The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #7. 2020 Deficit of the Plan? Or Market Deficit?

Development of Services Export to European Countries in the Paradigm of Value Chains on the Example of Event Tourism in Moscow

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.136-143

The article examines application of the value-added chains paradigm to developing services exports. The author analyses development strategy for the export of services until 2025 and the possibility of applying the value chains paradigm when forming measures and planning activities. On the example of the event tourism development, the author identifies value chains of an integrated service with the value proposition “Russia (Moscow) is the best place to celebrate the New Year in Europe” and its provision with tools and support measures

Current Situation in Chinese-American Relations and Its Impact on the World and Development of Russian-Chinese Cooperation

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.6-13

The article, which represents the abstracts of the author’s report at the Expert Dialogue “International agenda and conjugation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Chinese One Belt One Road Initiative in the context of profound changes” (EEC, September 16, 2020), examines the current state of the Chinese-American relations, prospects of Russian-Chinese cooperation within the framework of “One Belt, One Road”, “Great Eurasian Partnership” programs

ASEAN Integration Process Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.14-23

Amid the unstable world environment the economic “weight” transfer to Asia highlights dynamically growing role of the Asian Pacific region (APR) where a specific place is put on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The present research is devoted to processes of ASEAN member-countries regional integration development. In the current work dynamicsof socio-economic indicators, volumes of the foreign direct investments (FDI) and intraregional trade are characterized. The conducted research concludes that regional development processesin ASEAN are flourishing: the ASEAN competitiveness is to a highstandard, the Association is attractive from a position of foreign investment. The analysis of socio-economic indicators dynamics revealed asymmetry of ASEAN member-countries. The gap in macroeconomic indicators in comparison with the other partners of Association is observed in CMLV countries (Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam). However, such a disproportion, on the one hand, mightprevent from formation of effective production networks, and, on the other, guarantee the lagging countries relative economic stability