The "Economic Strategies" journal


Theories of Society and Risks of Its Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.124-133

The article deals with various types of characteristics of society and its sphere of activity. Various types and groups of theories of society development are studied. It is revealed — what values are laid by scientific schools in the life of society. Global problems and contradictions, which are a brake and at the same time a stimulus for its development, are defined. The planetary scheme of interrelations and mutual influence of global risks for society is developed. The gradation of modern problems of society from risks with the indication of the main problems of social and economic character is carried out. The separate directions of development of society and tools which reduce emergence and development of risks for it are considered

Big data analytics in law enforcement activities

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.107-114

The article suggests possible approaches to creating new methods, algorithms, and software tools for analyzing structured and unstructured data, as well as a methodology for using the created tools in solving applied problems, taking into account foreign experience in developing and implementing applied intelligent information systems in special services and law enforcement agencies.

Trade War Between the USA and China: Who will Win?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.56-65

Regular meeting of the Bogomolov Club, held at the Institute for Economic Strategies on January 28, 2020, was dedicated to the issues of trade and economic war between the USA and China. The keynote address was delivered by the famous Russian sinologist, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Center for Social and Economic Research of China at the RAS Institute of the Far East, member of the Russian Association of Sinologists, the European Association of Chinese Studies Andrey V. Ostrovsky.

Dental practice as a type of economic activity: conceptual apparatus and content in digital competition

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.42-48

The necessity of actualization the concepts in part of stomatological practice in a changing economic paradigm is substantiated. A conceptual apparatus has been developed that reflects the role, place and functionality of dental practice in the economy of our country. The semantic load of the specified categories corresponds to the prevailing economic conjuncture and established norms of economic practice. The use of specified categories in professional activities will allow scientists and practitioners to avoid misunderstandings, to achieve mutual understanding regarding the interpretation of organizational, economic, regulatory, medical, dental, and other aspects of the studied type of activity.Right arrangement of content will contribute to the intensive development of dental practice and the solution of priority tasks in terms of its regulation.

Uncertainties in Pandemic Assessment. Chronicles of Appraisal Business

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.72-79

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of Russian appraisal companies is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, the algorithm of which involves analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to create a complete company profile and to provide a scenario forecast for its development [1]. The main qualitative parameters accepted for analysis include such as the degree of innovativeness and differentiation of services, the level of competition and the company’s position in the market, priority of various strategic goals in the company’s activities, motivation effectiveness, corporate culture and the ability to quickly gain access to necessary resources. The present study resulted in the rating of 50 the most strategic appraisal companies in Russia according to results of the second half of 2019 — the first quarter of 2020

Prospects for using renewable sources in order to newly commissioned hydrocarbon deposits energy supply

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.56-65

The article considers the current state of mineral deposits energy supply using renewable energy, also the description of hydrocarbon deposits energy supply problems is given, variants of arctic oil-gas-condensate field energy supply using renewable energy are considered, the forecast of the date on which renewable energy projects in oil and gas fields become cost effective is presented.

Role of Corporate Governance in Permission of the Agency Conflict

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.116-121

The author considers the mechanism of permission of the agency conflict (redistribution of cash flows) between the shareholder and management with use of model of business. In article are considered the economic interests of the company as legal abstraction behind which there are interests of shareholders. Corporate governance in modern realities has to be directed not only to rapprochement of financial interests of shareholders and the management of the company but also to creation of the social benefit.

On Current Issues of International Municipal Cooperation

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.32-43

The article examines the world experience and the main trends in developing international cooperation between cities of the world, analyzes economic effect of international relations between territorial formations of national states, considers topical issues and outlines the problem field of international municipal cooperation in Russia. The autor concludes that it is feasible to build up international and foreign economic relations of Russian territorial entities in the context of achieving the goals of the country’s economic development and the UN sustainable development until 2030.

Economics and innovations: dialectic of interdependence

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.62-77

The article attempts to analyze the impact of general economic situation in national economy of Russia on innovative industrial development. The impact of innovations to industrial production development has shown in the article. We can see stages of innovative development in current Russian economy. The reasons, which are constraining innovative activity, have considered. The government role in stimulating of innovations has analyzed. The presence of private and budgetary components has noted as a qualitative specificity of Russian economy today. We can see the conclusion about necessity of improvement of management organization system of innovative processes.