The "Economic Strategies" journal


Cellular Paradigm of Network Organization: Implications for Present-Day Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.68-77

Microorganisms and cultivated cells from human or animal tissues form complex network structures (colonies, biofilms, flocs, granules, etc.) that are characterized by efficient communication and behavior coordination in the absence of a central pacemaker. The decentralized (flat) network organization of such structures is due to the functioning of (a) information-transmitting intercellular contacts, (b) a signal field created by distant communication systems, including the quorum-sensing system; and (c) a biopolymer matrix that cements the cells of the whole network structure. Microbial network structures exist in the human organism, especially in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. The cellular networks engage in complex interaction with the host organism. The organism represents a complex combination of hierarchical structures and decentralized networks and includes the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.

The interaction between the microbiota and the host may produce both positive and negative effects on the host’s physical and mental health, because decentralized networks are known to possess not only useful but also potentially harmful properties. Communication between microbial cells and the host organism involves neurochemicals, i.e., chemical compounds, whose functions include impulse transmission between nervous cells. In the final section, the cellular paradigm of network organization is envisaged as the conceptual basis of organizational technology aimed at creating efficient non-hierarchical creative teams that are cemented by common values and goals (the network matrix).

Identifying Leaders in the Major Production Groups

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.92-98

The article dwells on the possibilities and features of methods and mechanisms tested at the program for identifying leaders of labour collectives

Fundamentals and methods of forming a database of intellectual property of organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.18-25

In modern economic conditions, enterprises that produce high-tech products rely on their existing competencies based on various objects of intellectual property. In this regard, the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is directly dependent on the efficiency of the use of intellectual property. Thus, there is a problem of constructing mechanisms that allow describing intellectual property objects of knowledge-intensive enterprise and performing their information analysis, which justifies the relevance of forming the organization’s intellectual property database.

Information Model for Strategic Management of Navigation Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.82-88

Development of information technologies allows us to address challenges of different class, ranging from optimizing the execution of individual transactions to building systems for implementing the strategy at the enterprise level or a set of organizations. With an increase in the task scale, proportion of factors that do not fall into the control zone increases, however, with the growing information maturity of the economy, there are less and less zones of inaccessibility. The article dwells on the management model of engineering services on the example of navigation services provided by satellite systems. In order to build economic models the author considers possibilities of applying the life cycle model to implement a customer-oriented approach, as well as opportunities models for optimizing internal processes and interacting with suppliers. As a result of transition from a planned system of economic activity to market mechanisms in the Russian economy, production food chains that unite a large number of different enterprises were disrupted. The article shows how the use of information models can contribute to solving accumulated problems

Functional product model constructed by using functional-cost analysis

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.57-64

The article discusses certain aspects of the application of the functional model of the product (hydraulic cylinder), built using the functional-cost analysis in the activities of a large machine-building enterprise. The authors of the scientific article calculated the need for materials / components, and also identified the material carrier of functions. The material consumption rate for one hydraulic cylinder is presented, the cost of the product and the feasibility of production are calculated. The authors compared the prices of competitors and found that a machine-building enterprise should produce hydraulic cylinders for both resale and production purposes for military and civilian vehicles. The results of the study can be used in the production activities of industrial enterprises.

On the essence of market manipulation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.88-97

Since the strengthening of fluctuations in the world commodity and financial markets and the exposure of the financial system of the Russian Federation to global risks has identified a place among the main challenges and threats to the security of the domestic economic system, the article provides an overview of various scientific points of view regarding such a speculative phenomenon as market manipulation. Clarification of the nature of manipulation as a complex process that requires a systematic approach to elucidating the essence of the phenomenon should contribute to the administrative and criminal prosecution of manipulators.

Gallery of Recognized Leaders

If you want to realize your dream without expending any effort, it means you don’t have it at all. Follow an example of those who have gained success, who are able to overcome difficulties and to lead people. In the periodical series of the “Gallery of Recognized Leaders” there are success stories of those who can solve the most complex problems – E.S. Bezdenezhnykh, Vice President for regional policy and interaction with authorities and management bodies of RUSAL company, P.A. Livinsky, Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Rosseti , A.A. Guryev, General Director of “PhosAgro” PJSC, A.V. Rogov, Deputy General Director of PJSC “MOEK”

Current trends in the development of investment activities in the mining industry industrial complex of the Murmansk region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.105-111

The article analyzes the current trends in the development of investment activities in the mining industry of the industrial complex of the Murmansk region, which is part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and also assesses the investment risks possible during the implementation of projects.