The "Economic Strategies" journal


Economics and innovations: dialectic of interdependence

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.62-77

The article attempts to analyze the impact of general economic situation in national economy of Russia on innovative industrial development. The impact of innovations to industrial production development has shown in the article. We can see stages of innovative development in current Russian economy. The reasons, which are constraining innovative activity, have considered. The government role in stimulating of innovations has analyzed. The presence of private and budgetary components has noted as a qualitative specificity of Russian economy today. We can see the conclusion about necessity of improvement of management organization system of innovative processes.

Analytical Accounting of Innovation Activities in the Agricultural Industry

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.118-124

The authors have analyzed the legal acts regulating accountancy in the Russian Federation and concluded that they contain no definitions, classification or descriptions of innovations, which makes it problematic to put the corresponding provisions of State programs into practice. The authors suggest singling out “expenditure on innovation” as a separate object of accounting and define it as expenditure for the purpose of improving the quality of production, works and service as well as improving the organizational and management system. This new level of quality can be measured by means of the following indicators: physical properties, chemical composition, technical and economic indicators. In view of the fact that investments in innovation can be referred to as both fixed capital (intangible assets, constant assets) and working capital (elite seeds, young animals, innovative biological additives etc.), the authors suggest adding to entry 08 “Investments in fixed assets” sub-entry 9 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of fixed capital” and sub-entry 10 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of working capital”. In view of the fact that Cash flow statement reveals some important analytical information about investing, it would be advisable to add to “Cash flow from investing activities” line 4215 “Cash inflows from selling innovations” and line 4225 “Expenditures on purchasing, creating innovations”.

Structure of Economic Growth of the Countries of the Eurasian Union

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.112-123

The purpose of the study is to determine the existing growth models of the countries of the Eurasian Union by GDP expenditures and sectors (manufacturing, transactional raw materials). The research methodology is a macroeconomic analysis of the dynamics of the main indicator of economic development — gross domestic product. The research method is a structural analysis that allows you to get a structural formula for calculating the contribution of each component of GDP to the growth rate, as well as a comparative analysis of the dynamics models of the countries in question — Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. The result of the study is the obtained structural relationships that make it possible to measure the influence of the investment structure on the growth rate, the criteria describing economic growth with a corresponding change in the country’s national wealth, as well as the identification of models of economic dynamics by the countries of the Eurasian Union. It is indicative that the transaction sector dominates in Kazakhstan and Russia, while in other countries a mixed model is found, or industrial growth as in Belarus. According to the components of GDP and expenditures of the country, either a mixed or a consumer model is found (Kyrgyzstan, Russia), however, the contribution of government spending to the growth rate is provided only in Kazakhstan. It was also revealed that the reaction to the crisis of 2009 and 2015 was fundamentally different for the countries of the Eurasian Union. The search for the factor conditions of such a prevailing dynamics, as well as the influence of union economic relations on the formation of a growth model in each country, requires an expansion of research and an analytical perspective

Strategic analysis of the use land and property resources of the city of Moscow

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.94-106

The scientific article is devoted to the strategic analysis of the features of the use of land and property resources of the city of Moscow. The focus is on the strategic planning documents currently in force and being developed today in the capital of Russia. Taking into account the analysis of strategic goals and priorities of the land and property policy of the city of Moscow, the medium-term dynamics of the indicators of the efficiency of land use and non-residential premises is revealed. On this basis, conclusions are drawn about the need for a systematic approach to improving the socio-economic efficiency of the use of land and property resources of the city of Moscow.

Russian-Chinese Infrastructure Cooperation

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.66-73

The article dwells on the infrastructure cooperation between Russia and China as one of the main areas of interaction between two countries at the present stage. The paper analyzes problems of creating the Trans-Eurasian Development Belt (TEDB), formation of the Far Eastern transport and logistics cluster (Primorye-1 and Primorye-2), construction of the Eurasian Sea Canal between Caspian and Azov Seas. Particular attention is paid to forming the Arctic vector of the Silk Road. The author concludes that it is necessary to create a number of transport and logistics corridors with developing the corresponding industrial clusters inside them, as well as to organize international consortia for the projects implementation.

