The "Economic Strategies" journal

#1. Start Request

Changing Business Models in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Global Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.64-69

Technological advances have resulted in rapid decrease of the data processing unit cost, which has stimulated a significant increase in the use of digital information that can be manipulated at a high speed and with low marginal costs. This change facilitated the use and integration of digital products and transactions, which led to continuous structural transformation of the economy. Digital technologies are increasingly blurring the boundaries between human life and information technologies, which requires a systemic approach to innovative business models, but so far general concept and unified methodology for systemic development of digital business models are missing. The present article summarizes the main approaches to analyzing changes in business models under the influence of digital transformation. The latter has led both to modification of global value chains and to the development of a new type of global digital platforms operating based on a new system of competitive advantages

China as a Neural-Information Megamatrix: Digital Technologies for Structuring Cognitive Ensembles of Order

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.50-61

In China, the strategy for the national information infrastructure development is implementing a large-scale and unparalleled project for developing artificial intelligence and its application to solving critical problems. Threats and risks of the current stage left no choice to China. The best Soviet and Russian developments of centralized planning and modeling are actively used, advanced American experience in applying neuroinformation technologies to influence society is being adopted. In fact, a neuroinformational mega-matrix is being formed, which will allow the Chinese authorities to keep the seething mass of people and organizations within a controlled circuit. Configuring cognitive communications in the socio-technical system “person — infocommunication environment — the state” allows to develop a social credit model for forming behavior vectors in large groups of the population with culling disloyal in behaviour (implemented now) and disloyal in thinking (soon to be implemented) human units of the China-community

Globalization of the World Economy and Pandemic-2020

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.30-43

The impact of the “pandemic 2020” is analyzed both in the short term and taking into account the long-term trend in order to restore national economic sovereignty by national economies; factors of the promotion of economic globalization — the activities of multinational/multinational companies, the US promotion of unilateral sanctions, the level of economic freedom bordering on the ultimate criterion for the loss of national economic sovereignty; financialization of the global economy as a factor in its growth; the dependence of world development on the level of GVCs formed and the existing specialization of the economies of the world, which made them unable to ensure sovereignty, security and health of the nation; it was concluded that the “pandemic 2020” acts as a catalyst for the restructuring of the world economies towards polycentrism and ensuring real reasonable sovereignty, without denying the potential of either vertical or horizontal cooperation and economic interaction

Prechaos as a Mid-Term State of Global Poliсy and Economics

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.22-29

The contemporary world is characterized with slowdown of key processes of global institutional development at the background of instrumental capabilities for geo-economic competition that could now include the methods of political and economic pressure upon competitors. Such a state of affairs could be called «a pre-chaos» that means the backpedaling major developments in the global geoeconomics (including the investment ones) as well as the political one while waiting for the massive turbulence that could include application of force. The USA are interested in maximum prolongation of the pre-chaos state in order to buy time to consolidate the elite and stabilize the society socially. But the prolonged existence of world economy within the frame of pre-chaos model that among other things results in avoiding the longer-term economic decisions including investment-related ones, only increases the destructive potential of future crisis with the destruction of the vital elements of the system of global economic interdependence

Power System for Beautiful China

DOI: 10.33917/es- 1.175.2021.14-21

The growth in primary energy consumption in 2019 by 1.3% was provided by renewable energy sources and natural gas, which together provided 75% of the increase. China in the period 2010–2020 held a leading position in the growth of demand for energy resources, but according to forecasts, India will join it in the current decade

Local Currency Settlement between China and Russia in the Post-Covid-19 Era: Current State, Challenges and Solutions. Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es- 1.175.2021.6-13

The paper continues the publication with the same title and is devoted to the development of currency and financial cooperation between Russia and China. This part of the study contains the main proposals for stimulating of local currency settlements for the analyzed countries and “recipes” for creating new world economic order. In the first part of the work the special attention is paid to the processes of payment systems’ conjugation, development of digital currencies and the idea of creating a collective currency in the Eurasian economic space. The second part is devoted to systemic reforms of the global financial and economic system