The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #8. Insolence of Interpretation

Demography in the System of Scenarios and Coordinates

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.44-55

The article examines scenarios of a long-term demographic situation and politics, evolution of the value orientations, the latest approaches to assessing the development sustainability, the dispositional theory of demographic behavior

Building a Quality System in Medical Institutions. International and Russian Experience

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.56-65

The coronavirus pandemic, which covered a variety of countries with different health systems in terms of organization and development in 2020, brought to the fore not only the issues of predicting and treating mass infectious diseases, but also the problems of assessing the quality of both medical care and its effectiveness. Accordingly, building a quality management system in the healthcare sector as a whole is of paramount importance as well as the introduction of quality management in medical organizations in the new environment. In addition to solving the acute problems, which public health faced with in the fight against COVID-19, it is necessary to build long-term strategies for its functioning and development in order to avoid such force majeure in the future

Reflexion of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Subject-Oriented Approach

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.66-71

The uniqueness of the C0VID-19 pandemic lies in the fact that it requires concerted action by all mankind to effectively overcome it. The selfishness of individual subjects of the world community in neutralizing the threats of the pandemic, as well as the weak influence of world structures (UN, WHO, etc.), was clearly manifested. The article provides a reflexive analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic from the standpoint of modern philosophical ideas about scientific rationality (post-nonclassical scientific rationality), in which the subject-oriented approach is the basic one. On the example of the descriptive model of the subject, which presents five basic characteristics: purposefulness, reflexivity, communication, sociality and the ability to develop, an analysis of the subjectivity of humanity in the process of overcoming the pandemic is carried out. The COVID-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated the lack of subjectivity of humanity in ensuring its life and development. It is substantiated that the globalist project is one of the main reasons for the negative impact on the formation of human subjectivity. The influence on the subjectivity of mankind of the model of a technogenic civilization, used as a means in the implementation of a globalist project, is analyzed. It is shown that the key problem for the transition to post-technogenic civilization is the problem of the formation of the subjectivity of human development. A variant of the transition to the model of post-technogenic civilization on the basis of post-nonclassical cybernetics of self-developing poly-subject environments — ontological cybernetics of the third order is proposed.

Results of Nine Months 2020: Economy in Waves of Coronavirus

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.86-91

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for nine months of 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

The Russian Way of Smart Housekeeping

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.92-99

Historically, a mode of production has developed in Russia that differs significantly from that considered in political economy as a model. At first, it clearly manifested itself in the economic activities of the Old Believers. On a national scale, he played a leading role in the period 1930–1955, after which its foundations were eroded. The article discusses its properties and potential, the possibility of implementation in modern conditions

The Bracing Vaults of Millenium: History of the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople Through the Prism of Pitirim Sorokin’s Integral Methodology

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.100-105

Historic decision to return to Hagia Sophia the status of a mosque once again proved that its history cycle has reached a new stage: from Byzantine temple — to the Ottoman mosque — through the UNESCO World Heritage Site — to the great Hagia Sophia mosque. In case of studying the historical dynamics of status, cultural significance and social functions of Hagia Sophia, the integral macrosociological theory of P.A. Sorokin is the most relevant and has got sufficient heuristic potential. The history of Hagia Sophia has been influenced and is still being affected by rhythmic sequence of three super-systems: ideational, idealistic and sensual. It’s on the one hand. On the other hand, Hagia Sophia is not only an architectural object, which in its historical dynamics has passed a difficult way from a Christian temple to a mosque, but above all — one of the main means for expressing the set of values of the ideational cultural supersystem

Reform of Control and Supervisory Activities: How to Build a Risk Management System in Higher Education?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.108-117

The reform of control and supervision activities, which began in 2019, implies a significant revision of the mandatory  requirements system, as well as reduction of administrative burden through introducing a risk-based approach. This article analyzes results of inspections carried out by The Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), as well as data from monitoring the activities efficiency of higher education institutions in 2015–2019. Based on this analysis, the authors identify a list of indicators that can be used as risk indicators in transition to risk-oriented regulation of educational activities of higher educational establishments

Analytical Accounting of Innovation Activities in the Agricultural Industry

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.118-124

The authors have analyzed the legal acts regulating accountancy in the Russian Federation and concluded that they contain no definitions, classification or descriptions of innovations, which makes it problematic to put the corresponding provisions of State programs into practice. The authors suggest singling out “expenditure on innovation” as a separate object of accounting and define it as expenditure for the purpose of improving the quality of production, works and service as well as improving the organizational and management system. This new level of quality can be measured by means of the following indicators: physical properties, chemical composition, technical and economic indicators. In view of the fact that investments in innovation can be referred to as both fixed capital (intangible assets, constant assets) and working capital (elite seeds, young animals, innovative biological additives etc.), the authors suggest adding to entry 08 “Investments in fixed assets” sub-entry 9 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of fixed capital” and sub-entry 10 “Creating or purchasing innovations as part of working capital”. In view of the fact that Cash flow statement reveals some important analytical information about investing, it would be advisable to add to “Cash flow from investing activities” line 4215 “Cash inflows from selling innovations” and line 4225 “Expenditures on purchasing, creating innovations”.

Mission of the Territory: How to Develop It and is it Needed at All?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.126-135

There is no generally accepted definition of a territory’s mission either in Russia or abroad. So is it worth including a mission in the strategy of socio-economic development of a territory and what definition of the mission is better to choose? To answer these questions, a content analysis of Russian and foreign definitions of the territory’s mission has been carried out, from which common units of meaning were identified.

It was established that a number of semantic units in definitions of the territory’s mission and the mission of organization coincide. However, from the point of view of the mission statement, there are a number of significant differences between a territory and an organization, which makes some definitions of the territory’s mission hardly applicable in practice.

Conclusion is made: it is better to define the territory’s mission through its role in the external environment, functions and unique features of the territory. The article examines advantages and disadvantages of alternative options: not to develop a mission at all or to develop it in a purely formal way. Practical recommendations on developing a territory mission, examples from Russian and foreign experience are given

Innovative Road — a High-Risk Area

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.136-141

At present the education system in the Russian Federation does not include any program teaching the basics of patent law on inventions, therefore protection of copyright holders in courts is very problematic. The article analyzes foreign experience of patent law on inventions, provides examples of implementing research and development results