The "Economic Strategies" journal


Reflexion of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Subject-Oriented Approach

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.66-71

The uniqueness of the C0VID-19 pandemic lies in the fact that it requires concerted action by all mankind to effectively overcome it. The selfishness of individual subjects of the world community in neutralizing the threats of the pandemic, as well as the weak influence of world structures (UN, WHO, etc.), was clearly manifested. The article provides a reflexive analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic from the standpoint of modern philosophical ideas about scientific rationality (post-nonclassical scientific rationality), in which the subject-oriented approach is the basic one. On the example of the descriptive model of the subject, which presents five basic characteristics: purposefulness, reflexivity, communication, sociality and the ability to develop, an analysis of the subjectivity of humanity in the process of overcoming the pandemic is carried out. The COVID-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated the lack of subjectivity of humanity in ensuring its life and development. It is substantiated that the globalist project is one of the main reasons for the negative impact on the formation of human subjectivity. The influence on the subjectivity of mankind of the model of a technogenic civilization, used as a means in the implementation of a globalist project, is analyzed. It is shown that the key problem for the transition to post-technogenic civilization is the problem of the formation of the subjectivity of human development. A variant of the transition to the model of post-technogenic civilization on the basis of post-nonclassical cybernetics of self-developing poly-subject environments — ontological cybernetics of the third order is proposed.

Possibilities of investment support of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its regions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.82-92

The article analyzes the current trends in the policy of investment support and its regional features. Conclusions are given on the level of development of the current state of investment activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article analyzes the indicators characterizing the financial sources of investment in fixed assets: budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, investments guaranteed by the state, funds of enterprises and households, loans from commercial banks, foreign direct investment. As well as the results of investment activities in the regions of the country. Suggestions and recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of investment policy in the country. The results of the study can be used in the analysis and forecasting of structural changes in the country’s investment policy. It is concluded that investment support is a more voluminous economic concept than investment activity, representing a state of the economy, in which the possibility of satisfying the entire country is ensured. While investment support is a system and process that acts as a tool for achieving investment policy indicators. If it is organized correctly, then the conditions for sustainable economic development of the country and its regions are achieved.

Relationship of the Economic Basis and Political Superstructure of Modern Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.20-31

Economic basis existing in the Russian Federation was formed in the 1990s, but it was developing and finally took shape in the early 2000s. It was the political struggle for its implementation that determined the form, structure and nature of the modern political superstructure. As shown by the experience of recent years, the formed basis and superstructure are not intended to carry out in-depth socio-economic reforms in Russia. At the same time, Western total Jesuit Russophobia, the growing power and the number of global challenges, as well as insufficient socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, necessitate fundamental changes. In this regard, the authors provide justification for the need and explore possible ways to modernize the existing political superstructure in the Russian Federation in order to create conditions that provide a powerful and effective Russia’s response to the global challenges of the nearest future

Model of Assessing the Balance of the Budgets of Subjects of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.24-29

Over the past decade, new trends have emerged, political and technological, which will set the conditions for the development of global economic processes in the near future. Within the framework of the modern paradigm, qualitative economic growth is possible only in the case of large-scale introduction of innovations and digital technologies, which is possible while ensuring macroeconomic stability. The article discusses the issues of quantitative assessment, based on the developed economic and mathematical model, the level of budget balance of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When forming the model of the category “macroeconomic stability”, the methods of regression, correlation and factor analysis were used. An index method has been used as a quantitative assessment tool. A calculation-experimental method was used to prove the realism of the developed model, and to give a quantitative assessment using examples of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Volga and Siberian federal districts. The results obtained develop scientific knowledge in the field of regional economics, and their practical use will allow to purposefully and reasonably solve the problems of regional and leading development management.

Basics of building a methodology for creating unique products

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.13-22

In the current economic conditions, characterized by the introduction of new digital information technologies, the processes of development and production of unique products are undergoing significant changes. The article considers the models and sequence of stages of the product life cycle, the author formed the basis of a comprehensive methodology for creating unique products, including a set of economic mechanisms and tools that can be developed in the form of an applies software solution.

Agglomeration Confines and Coronavirus Diffusion

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.60-68

In the absence of vaccines the most effective in terms of countering coronavirus (COVID–19) diffusion are the measures aimed at minimizing and limiting the contacts of population (quarantine, isolation, sanitary protection of territories, social distancing), i.e. isolating sources of contagion, shutdown or interruption of transmission and infection routes. For example, restrictions on relocation at the epidemic epicentre in China have reduced the total number of infections in the country by more than 90%. If the measures already implemented will not allow to stop the epidemic development, while taking decisions on restricting transport movement in agglomerations and major cities it is necessary to take into account the importance of maintaining socioeconomic interaction within their territories. This approach is expedient if the population living in the hour and a half automobile accessibility from these cities exceeds 85% of the total region

Transformation of business model of enterprise implementing modern principles of production system construction

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.20-28

The reduction of the state defense order required the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex to urgently change the process of production in favor of civilian products. However, their main part was not ready to solve this task due to the preservation of the production system characteristic of defense enterprises. According to the study, the introduction of modern principles of enterprise management requires a change in the entire business model, including the production, social and enterprise management subsystems. The article presents the results of the transformation of the business model of one of the defense enterprises, which received a significant increase in the output of civilian products due to the changes.

To a question on concepts «service» and «competitiveness of service»: from definitions to practice

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.67-75

The scientific article systematizes the conceptual and categorical properties of services, as a result, reflects the characteristics of the concepts of “service” and “competitiveness of services”. Conducted research of services in the generally accepted coding system (OKVED); as well as in the aspect of the international standard industrial classification (MCOK / ISIC) allowed the authors to supplement the species groups of the most demanded services on the market; as a practical example, an analysis of the competitiveness of DIY-services of the largest retailers of the Volga Federal District is presented.

National Security of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.6-23

The article is continuing the research “Modelling and Assessment of Russia’s National Power”, dedicated to calculating the index of national power, which is currently the most informative and popular indicator in the world that integrally characterizes the aggregate potential of a particular country and allows at the same time to compare the level of its power and socio-economic development with the other countries’ level. The research results were published in the “Economic Strategies” magazine No. 2 for 2020. [1].

If the national power of the state, in fact, determines its potential capabilities and mainly gross indicators are used for the

calculation, then the national security indicators are calculated on the basis of normalized values (as a rule, per capita) and witness the development level of one or another component of the country’s socio-ecologic and economic system, as well as efficiency of using the existing potential. It should be reminded that in terms of the National Integral Strength Index, which includes many components, Russia ranks fourth in the world, slightly behind India. In this article, using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis, we’ll calculate the national security indicators of the UN member states, also defining the position of Russia, but in addition, we’ll also estimate the threshold values for all the factors of national security considered in the work. In the last part of the paper, we’ll give a medium-term forecast of national security