The "Economic Strategies" journal


Mission of the Territory: How to Develop It and is it Needed at All?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.126-135

There is no generally accepted definition of a territory’s mission either in Russia or abroad. So is it worth including a mission in the strategy of socio-economic development of a territory and what definition of the mission is better to choose? To answer these questions, a content analysis of Russian and foreign definitions of the territory’s mission has been carried out, from which common units of meaning were identified.

It was established that a number of semantic units in definitions of the territory’s mission and the mission of organization coincide. However, from the point of view of the mission statement, there are a number of significant differences between a territory and an organization, which makes some definitions of the territory’s mission hardly applicable in practice.

Conclusion is made: it is better to define the territory’s mission through its role in the external environment, functions and unique features of the territory. The article examines advantages and disadvantages of alternative options: not to develop a mission at all or to develop it in a purely formal way. Practical recommendations on developing a territory mission, examples from Russian and foreign experience are given

Towards an Enhanced Institutional Structure of the Eurasian Economic Union

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.102-111

This article considers how to enhance the institutional structure of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in order to enable timely decision-making and implementation of governance decisions in the interests of Eurasian integration deepening. We compare the governance structures of the EAEU and the European Union (EU) using the author’s technique and through the lens of theories of neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism elaborated with respect to the EU. We propose to determine a major driver of the integration process at this stage (the College of the Eurasian Economic Commission or the EAEU member states), to reduce the number of decision-making bodies within the current institutional structure of the EAEU, and to divide clearly authority and competence of remaining bodies to exclude legal controversies in the EAEU

Strategic audit matrices for socio-economic improvement of the territory

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.80-93

This article is devoted to the analysis of strategic audit matrices of socio-economic improvement of the territory. The concept and essence of strategic audit in the field of commercial and public relations are defined, risks and interests of components of regional system as object of strategic audit are considered, types and structure of matrixes of strategic audit are revealed.

Transformation of Russia’s Presence in Kyrgyzstan

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.74-79

The article dwells on the changing role of Russia in Kyrgyzstan, identifies trends of the main country’s indicators in trade and direct investment, describes humanitarian cooperation between two countries. The authors make an assessment of Kyrgyzstan’s economic potential, examine the main industries and agriculture of the country, identify its investment attractiveness for foreign partners.

Technology and cost structure of gas pipelines and regulation of profit margins (analytical review)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.57-66

The necessity of actualization the concepts in part of stomatological practice in a changing economic paradigm is substantiated. A conceptual apparatus has been developed that reflects the role, place and functionality of dental practice in the economy of our country. The semantic load of the specified categories corresponds to the prevailing economic conjuncture and established norms of economic practice. The use of specified categories in professional activities will allow scientists and practitioners to avoid misunderstandings, to achieve mutual understanding regarding the interpretation of organizational, economic, regulatory, medical, dental, and other aspects of the studied type of activity.Right arrangement of content will contribute to the intensive development of dental practice and the solution of priority tasks in terms of its regulation.

Methodological Aspects of Modeling Concept Value Assessment of Live Cycles in the Assessment Activities in the Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.80-91

The article discusses the subject of research, focused on the study of the transformation processes of the valuation methodology, focused on the effective management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development by ensuring the effective implementation of National projects using the results of the value management genesis in valuation activities based on the use of the concept of cost-based life cycle assessment The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of solving the national economic problem of the need to ensure the launch of innovative high-tech investment cycles for the development of industries, enterprises and investment projects based on the formation of an updated methodological base for valuation activities. Moreover, it is proposed to use the model of formalizing the processes of valuation and cost and cost management in economic systems based on the life cycles of goods, products and works as the main evaluative ideology. The aim of the study is to develop a set of relevant methodological proposals for modeling the concepts of valuation of life cycles in the valuation of Russia in order to ensure its transformation that is sufficient for cost management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development of the country through ensuring the effective implementation of national projects. The object of the study is the development of theoretical principles and conceptual approaches for modeling the methodological foundations of valuing and managing the life cycles of goods and products in the process of implementing national projects based on minimizing the cost of their life cycles, life cycle contracts, total costs and the cost of ownership of life cycles. As applied research methods, a comprehensive approach was used, based on analysis and synthesis, logical analysis, expert approach, methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting.

Small business economics in subsurface use

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.77-86

The article considers the state of small business in subsurface use by type of economic activity-mining. It is shown that this type of activity is in the top three in the structure of gross value added in the regions. The commercial and budgetary efficiency of an investment project for the development of a small oil field is considered on a specific example. The expediency of abolishing the mineral extraction tax for small hydrocarbon deposits is justified. The directions of development of unclaimed small oil and gas fields are proposed.

EAEU and Global Value Chains

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.128-135

The article describes position of the EAEU countries in the international division of labour, compares them with other geographic regions. The author reveals the pros and cons of deeper integration into global value chains, and also suggests various policy options with regard to participation therein. The paper also describes the EAEU regional features, on the basis of which advantages and disadvantages of the region in relation to external economic agents are specified. Special focus is made on the protectionist trend, which has both internal and external (global) dimensions and hinders implementation of effective coordinated macroeconomic policy of the EAEU countries for achieving higher redistributions in global production chains.

Scientific Foundations of a New World Order Based on Compromise and Harmony

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.86-93

The article proposes a new paradigm of the world order based on the principles of compromise and harmony. In place of liberalism, the world of prehistory, there is a true history — the system of sociohumanism. The dyadic paradigm of the “struggle” of opposites is removed by the triadic paradigm of their harmonic synthesis. A generalized set of innovations is given in opposition to the existing system of life arrangement.

War and World: Analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Terms of Hybrid War. Psychoevotional Factors and Psychomatic Medicine in Combating SARS-CoV-2

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.62-69

The article provides a systematic analysis of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the theory of hybrid warfare, identifies the factors of psycho-emotional impact on citizens and society of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The author has formed a hypothesis of the specific influence of the psychoemotional factor in the context of a hybrid war on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic on a global scale, country, society, person; the key directions for preparing the Russian control system for “viral” crises (“second wave”, pandemic, biological warfare, etc.) are highlighted. The critical importance of the integrity of approaches to a person in medicine, an interdisciplinary approach not only to diagnosis, but also to treatment, rehabilitation, accompanying patients and their families — these are new social values