The "Economic Strategies" journal


Fundamentals and methods of forming a database of intellectual property of organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.18-25

In modern economic conditions, enterprises that produce high-tech products rely on their existing competencies based on various objects of intellectual property. In this regard, the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is directly dependent on the efficiency of the use of intellectual property. Thus, there is a problem of constructing mechanisms that allow describing intellectual property objects of knowledge-intensive enterprise and performing their information analysis, which justifies the relevance of forming the organization’s intellectual property database.

Justification of methodological approaches for determining the labor intensity of R&D

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.5-17

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for the use of R&D labor intensity standards as one of the main tools for drawing up estimates.

The article addresses the following issues: 1) As a result of comparative analysis of specific features, the «weak» and «strong» points of the methods for the measurement of the complexity of research and design work have been identified, the original methodological assumptions and justifies the most appropriate area of use; 2) Improve the efficiency and validity of design-estimate documents of R&D proposed synthesized a comprehensive approach, which consists in the joint use of three methods – the main (analog) and two support (network planning and management, and expert).

Analysis of the fund of the national welfare of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.94-99

In an unstable environment of sharp declines in world oil prices associated with a decrease in demand for their consumption mainly due to COVID-19, studies on the formation, distribution and assessment of the effectiveness of the use of funds from sovereign wealth funds of states are timely and relevant. A comparative assessment of the approaches of various states on the use of the funds of their sovereign wealth funds is carried out, an analysis of the sources of allocation of funds of the National Welfare Fund of the Russian Federation for 2015-2019 is carried out, a method for assessing the economic efficiency of using the funds of the national welfare Fund of the Russian Federation, based on a comparative assessment of its profitability with the level of profitability of foreign sovereign funds, is proposed.

The ideology of the Club of Rome in the complex of weakening Russia’s economic security and sovereignty

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.87-93

The ideas of the club of Rome as an important basis of financial, economic, political and legal practices of bourgeois elites at the global level in the form of implementation misanthropic neomalthusianism concepts in the contemporary world are investigated in the context of their implementation in post-Soviet Russia; substantiates the key role of the ideology and practice of the club of Rome in the Russian liberal elites, the destruction of the Soviet system, the dynamics of post-Soviet Russia; the necessity of the upsurge of scientific research in the interests of peoples and countries, alternative design development of the club of Rome, as a key basis for restoration of economic safety of Russia its financial-economic sovereignty and the development of the project of the future world order based on the principles of popular democracy.

Investment problems of the health system

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.78-86

The article focuses on the shortcomings of the resource and financial support of the healthcare sector. The importance of increasing the volume of social investments in healthcare in the Russian Federation is shown. The current model of healthcare investment is analyzed. The main problems of investing in the healthcare system are formulated. The directions of its improvement and modification are suggested.

Economics and innovations: dialectic of interdependence

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.62-77

The article attempts to analyze the impact of general economic situation in national economy of Russia on innovative industrial development. The impact of innovations to industrial production development has shown in the article. We can see stages of innovative development in current Russian economy. The reasons, which are constraining innovative activity, have considered. The government role in stimulating of innovations has analyzed. The presence of private and budgetary components has noted as a qualitative specificity of Russian economy today. We can see the conclusion about necessity of improvement of management organization system of innovative processes.

Prospects of inter-fuel competition for heat energy production in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.56-61

Reliable and uninterrupted supply of energy resources to the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation in the extremely harsh climatic conditions of the North is the primary state task of state authorities at each level. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that determine the priority demand for energy resources that have the highest efficiency of their use. As a result of the analysis of the use of traditional types of primary energy resources, such as coal, crude oil, diesel fuel and gas condensate at the enterprises of electric and heat power engineering of the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), inter-fuel competitiveness was revealed. Calculations have been made of the energy and environmental efficiency of using alternative fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of the existing traditional types of fuel for boiler houses in the Arctic regions of the republic. Methods for assessing the energy and environmental assessment of the efficiency of replacing traditional fuels with liquefied natural gas for the production of heat energy at heat power plants in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which are universal for use in each region with local heat supply to its territories, are proposed.

Innovative Road — a High-Risk Area

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.136-141

At present the education system in the Russian Federation does not include any program teaching the basics of patent law on inventions, therefore protection of copyright holders in courts is very problematic. The article analyzes foreign experience of patent law on inventions, provides examples of implementing research and development results

Mission of the Territory: How to Develop It and is it Needed at All?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.126-135

There is no generally accepted definition of a territory’s mission either in Russia or abroad. So is it worth including a mission in the strategy of socio-economic development of a territory and what definition of the mission is better to choose? To answer these questions, a content analysis of Russian and foreign definitions of the territory’s mission has been carried out, from which common units of meaning were identified.

It was established that a number of semantic units in definitions of the territory’s mission and the mission of organization coincide. However, from the point of view of the mission statement, there are a number of significant differences between a territory and an organization, which makes some definitions of the territory’s mission hardly applicable in practice.

Conclusion is made: it is better to define the territory’s mission through its role in the external environment, functions and unique features of the territory. The article examines advantages and disadvantages of alternative options: not to develop a mission at all or to develop it in a purely formal way. Practical recommendations on developing a territory mission, examples from Russian and foreign experience are given

Analytical Accounting of Innovation Activities in the Agricultural Industry

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.118-124

The authors have analyzed the legal acts regulating accountancy in the Russian Federation and concluded that they contain no definitions, classification or descriptions of innovations, which makes it problematic to put the corresponding provisions of State programs into practice. The authors suggest singling out “expenditure on innovation” as a separate object of accounting and define it as expenditure for the purpose of improving the quality of production, works and service as well as improving the organizational and management system. This new level of quality can be measured by means of the following indicators: physical properties, chemical composition, technical and economic indicators. In view of the fact that investments in innovation can be referred to as both fixed capital (intangible assets, constant assets) and working capital (elite seeds, young animals, innovative biological additives etc.), the authors suggest adding to entry 08 “Investments in fixed assets” sub-entry 9 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of fixed capital” and sub-entry 10 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of working capital”. In view of the fact that Cash flow statement reveals some important analytical information about investing, it would be advisable to add to “Cash flow from investing activities” line 4215 “Cash inflows from selling innovations” and line 4225 “Expenditures on purchasing, creating innovations”.