The "Economic Strategies" journal


Features of the development of a competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.99-104

The article presents the structural features of the competitive market for the service sector using the example of the Volga Federal District; the most active market segments were identified; empirically calculated market volume of paid services. On the basis of net profit indicators and the numerical characteristics of economically significant subjects of the service market, the factors hindering business activity of the level are identified.

Connections between cities as a system-wide characteristic of the quality of the urban environment

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.87-98

The Zipf distribution and V. Kristaller’s theory of Central places describe well the initial stage of development of settlement systems through the rank distribution of the population of cities. To complete the description of urban systems, it is proposed to use a model of quantitative description of connections between cities, which assesses the degree of maturity or perfection of the system. Quantitative characteristics of such models can be the degree of accessibility (distance, or travel time between cities) or the degree of attractiveness of cities. The article evaluates the quality of various parameters that can be used to measure the intensity of attraction of large cities.

It is shown that when urban systems transition to an agglomeration type system, the Zipf model does not work, and the distribution of the population of the agglomeration corresponds to the model of rank distribution of connections (RRS) between its elements. This phenomenon is explained by the exit of the labor market outside of each city of the agglomeration into their common market, in connection with which the population of cities becomes a characteristic of daily migration activity, that is, connections between cities.

Based on the developed criteria, it is possible to assess the scale of the employment crisis in small cities based on the rank distribution of the population of these cities in the vicinity of a large city or a combination of several large cities.

Small business economics in subsurface use

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.77-86

The article considers the state of small business in subsurface use by type of economic activity-mining. It is shown that this type of activity is in the top three in the structure of gross value added in the regions. The commercial and budgetary efficiency of an investment project for the development of a small oil field is considered on a specific example. The expediency of abolishing the mineral extraction tax for small hydrocarbon deposits is justified. The directions of development of unclaimed small oil and gas fields are proposed.

Use of renewable energy sources in UNEG for energy supply of oil and gas complex facilities in the south of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.66-76

In this article, the possibilities of energy supply of oil and gas facilities of the south of Russia with renewable energy sources and stored energy, the estimated potential of the south of Russia and its individual entities are available.

Prospects for using renewable sources in order to newly commissioned hydrocarbon deposits energy supply

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.56-65

The article considers the current state of mineral deposits energy supply using renewable energy, also the description of hydrocarbon deposits energy supply problems is given, variants of arctic oil-gas-condensate field energy supply using renewable energy are considered, the forecast of the date on which renewable energy projects in oil and gas fields become cost effective is presented.

Methodology for assessing clinical and economic efficiency dental treatment (on the example of orthopedic planning)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.44-55

The development need an industry methodology for assessing clinical and economic efficiency in the segment of dental practice was reasonable.

Studies have been carried out to identify, the possibility and advisability of applying established theoretical principles and proven methods for assessing the effectiveness of processes and technologies in the dental practice segment.

The most effective methods and techniques for evaluating effectiveness were selected, indicators were developed, and formulas for calculating them in relation to dental practice were developed. The results of testing the developed method on the example of orthopedic planning was presented. The practical significance and feasibility of using the proposed methodology in dental practice was proved.

The structure of an adapted industry-specific architectural framework for insurance companies

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.36-43

The active development of digital twin technologies will lead to the appearance of digital copies for organizations, which works in the service sector. This also applies to insurance companies. Over time, new research and development in the field of dynamic management of enterprise architecture will be required. However, there are a low maturity level of both key business processes and enterprise architecture management processes in most Russian and companies that is an obstacle for development in the field of EA dynamic management. Analysis of existing foreign architectural and process frameworks (including industry ones) shows that they are poorly adapted for Russian realities. Russian architectural frameworks have not been developed yet. Cross-industry frameworks and approaches are too abstract, and foreign industry frameworks are based on reference models of business processes that are not relevant for Russian companies. The emergence of a relevant industry framework could help accelerate the development of digital twin technology for Russian insurance companies. Based on the analysis of several cases and existing architectural frameworks, the article proposed the structure of an adaptive architectural framework and built a map of top-level industrial business processes for Russian insurance companies.

The «corporate University 2.0»: functional and content structure

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.29-35

Digitalization has changed the environment and nature of human work, offering a network principle of interaction. Despite the obvious changes, corporate universities continue to evaluate staff training through normative indicators: the number of people who have completed training and the hours of full-time training in corporate centers. Is it possible in a modern converged environment to ensure the translation of knowledge into the business environment without changing the corporate University model? From the author’s point of view, no. Corporate universities, just like manufacturing companies, are undergoing a digital transformation, moving into the digital space and implementing the latest technologies in the educational process: virtual and additional reality, chatbots in the learning process, online multimedia courses. The article presents functional and content structure of the corporate University 2.0.

Transformation of business model of enterprise implementing modern principles of production system construction

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.20-28

The reduction of the state defense order required the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex to urgently change the process of production in favor of civilian products. However, their main part was not ready to solve this task due to the preservation of the production system characteristic of defense enterprises. According to the study, the introduction of modern principles of enterprise management requires a change in the entire business model, including the production, social and enterprise management subsystems. The article presents the results of the transformation of the business model of one of the defense enterprises, which received a significant increase in the output of civilian products due to the changes.

Methodological approaches to identifying priority areas for the digital technologies implementation to ensure the competitiveness of the aerospace industry enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.12-19

In modern conditions of increasing role of digitalization, the issue of choosing priority areas for the digital technologies’ implementation is urgent in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprises. Given the strategic importance of the enterprises of the space industry, the aim of the study is to develop a model for highlighting the priority areas of digitalization, which are most effective for increasing the share of digitalization of production processes. For this, economically-mathematically methods and functional dependencies are used. Based on the results of the study, the authors presented an economic and mathematical model of the dynamics of the digital technologies implementation, the economic analysis of the application of this model is carried out and proposed an approach to highlighting the priority areas of digitalization.