The "Economic Strategies" journal

2023 #2 2023 Labyrinth and Vector

Victim Semantics

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.132-135

The paper focuses on understanding the place of the phenomena of a victim and sacrifice in the history of world culture and in sociocultural practices from its inception to the present state. The main socio-cultural pat terns of a victim and their links with other cultural universals — the game, myth, rites of passage, ethnic mentalit y are studied. The author analyses socio-cultural functions of the phenomena of a victim in the processes of changing technological structure in the Modern and Contemporary times and in the modern network societ y. It is concluded that the combination of sacrifice, game, myth and heroic principle is a universal regulating, synthesizing and promoting transitional factor. This factor in the anthroposphere triggers the process of emergence inside it of a special structure of self-maintenance and selfdevelopment, in other words, a socio-cultural matrix (invariant, homeoresis), the most impor tant element of stability in the conditions of any crisis and any transition.


1. Popovich A.I. “Zhertva zhivaya” i “mertvaya”. Topos i raznochteniya knizhnosti Drevnei Rusi XI–XIV vekov [Victim “Alive” and “Dead”. Topos and Discrepancies in the Literature of Ancient Rus’ in the 11th–14th Centuries]. Letnyaya shkola po russkoi literature. Ekaterinburg: Ural’skii federal’nyi universitet, 2019, vol. 15, no 2–3, pp. 115–135.

2. Zhertvoprinoshenie: Ritual v iskusstve i kul’ture ot drevnosti do nashikh dnei [Sacrifice: Ritual in Art and Culture from Antiquity to the Present Day]. Otv. red. L.I. Akimova. Moscow, Yazyki russkoi kul’tury, 2000, 534 p.

3. Chto podrazumevaetsya pod zhertvoprinosheniem v Novom Zavete? [What is Meant by Sacrificial Offerings in the New Testament?]. Entsiklopediya Genon, available at:

4. Agamben D. Homo sacer. Suverennaya vlast’ i golaya zhizn’ [Homo Sacer. Sovereign Power and Bare Life]. Moscow, Evropa, 2011.

5. Kitai. Yazyk, obrazovanie, biznes. Stat’ya “Zhertva” [China. Language, Education, Business. Article “Victim”]. 2004.

Hybrid Wars in the Macroeconomic Supersystem of the XXI Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.6-23

We do care about what the foreseeable future will be… The recent period has clearly shown that expectations of W estern experts regarding the planned collapse of Russian and Chinese economies have not materialized. The ar ticle analyzes the main pressure tools and strategies of the main global politics actors on peripheral countries in order to solve the accumulated problems associated with increased debts and the need for fur ther trade expansion. Aggregated forecast scenarios for the situation development in relation to the GDP growth/fall of the leading countries of the world are structured.

The authors’ calculations proved that, despite the risks and threats of fur ther sanctions escalation and other restrictions, the implemented macroeconomic policy of Russia and China ensures preser vation of their key socio-economic indicators, providing national sovereignty.


1. US Debt Clock, available at:

2. Global wealth databook. 2021. Credit Suisse, 2021, June, available at:

3. National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2023. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense. United States Department of Defense, 2022, July, available at:

4. Temnaya zima: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Dark Winter: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

5. Atlanticheskii shtorm: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Atlantic Storm: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

6. Meropriyatie 201: Dannye Tsentra bezopasnosti zdorov’ya Dzhona Khopkinsa [Event 201: Data from the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center]. Center for Health Security, available at:

7. Puteshestvie po Shveitsarii v usloviyakh pandemii COVID-19: polnoe rukovodstvo na dekabr’ 2021 goda [Traveling Switzerland During the COVID-19

Pandemic: The Ultimate Guide for December 2021]. Swiss Info, 2021, 2 dekabrya, available at:–benefits-


8. Milliardery [Billionaires]. Americans for Tax Fairness. 2022. 14 aprelya. URL:


9. Vozvrashchayas’ k mezhdunarodnoi roli dollara SShA [Revisiting the International Role of the US Dollar]. BIS. Bank mezhdunarodnykh raschetov, 2022, 5 dekabrya, available at:,(see%20CGFS%20(2020)).

Victory of Life over Death. Collection of Nikolay Khorikov, a Photojournalist of the Civil War and Famine in the Volga Region

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.136-141

The present article examines the works of the Samara photographer Nikolay Khorikov, who made a significant contribution into preserving the history of such a large-scale disaster as the famine that befell the Samara province during the Civil War. The main emphasis is made not on building a policy of memory around the inhuman suffering endured by the people, but on the experience of overcoming this greatest humanitarian catastrophe. The author presents the main milestones in the life of N.S. Khorikov, analyzes visual sources — a series of photos taken by the photographer in the 1930s for publication in the central media.


