The "Economic Strategies" journal

#5. 2021

On the question of the development of the socio-economic system in the conditions of the economic crisis

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.5-13

The article considers the problem of social tension from the position of economic determinism. The author approaches the consideration of this issue from the point of view of the theory of the expediency of the existence of a socio-economic system as a whole. At the same time, the integrity of the system will be determined, according to the author, by the total dependence of a number of stressful factors that produce an economic crisis, affect the state of social stability and the level of social tension. The author considers the crisis not only as a disorganizing beginning of the organizational whole, but also as a process of rational changes, as a natural reaction of the socio-economic system, which allows diagnosing the state of its stability, development trends and the most vulnerable elements. According to the author, the determination of critical parameters that characterize the oscillation of the system and the degree of its stability will allow to regulate the level of social tension and to localize the foci of instability in the constituent components of the system in a timely manner, thus leveling the possible prerequisites for a social explosion.

Analysis of rational choice in the image-building space

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.14-29

The principles and algorithms of the analysis of consumer preferences in terms of identifying and researching the area of rational choice (a set of characteristics taken into account by representatives of the target group in the process of rational choice of a product/ brand/ firm) are considered. Special attention is paid to the correctness of the application of the methods and the interpretation of the results. The issues of product/ brand/ company promotion based on rational choice analysis are discussed. Examples of solving practical problems of identifying factors of rational choice of goods/ brands/ firms, constructing areas of rational choice, analyzing the configuration of areas of choice, developing a strategy and essential details of promotion are given using the presented approach.

This article is a continuation of the author’s research presented in No 2(97), No 3(98) and No 4(99) of the journal for 2021.

Assessment of the market of innovative startups and stakeholders on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.30-35

The scientific article presents the directions of innovative ideas in the service market. Based on financial analysis, the market of innovative start-ups and stakeholders was studied for the largest representatives of the retail and retail turnover of the service sector of the Republic of Tatarstan using the example of players in the DIY.

Evolvement of the company’s competitiveness concept in the context of development of strategic thought

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.36-43

The notion of competitiveness has a key value in strategic management. The issues of determining competitive advantage and its usage for reaching company’s goals attract significant attention from business, management, economists, which has led over the past four decades to a gradual conceptualization and an increase in the desire to understand competitiveness at the level of business, regions, nations. Numerous studies have been carried out to study competitiveness theoretically and to test it in practice. This article discusses the ways of forming approaches to study the company’s competitiveness.

Elements of protection of property interests of alcoholic market participants

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.44-48

The development of the alcoholic beverages market took place against the backdrop of a changing government policy. However, the problems of protecting property interests existed at every stage of the market evolution. Today, issues of protecting property interests affect the activities of all participants in the alcoholic beverages market: manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumers. The preservation of property and the implementation of related interests is ensured at every stage of the organization’s activities, therefore, solving the issues of using the tools of legal and information protection of property interests, considered in this article, is an urgent task in the activities of participants in the alcohol market.

Microeconomics of improving the safety of nuclear power plants based on using of accident tolerant fuel

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.49-61

An analytical methodology for evaluating the criteria of microeconomic efficiency of investments in nuclear power plants with innovative accident tolerant nuclear fuel resistant is presented. The main directions of current research in the world on the development of various variants of accident tolerant nuclear fuel are shown. To assess the competitiveness of nuclear power plants with accident tolerant fuel, it is proposed to use the coefficients of the influence of tolerant fuel on capital, operating and fuel costs, as well as on the efficiency of using the installed reactor capacity. Analytical formula containing influence coefficients are obtained to evaluate the main criteria for the effectiveness of investments in nuclear power plants with such type of fuel: internal return rate, levelized cost of electricity, discounted payback period and net present value. The results of the analysis of the sensitivity of microeconomic criteria to the proposed influence coefficients are presented. This approach allows us to determine the most important directions for a detailed analysis of the economic effects of the intеgration of accident tolerant fuel into nuclear power.

Conceptual design for offshore hydrocarbon fields development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.62-73

The article presents approaches to the implementation of the conceptual stages of the life cycle of offshore oil and gas structures (OOGS) to ensure the profitability of projects for the exploration and development of offshore hydrocarbon fields. The current decline in the offshore field activity of Russian oil and gas companies (OGCs) can be explained by a number of concerns. The most significant are the low profitability of projects and the lack of investments due to the background of low global oil prices. According to the author, the solution to this problem lies in the ways of optimizing the concepts of OOGS according to the criteria that meet the characteristics of the Russian oil and gas industry, for which it is necessary to rationalize the scope, content and management of project work at the conceptual design stage.

The article presents the results of a study of corporate project regulations of foreign OGCs and foreign engineering companies (ECs) at the conceptual stages of OOGS projects, analysis of the relationship between the stages of the life cycle of the offshore hydrocarbon field development. Using the example of a field on the Canadian shelf, the author estimates the cost of implementing an error at different stages of the project life cycle, as a result of which the role of conceptual stages in meeting the project’s on-time and in-budget goals is determined.

On the basis of the performed research, recommendations are formulated, the implementation of which will allow Russian OGCs to increase the profitability of projects for the exploration and development of offshore fields.

Digitalization as a driver for the development of oil and gas companies in modern conditions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.74-79

The article provides a justification for the feasibility of introducing digital technologies into the oil and gas industry, which nowadays experiencing a period of tightening competition because of falling oil prices, complicating the conditions for geological exploration and oil production, the development of «green» energy. There is a downward trend in demand for oil and petroleum products, which forces oil and gas companies to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of oil production in order to withstand pressure from competitors. For these purposes, many oil and gas companies are digitalizing their business processes. As the advantages of digitalization of the industry, the article discusses the reduction of costs for exploration and production of oil, and as barriers – underdeveloped infrastructure, a lack of highly qualified personnel and cyber threats.

Carbon neutrality and problems of RES development in Europe

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.80-86

The article analyzes the balance between Europe’s desire for carbon neutrality and energy security. The problems of using renewable energy sources (RES) in Europe arising from unstable weather have been identified. It is concluded that the volume of renewable energy production up to 50% and above, as planned by the EU, is not justified due to the unreliability of renewable energy – dependence on the weather. According to the author’s preliminary assessment, in order to ensure the energy stability of the country, RES should produce no more than 30% of electricity.

Digitalization of the healthcare sector in Japan based on artificial intelligence technology: key problems and solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.87-102

The article deals with a description and analysis of the policy of modernization of the healthcare sector implemented by the Japanese government on the basis of artificial technology, provides particular examples of some research projects and cases of practical application of the described technologies, identifies problem areas of the policy being implemented and projects being developed.

Modernization of the healthcare sector and medical services based on using of the latest digital technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence technology, is one of the key current global trends. In Russia, the digital transformation of healthcare is defined as one of the key tasks and is carried out within the framework of the National Project «Healthcare».

The study of successful examples of the introduction of artificial intelligence technology, as well as problems that hinder or slow down the integration of this technology and ways to overcome them, can be a valuable lesson for countries also involved in the development of national strategies for the development of artificial intelligence.