Librarian Press, 1967.

7. Chesterton G.K. The Outline of Sanity. Leipzig, Bernard Tauchnitz, 1927.

8. Duboin J. La Grande Relève des Hommes par la Machine. Paris, Editions nouvelles,1932.

9. Bellami E. Cherez sto let: Sobr. soch.: V°2 t. [After a hundred years: Collected Works: In 2 vol.]. Vol. 1. Moscow, Knizhnyy mir, Knigovek, 2018.

10. Laudrain M. La vie Française du socialisme. Paris, La Maison du Livre Français, 1963.

Review of the book “Pragmatic Analytics”

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.82-83

The monograph under review is practice-oriented, contains conceptual foundations of pragmatic analytics and successful practices of analytical activities types aimed at resolving problem situations in various fields of activity.


1. Koshkin V.I., Kretov S.I. Osnovy politicheskoy ekonomii solidarizma [Foundations of the Political Economy of Solidarism]. Moscow, LENAND 2017.

2. Belyaev S., Koshkin V. Mozhet li ekonomika byt’ solidarnoy? Chast’ 1 [Can the Economy be Solidary? Part 1]. Ekspert, 2020, no 14, pp. 66–71.

3. Belyaev S. Retsept ot bednosti: vvesti sobstvennost’ rossiyan na vse prirodnye resursy. Kak preodolet’ vopiyushchee neravenstvo [The Recipe for Poverty: Introduce Russian Ownership of all Natural Resources. How to Overcome Gross Inequality]. Moskovskiy komsomolets, 2021, 20 maya, available at:

4. Koshkin V.I., Kretov S.I. Solidarnaya ekonomika: Put’ v budushchee [Solidarity Economy: The Way to the Future]. Moscow, LENAND, 2018.

5. Belyaev S., Koshkin V. Mozhet li ekonomika byt’ solidarnoy? Chast’ 2 [Can the Economy be Solidary? Part 2]. Ekspert, 2020, no 15–16, pp. 38–43.

6. Belloc H. Essays of a Catholic. N.Y. Books for Librarian Press, 1967.

7. Chesterton G.K. The Outline of Sanity. Leipzig, Bernard Tauchnitz, 1927.

8. Duboin J. La Grande Relève des Hommes par la Machine. Paris, Editions nouvelles,1932.

9. Bellami E. Cherez sto let: Sobr. soch.: V°2 t. [After a hundred years: Collected Works: In 2 vol.]. Vol. 1. Moscow, Knizhnyy mir, Knigovek, 2018.

10. Laudrain M. La vie Française du socialisme. Paris, La Maison du Livre Français, 1963.

Global Reset of Russia’s Sociocultural Trend: from “Classical” to “New” Eurasianism

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.86-89

The article identifies dynamics of the Eurasian concept, which is considered as the basic strategy for the positive development of Russia’s foreseeable future. The author shows that over the last century the national Eurasian model has been transformed in the process of actual socio-economic and political-ideological attitudes. Within classical eurasianism Russia is viewed as a special geographical and socio-cultural civilization that combines Western (Western European) and Eastern (Asian) stereotypes.

It is proved that in the process of the USSR development and formation of the “new” Russia, the theory of eurasianism with a Western European trend was being implemented. Since the second decade of the 21st century, in order to overcome the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions, the Russian Federation has been stimulating a national strategy of Eurasianism with an Eastern (Asian) orientation. However, by the middle of the 21st century in implementing the conceptual model of Eurasianism Russia will return, as suggested in the article, to a classical strategy based on a balance of Westernization and Orientalist ideas.


1. Blekher L.I., Lyubarskiy G.Yu. Glavnyy russkiy spor: ot zapadnikov i slavyanofilov do globalizma i Novogo Srednevekov’ya [The Main Russian Dispute: from Westerners and Slavophiles to Globalism and the New Middle Ages]. Moscow, Akademicheskiy proekt, 2003, 608 p.

2. Chumakov A.N. “Filosofskiy parokhod”. 100 let bez pokayaniya [“The Philosophical Ship”. 100 years without Repentance]. Monografiya. Moscow, Prospekt, 2022, 456 p.

3. Zalozhnykh Yu.S. Slavyanofily i neoslavyanofily: problema soderzhaniya kategoriy v dukhovnoy praktike rossiyskogo obshchestva [Slavophiles and Slavophiles: the Problem of the Content of Categories in the Spiritual Practice of Russian Society]. Filosofiya i kul’tura, 2013, no 9, pp. 1212–1216.

