The "Economic Strategies" journal


On the Issue of Class Stratification in Modern Russian Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.114-119

The author analyzes the latent process of reestablishing a class society in Russia, which aims to eliminate the equal opportunity society that existed in the Soviet Union

Connections between cities as a system-wide characteristic of the quality of the urban environment

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.87-98

The Zipf distribution and V. Kristaller’s theory of Central places describe well the initial stage of development of settlement systems through the rank distribution of the population of cities. To complete the description of urban systems, it is proposed to use a model of quantitative description of connections between cities, which assesses the degree of maturity or perfection of the system. Quantitative characteristics of such models can be the degree of accessibility (distance, or travel time between cities) or the degree of attractiveness of cities. The article evaluates the quality of various parameters that can be used to measure the intensity of attraction of large cities.

It is shown that when urban systems transition to an agglomeration type system, the Zipf model does not work, and the distribution of the population of the agglomeration corresponds to the model of rank distribution of connections (RRS) between its elements. This phenomenon is explained by the exit of the labor market outside of each city of the agglomeration into their common market, in connection with which the population of cities becomes a characteristic of daily migration activity, that is, connections between cities.

Based on the developed criteria, it is possible to assess the scale of the employment crisis in small cities based on the rank distribution of the population of these cities in the vicinity of a large city or a combination of several large cities.

Reproductive Behaviour of Female Entrepreneurs in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.90-97

Research in the field of fertility often focuses on peculiarities of reproductive behaviour of various groups of population different

in socio-economic status, material and moral needs and reproductive attitudes. Comprehension of these features is important when shaping a pro-birth policy, since different groups of the population may respond differently to the proposed measures. In the article women entrepreneurs are presented as one of the groups of the Russian population with specific reproductive behaviour. The features of demographic profile and reproductive behaviour are analyzed on the basis of results of the All-Russian population census of 2002 and 2010 and a sample survey of the population reproductive plans of 2017

On Some Factors of Economic Growth and Regional Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.78-85

For several years, there has been a considerable interest in the development of regions and their contribution to the national economy, both in Russia and in foreign countries. The regions are characterized by uneven economic development and the amount of taxes and fees going to the Federal budget. Moreover, in Russia, this unevenness in regional development is particularly strong, which is facilitated by tax policy that affects the reduction of regional tax independence and does not encourage the regions to develop their income base. The task of achieving a balance between donor and recipient regions, reducing the number of subsidized regions, and creating incentives to increase their incomes and economic growth is one of the most actual problems of Russian economic policy.

“Black Dragon” and Management Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.70-81

The coronavirus pandemic this year has become one of the main topics on the world agenda and is now being analyzed from different angles — biological, medical, economic, political, social, historical. But another aspect to take into account is administrative, since this virus has infected not only individuals but also society, government and business systems. The pandemic is very complex, large-scale and multidimensional and, as is well known, it is hard to control the increasing difficulty and uncertainty, especially when the time factor is involved. There is a principle in methodology: if a problem identified at a certain level of the system’s complexity is not solved by means of the same level, then you need to rise to a higher level. In other words, it is necessary to rise to the metalevel, and this is where the problems of public administration and management are identified, and they are two-sided. The first one is practical — what to do and how to manage the unfolding processes to minimize damage to people, economy and society, what strategy to develop for recovery from this pandemic and how to implement it. This is a focus of everyone’s attention now, but it is too early to fully assess the effectiveness of various current measures and strategies, especially given the new wave of the pandemic. The second side — theoretical — how this problem can be viewed conceptually through the prism of changing the paradigm of the society existence and the paradigm of management. The present article deals with some fundamental aspects of the latter aspect of the problem.

Analysis of the fund of the national welfare of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.94-99

In an unstable environment of sharp declines in world oil prices associated with a decrease in demand for their consumption mainly due to COVID-19, studies on the formation, distribution and assessment of the effectiveness of the use of funds from sovereign wealth funds of states are timely and relevant. A comparative assessment of the approaches of various states on the use of the funds of their sovereign wealth funds is carried out, an analysis of the sources of allocation of funds of the National Welfare Fund of the Russian Federation for 2015-2019 is carried out, a method for assessing the economic efficiency of using the funds of the national welfare Fund of the Russian Federation, based on a comparative assessment of its profitability with the level of profitability of foreign sovereign funds, is proposed.

Justification of methodological approaches for determining the labor intensity of R&D

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.5-17

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for the use of R&D labor intensity standards as one of the main tools for drawing up estimates.

The article addresses the following issues: 1) As a result of comparative analysis of specific features, the «weak» and «strong» points of the methods for the measurement of the complexity of research and design work have been identified, the original methodological assumptions and justifies the most appropriate area of use; 2) Improve the efficiency and validity of design-estimate documents of R&D proposed synthesized a comprehensive approach, which consists in the joint use of three methods – the main (analog) and two support (network planning and management, and expert).

Corporate Transparency Rating of the Largest Companies in the Russian Federation for 2019

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.89-95

As a part of the corporate transparency study, public annual non-financial reports of companies for 2018 (integrated reports, traditional annual reports, environmental reports, social reports, sustainable development reports, corporate social responsibility reports, etc.) are examined. The sample includes companies from the Expert-600 rating, as well as companies listed on the Moscow and foreign exchanges (LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ HKEX, Euronext NV, DeutscheBörseGroup); backbone companies of the Russian Federation; state corporations and the companies they control with revenues of at least 3 billion rubles. 1,192 companies were inspected in 2019. Every year professional audit on conformity of the study with the stated methodology is conducted. The permanent auditor of the study is Nexia Pacioli audit company

Management of oil field development at a late stage in the context of liquidation tasks and abandonment of deposits

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.65-73

The scientific article offers some solutions for the management of oil and gas fields at a late stage of development and possible extension of the field operation period. The analysis of the practices of elimination of production facilities in the Asia-Pacific region, assessed the possibility of using these practices in Russian companies. We propose a set of measures to extend the period of operation of fields, which can be used if their profitability and safety of operation are maintained, including: cost management; additional drilling or changes in the production profile; improvement of operational indicators; improvement of tax or commercial conditions.