The "Economic Strategies" journal


Information Model for Strategic Management of Navigation Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.82-88

Development of information technologies allows us to address challenges of different class, ranging from optimizing the execution of individual transactions to building systems for implementing the strategy at the enterprise level or a set of organizations. With an increase in the task scale, proportion of factors that do not fall into the control zone increases, however, with the growing information maturity of the economy, there are less and less zones of inaccessibility. The article dwells on the management model of engineering services on the example of navigation services provided by satellite systems. In order to build economic models the author considers possibilities of applying the life cycle model to implement a customer-oriented approach, as well as opportunities models for optimizing internal processes and interacting with suppliers. As a result of transition from a planned system of economic activity to market mechanisms in the Russian economy, production food chains that unite a large number of different enterprises were disrupted. The article shows how the use of information models can contribute to solving accumulated problems

Functional product model constructed by using functional-cost analysis

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.57-64

The article discusses certain aspects of the application of the functional model of the product (hydraulic cylinder), built using the functional-cost analysis in the activities of a large machine-building enterprise. The authors of the scientific article calculated the need for materials / components, and also identified the material carrier of functions. The material consumption rate for one hydraulic cylinder is presented, the cost of the product and the feasibility of production are calculated. The authors compared the prices of competitors and found that a machine-building enterprise should produce hydraulic cylinders for both resale and production purposes for military and civilian vehicles. The results of the study can be used in the production activities of industrial enterprises.

Family and Evaluation Business — the Key to successful Tandem of Partner Spouses

How to identify the industry attractiveness, to understand where there are development prospects? There is no clear answer to this difficult question. But at least we can talk about indirect evidence. If people bring relatives and friends into their profession, it means that they are secure about the future, are satisfied with their work, and that “everything is serious” with their profession. Irina and Aleksey Moskalyov, heads of one of the largest regional appraisal companies “InvestOtsenka” Analytical Consulting Group LLC (Voronezh), narrate how to bring a family business to prosperity through mutual understanding and partnership.

Digital concept for identifying hidden control centers as part of a complex multi-currency financial systems with a lot of latent connections between elements

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.5-11

The article discusses the problems of digital monitoring of international settlements with the cooperated structure of the EAEU financial and stock markets as multi-agent systems. The introduction of a digital platform with analytical services for the identification of cluster monetary and financial interpretations of the observed operations and the identification of real beneficiaries (hidden control centers) of operating schemes and transaction chains of specific financial operators is justified. It is proposed to build a computationally observable object-resource base of electronic transactions that allows you to track the movement [including budget] of each ruble or other non-cash currency through any number of accounts that serve as the basis for establishing all participants in the financial chain.

National Digital Currency: a Look into the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.74-81

Demographic crisis remains one of the main challenges to socio-economic development of Russia. The COVID–19 pandemic

has aggravated preconditions for a possible recovery from depopulation. The present article substantiates the need to develop and approve the RF social doctrine upon completion of national projects in 2018–2024. The authors suggest their own approach to overcoming the socio-demographic crisis with regard to the long-term demographic dynamics in Russia. Various scenarios of the “post-coronavirus” future of both specific countries and the world as a whole are proposed

Neuromanagement: Convergent Integration of the Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.46-57

World achievements in the field of neuroscience have provided previously inaccessible opportunities for creating fundamentally new control systems based on neurointerfaces (brain — computer — brain). Hybridization of environments — gradual blurring of the boundaries between physical, cognitive and digital realities — is taking place. Descriptions of social and cognitive practices of real people are transformed into forming an artificial electronic subject, which becomes more real, replacing a biological object in society (a person is how he is represented in the electronic information environment). At the same time, development of the neurointerface perspectively leads to conversion of nervous tissue and changes biological substrate of the human brain and body in the vector of convergent collaboration of living and artificial nervous systems. Our American competing partners (the US Department of Defence represented by DARPA) carry out multidisciplinary comprehensive research in this area, leading in real results, the US leadership is increasing government funding. A qualitative change in technologies for managing people, society and the state is taking place. Russia’s objective in these conditions is to form its own segment of Neuronet, relying on domestic neurotechnologies, by analogy with the policy of import substitution in Russian nuclear energy.

The Problem of Unemployment in the Digital Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.110-117

The article analyzes a special type of unemployment, the occurrence of which is associated with the development of the digital economy. Shown are the main problems that digital can bring to social life and the fate of an individual worker. Chief among these problems is that with the further digital transformation of the economy, more and more jobs may be threatened with extinction, and the disappearance of old jobs this time will not be accompanied by the emergence of new ones. A situation may arise when workers released due to digitalization will become not only unemployed, but also generally inoperable. A global question arises — what to do with those who do not work, and how to support them? It also examines the related measures of population regulation and global mechanisms for managing demographic processes.

Impact of the Trade War Between the United States and China on the EAEU Foreign Economic Activity. Interim Results and Prospects

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.16-25

The article analyzes the causes of the trade war between the USA and China, in particular, dwells on the problems of further globalization of the world economic relations, multidirectional vectors of the two states’ development in recent decades, as well as disproportion in the trade balance. The paper presents statistical assessment of the trade war results, expressed in structural changes of trade relations between the US and China, as well as dynamics of their imports from the EAEU countries. Based on statistical data, the conclusion is made on economic prospects of the EAEU to compensate certain product groups that are falling out during the trade war in the Chinese and American markets, and general recommendations are given on building the EAEU’s foreign economic strategy, taking into account the current global changes