4. Berdyaev N.A. Evraziytsy. Russkoe natsional’noe samosoznanie i “evraziystvo” [Eurasians. Russian National Identity and “Eurasianism”]. Moscow, T8, 2018.

5. Iskhod k Vostoku. Predchuvstviya i sversheniya [Exodus to the East. Premonitions and Accomplishments]. Pod red. P.N. Savitskogo, P.P. Suvchinskogo, N.S. Trubetskogo, G.V. Florovskogo. Sofiya, 1921.

6. Osnovy evraziystva [Foundations of Eurasianism]. Moscow, Arktogeya Tsentr, 2002, 800 p.

7. Lyuks L. Zametki o “revolyutsionno-traditsionalistskoy” kul’turnoy modeli “evraziytsev” [Notes on the “Revolutionary-Traditionalist” Cultural Model of the “Eurasians”]. Voprosy filosofii, 2003, no 7, pp. 23–34.

8. Shpotov B.M. Zapadnye istochniki industrializatsii SSSR (konets 1920-kh — 1930-e gody) [Western Sources of Industrialization of the USSR (late 1920s —1930s)]. Moscow, Institut vseobshchey istorii RAN.

9. Sipols V.Ya. Torgovo-ekonomicheskie otnosheniya mezhdu SSSR i Germaniey v 1939–1941 gg. v svete novykh arkhivnykh dokumentov [Trade and Economic Relations between the USSR and Germany in 1939–1941. in the Light of New Archival Documents]. Novaya i noveyshaya istoriya, 1997, no 2, pp. 29–41.

Human Self-Sufficiency as the Basis for Self-Sufficiency of Socio-Economic Systems and a Multipolar World

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.93-99

The article dwells on relationship between the self-sufficiency of citizens and the self-sufficiency of socio-economic systems (hereinafter referred to as SES) at any level – from a company to a municipality, region and the state. It is shown that equal, self-sufficient states constitute the basis of a multipolar world. On the example of different countries, in particular the USA, it is shown that lack of self-sufficiency of citizens causes large external debt, the risk of reducing self-sufficiency of the state and, as a consequence, its destruction. Through the prism of self-sufficiency of citizens, the author shows the logical result to which Russian Federation is moving and to which it will arrive if it doesn’t change its monetary policy.

Based on her work experience as an expert, the author focuses on consciousness as an economic-cybernetic category and selfsufficiency as a reproductive (economic) function built into human nature to realize human potential.


1. Bychkova N.Yu. Soznanie kak ekonomicheskaya kategoriya [Consciousness as an Economic Category]. Innovatsii i investitsii, 2022, no 12, pp. 22–29, DOI: 10.24412/2307-180X-2022-12-22-29

2. Ageev A.I., Batchikov S.A., Mityaev D.A. V poiskakh koda Pobedy. Za flazhki proval’nogo meynstrima [Searching for the Victory Code. Beyond the check marks of the failed mainstream]. Izborskiy klub, 2021, 17 noyabrya, available at:

3. Bychkova N.Yu. Evolyutsiya pravosoznaniya cheloveka. Smena paradigmy [Evolution of Human Legal Awareness. Paradigm Shift]. Ekonomika i parvo, 2022, no 6, pp. 78–85, DOI 10.37882/2223–2974.2022.06.04

4. Veduta N.I. Ekonomicheskaya kibernetika. Ocherki po voprosam teorii [Economic Cybernetics. Essays on Theory]. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1971, 322 p.

5. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Za gorizontom kontsa istorii [Beyond the End of History Horizon]. Moscow, Prospekt, 2021, 416 p.

6. Marks K., Engel’s F. Sochineniya [Selected Works]. Moscow, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo politicheskoy literatury, 1961, 858 p.

7. Bychkova N.Yu. Prikladnye aspekty upravleniya zakrytoy sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoy sistemoy na primere Kuby [Applied Aspects of Managing a Closed Socio-Economic System on the Example of Cuba]. Ekonomika ustoychivogo razvitiya, 2023, no 2(54), pp. 111–115.

8. Birzhevoy portal [Website], available at:

9. RIA Novosti [Website], available at:

10. Birzhevoy portal [Website], available at:

11. Veduta E.N. Mezhotraslevoy-mezhsektornyy balans: mekhanizm strategicheskogo planirovaniya ekonomiki [Interindustry-intersectoral Balance: Mechanism for Strategic Planning of the Economy]. Ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. 2-e izd. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt. 2020, 239 p.

12. Zhukov N.I. Filosofskie osnovy kibernetiki [Philosophical Basics of Cybernetics]. Minsk, Izd-vo BGU, 1976, 224 p.