1. Lomonosova M.V. Fotokhronika ada. Katolicheskii svyashchennik Mishel’ d’Erben’i o golode v Rossii v 1921–1922 godakh: Sb. dokladov konferentsii “Fotografiya v muzee” [Photo Chronicle of Hell. Catholic Priest Michel d’Herbigny on the Famine in Russia in 1921–1922: Collection of Reports of the Conference “Photography in the Museum”]. Sankt-Peterburg: Gosudarstvennyi muzeino-vystavochnyi tsentr ROSFOTO, 2020. S. 81–86. URL:

2. Mastera russkogo fotograficheskogo portreta (raboty moskovskikh fotografov XIX — nachala XX v. v sobranii VSMZ): Katalog-spravochnik [Masters of Russian Photographic Portraiture (Works by Moscow Photographers of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries in the VSMZ Collection): Directory]. Sost. T.E. Markova; Vladimiro-Suzdal’skii muzei-zapovednik, Vladimir, 2010, p. 76.

3. Konyakina T.Yu., Borisova Z.A. Neizvestnyi Nikolai Khorikov [Unknown Nikolay Horikov]. Kraevedcheskie zapiski, vyp. 17, Samara, 2014, p. 141.

4. Erbin’i M., de. Pomoshch’ svyateishego prestola russkim golodayushchim [Help from the Holy See to the Russian Starving]. Per. S. Volkonskogo, Rim, 1925, 79 p.

5. Liberman I.S. Al’bom Goloda v Povolzh’e. Samara 1921–1922 [Album of Hunger in the Volga Region. Samara 1921-1922]. Samara, 1922, available at:

6. Obrashchenie SNK SSSR, TsK VKP(b) ot 30.07.1931 “O razvertyvanii sotsialisticheskogo zhivotnovodstva” [Address of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR, Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated 07/30/1931 “On the Deployment of Socialist Animal Husbandry”]. SZ SSSR, 1931, no 46, st. 312; Izvestiya TsIK Soyuza SSR i VTsIK ot 31.07.1931 no 209.

Capital Accumulation Dynamics

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.24–35

The article discusses the scheme of K. Marxian expanded reproduction through the prism of the capital accumulation analysis by R. Luxembourg taking into account of the infrastructure impact on the development of capitalism.

The author gives examples of the 21st century infrastructure, in par ticular he examines multilateral platforms — payment systems for cross-border payments, associated with broadband satellite Internet access and an ar tificial intelligence environment.


1. Kuznetsova A.I. Infrastruktura: voprosy teorii, metodologii i prikladnye aspekty sovremennogo infrastrukturnogo obustroistva. Geoekonomicheskii podkhod [Infrastructure: Issues of Theory, Methodology and Applied Aspects of Modern Infrastructure Development. Geoeconomic Approach]. Moscow, KomKniga, 2006, 456 p.

2. Novoselov A.S. Regional’nye rynki [Regional Markets]. Moscow, TERRA, 1999, 476 p.

3. Samuel’son P., Nordkhaus V.M. Ekonomika [Economy]. Moscow, Vil’yams, 2001, 688 p.

4. Buzgalin A.V., Kolganov A.I. Global’nyi capital [Global Capital]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 512 p.

5. Vazyulin V.A. Logika “Kapitala” K. Marksa [The Logic of K. Marx’s “Capital”]. 2-e izd. Moscow, Sovremennyi gumanitarnyi universitet, 2002, 392 p.

6. Gegel’ G.V.F. Nauka logiki [The Science of Logic]. Saint Petersburg, Nauka, 2005, 799 p.

7. Marks K. Kapital [Capital]. T. I–III. Moscow, Politizdat, 1978, 629 p.

8. Lyuksemburg R. Nakoplenie kapitala [The Accumulation of Capital]. 5-e izd. Moscow — Leningrad, Gos. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe izdatel’stvo, 1934, 478 p.

9. Organizatsiya ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva i razvitiya, M3 dlya SShA [Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, M3 for the United States]. FRED, Federal’nyi rezervnyi bank Sent-Luisa, available at:

10. Zaidenvarg V.E., Podolyak V.I., Saraev V.N. Osnovy upravleniya krizisami na rynkakh uglya, gaza i elektroenergii [Fundamentals of Crisis Management in the Coal, Gas and Electricity Markets]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategii, 2003, 192 p.

11. Malkov S.Yu. Sotsial’naya samoorganizatsiya i istoricheskii protsess: Vozmozhnosti matematicheskogo modelirovaniya [Social Self-Organization and the Historical Process: Possibilities of Mathematical Modeling]. Moscow, Knizhnyi dom “LIBROKOM”, 2009, 240 p.

12. Interlinking payment systems and the role of application programming interfaces: a framework for cross-border payments. Basel, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI). Report to the G20, 2022, July, 53 p.

13. Exploring multilateral platforms for cross-border payments. Basel, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements, 2023, January, 33 p.