Organization and economic mechanism of functioning of the dental clinic

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.49-56

The necessity of actualization the concepts in part of stomatological practice in a changing economic paradigm is substantiated. A conceptual apparatus has been developed that reflects the role, place and functionality of dental practice in the economy of our country. The semantic load of the specified categories corresponds to the prevailing economic conjuncture and established norms of economic practice. The use of specified categories in professional activities will allow scientists and practitioners to avoid misunderstandings, to achieve mutual understanding regarding the interpretation of organizational, economic, regulatory, medical, dental, and other aspects of the studied type of activity.Right arrangement of content will contribute to the intensive development of dental practice and the solution of priority tasks in terms of its regulation.

2020, January — April: an Optimistic Start with a Pessimistic End

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.120-125

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the first four months of 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Use of renewable energy sources in UNEG for energy supply of oil and gas complex facilities in the south of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.66-76

In this article, the possibilities of energy supply of oil and gas facilities of the south of Russia with renewable energy sources and stored energy, the estimated potential of the south of Russia and its individual entities are available.

Influence of Monetary Policy on Technological Development of the Economy in a Long-Term Aspect

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.136-143

Monetary policy currently pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a reflection of external market conditions. Regulatory approaches should, in particular, help reduce the dependence of monetary policy on external factors — such as oil prices, foreign loans, access to foreign markets, etc. This is not about completely isolating the monetary sphere of the Russian Federation from parameters and the external environment. It is required to refuse close, automatic communication with the given parameters. It is necessary to increase the stability of the monetary system of the Russian Federation and the economy as a whole in relation to external shocks. This can be done through more active use of a wide range of tools available to the regulator. These include monetary and regulatory mechanisms (interest rates, reserve requirements, foreign exchange positions, etc.), gold reserves, verbal interventions, etc., which can have a stimulating effect on economic growth. The high volatility of the ruble now observed makes it extremely difficult for enterprises to plan and forecast, thereby making it impossible for the normal course of investment processes and expanded reproduction. In order to use monetary mechanisms to stimulate economic growth and eliminate the negative effects of current monetary policy (in particular, implemented since autumn 2014), a departure from inflation targeting and free floating of the ruble exchange rate is necessary. At the same time, it is obviously necessary to abandon many components or closely related elements (for example, “monetary contraction”). In addition, steps will be needed to stabilize the foreign exchange market, which would have positive effects (falling volatility, lower inflation, etc.). Under current conditions, with limited access to external financial resources, it is important to use mechanisms  for generating financial flows based on internal sources. In other words, the monetary base should be formed due to internal factors, and not depend on the dynamics of energy prices. In previous years, the main emphasis in the Russian economy was placed on the external sphere as a source of growth financing. Restricting access to external cheap financial resources (due to low oil prices, sanctions, etc.), as well as continuing geopolitical tensions with regard to Russia, reduce the possibilities for implementing longterm investment projects in the economy. This increases the relevance of national mechanisms and sources of formation of the resource base (including long) necessary to refinance previously taken loans, as well as to implement structural changes in the Russian economy.

Post-Pandemic Syndrome as a Socio-Psychological and Economic Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.94-103

The article highlights the socio-psychological and economic aspects of the regulation of society during an extreme psychosocial event in the format of a Pandemic as a staged act of social separation. Artificial Extremum highlighted the main thing: in state entities aimed at satisfying only the vital needs of a person, intra-system contradictions are critically increasing, since the regulation of society is associated with the dominant satisfaction of higher needs in the creative development of a person.

Technologies of social separation have led to pathological psychological consequences — a critical breakdown of social ties. This is the first time that an irrevocable extreme situation has emerged in History, and there is no way out of it under the old model of social regulation. It also became clear that the “Pandemic-2020” did not allow to remove the accumulated financial crisis contradictions, as the global industrial Autonomous circuit continues to work properly and consistently provides vital functions of the human population.

Since the second wave of the pandemic extreme has been announced, individuals who have lost the features of social subjectivity cannot integrate to achieve socially significant results of their activities. The only way out of the crisis situation is a conscious scientifically based transition to a new psychosocial model of society, already programmed by a new universal attractor of the historical process.