The "Economic Strategies" journal


Weak Regulation Causes Frequent Violation of Consumer Rights

On March 5, 2020, the State Duma adopted in the third reading the draft law “On introducing amendments to the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. Its main provisions specifically for the ES magazine were clarified by the LDPR deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Vasily Maksimovich Vlasov

The structure of an adapted industry-specific architectural framework for insurance companies

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.36-43

The active development of digital twin technologies will lead to the appearance of digital copies for organizations, which works in the service sector. This also applies to insurance companies. Over time, new research and development in the field of dynamic management of enterprise architecture will be required. However, there are a low maturity level of both key business processes and enterprise architecture management processes in most Russian and companies that is an obstacle for development in the field of EA dynamic management. Analysis of existing foreign architectural and process frameworks (including industry ones) shows that they are poorly adapted for Russian realities. Russian architectural frameworks have not been developed yet. Cross-industry frameworks and approaches are too abstract, and foreign industry frameworks are based on reference models of business processes that are not relevant for Russian companies. The emergence of a relevant industry framework could help accelerate the development of digital twin technology for Russian insurance companies. Based on the analysis of several cases and existing architectural frameworks, the article proposed the structure of an adaptive architectural framework and built a map of top-level industrial business processes for Russian insurance companies.

Economic evaluation of investments in the development of the mining industry of the industrial complex of the Murmansk region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.82-89

The article provides an economic assessment of a promising investment project implemented by an enterprise of the mining industry of the industrial complex of the Murmansk region, as well as an analysis of cash flows from current, financial and investment activities, which allowed us to justify the feasibility of implementing an investment project aimed at ensuring an optimal balance of production capacity and achieving environmental obligations to reduce emissions from metallurgical production.

Labour Potential of the Enterprise: New Forms of Activation

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.130-137

The article examines motivational interests that provide economic growth in the context of transformation process. It is proved that the main role is played by integrated interests of technologically related relations in terms of the result-based indicator. It is substantiated that material incentives, though being one of the most important factors in enhancing labour potential, do not reveal the depth of motivational essence of labour relations and lead to decrease in the activities efficiency. The purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism for activating labour processes, on which the efficiency of using resource potential and economic growth depend.

ASEAN Integration Process Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.14-23

Amid the unstable world environment the economic “weight” transfer to Asia highlights dynamically growing role of the Asian Pacific region (APR) where a specific place is put on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The present research is devoted to processes of ASEAN member-countries regional integration development. In the current work dynamicsof socio-economic indicators, volumes of the foreign direct investments (FDI) and intraregional trade are characterized. The conducted research concludes that regional development processesin ASEAN are flourishing: the ASEAN competitiveness is to a highstandard, the Association is attractive from a position of foreign investment. The analysis of socio-economic indicators dynamics revealed asymmetry of ASEAN member-countries. The gap in macroeconomic indicators in comparison with the other partners of Association is observed in CMLV countries (Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam). However, such a disproportion, on the one hand, mightprevent from formation of effective production networks, and, on the other, guarantee the lagging countries relative economic stability

Economic efficiency assessment of different various models of generation projects based on res in the hard-to-reach areas

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.47-55

The article describes the current economic problems in the situation under consideration, the analysis of existing schemes for implementing investment projects in the considered area is carried out, the optimal agreements between the investor and the customer in various conditions of energy supply.

The Bracing Vaults of Millenium: History of the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople Through the Prism of Pitirim Sorokin’s Integral Methodology

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.100-105

Historic decision to return to Hagia Sophia the status of a mosque once again proved that its history cycle has reached a new stage: from Byzantine temple — to the Ottoman mosque — through the UNESCO World Heritage Site — to the great Hagia Sophia mosque. In case of studying the historical dynamics of status, cultural significance and social functions of Hagia Sophia, the integral macrosociological theory of P.A. Sorokin is the most relevant and has got sufficient heuristic potential. The history of Hagia Sophia has been influenced and is still being affected by rhythmic sequence of three super-systems: ideational, idealistic and sensual. It’s on the one hand. On the other hand, Hagia Sophia is not only an architectural object, which in its historical dynamics has passed a difficult way from a Christian temple to a mosque, but above all — one of the main means for expressing the set of values of the ideational cultural supersystem

Historical trends and strategic priorities of sociodemographic dynamics of civilizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.107-122

The article describes the basic theory and methodology of integral forecasting demographic and social dynamics of civilizations taking into account regularities of cyclical dynamics using statistical data from the world Bank, examines the socio-demographic trend of the development of civilizations in early XXI century. The article reveals the content and structure of the current demographic crisis as an integral part of the civilizational crisis, taking into account the impact of the pandemic coronavirus and the global economic crisis 2020. Substantiated scenarios of demographic and social dynamics of civilizations for the period up to 2050, and identifies strategic priorities to overcome the crisis and substantiates proposals on enhancing the UN’s role in forecasting and management of socio-demographic dynamics of civilizations.

On the Target Orientation of a Regional Strategy for Socio-Economic Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.6-17

In the second part of the article, as an example of regional strategies of the Vladimir, Kostroma, Irkutsk regions of Russia, Trans-Baikal Territory and St. Petersburg, as well as regional strategies for the Kyzylorda and Akmola regions of Kazakhstan, the author examines the level of social development of the region and assesses its target orientation to improve the welfare of its population. It is concluded that the preservation of the health of the population, especially children and able-bodied citizens, is the highest goal in the field of improving welfare

Developing the Perm Territorial Innovation and Industrial Cluster “Photonics”. Some Results of the Strategic Session

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.18-23

On February 22-24, 2019 in the village of Kulikovka, the Perm Territory, on the basis of JSC Perm Scientific Industrial Instrument-Making Company a strategic session aimed at formation of the “Photonics” cluster was held. As a basic concept for the session, the concept of a complete technology package was chosen. As the format of the event was used the format “Strategic Expert Community Ust-Kachka (UK)”, positioned by a number of experts as a new-generation thought factory. The expert pool included leading specialists of the PNPPK, providing operation of the territorial innovation and industrial cluster “Photonics”, representatives of the leading Russian scientific institutions in the field of photonics, representatives of federal authorities responsible for forming sectoral and cluster policies in the Russian Federation, corporate and banking community (VEB), as well as synthetic experts (CC system specialists).