The "Economic Strategies" journal

2020 #4. Two Kingdoms Battle

Refunding for Cancelled Applications During a Pandemic

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.54-59

The issue of money back in connection with the coronavirus pandemic for acquired tour packages is very relevant today. Most companies offer transfer tours or deposits, there are almost no returns. The Federal Tourism Agency explained how operators can use the funds from the personal liability fund (FPO); the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has published an updated assessment of the likely impact of coronavirus on international tourism. The article discusses ways to return money for canceled applications

Agglomeration Confines and Coronavirus Diffusion

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.60-68

In the absence of vaccines the most effective in terms of countering coronavirus (COVID–19) diffusion are the measures aimed at minimizing and limiting the contacts of population (quarantine, isolation, sanitary protection of territories, social distancing), i.e. isolating sources of contagion, shutdown or interruption of transmission and infection routes. For example, restrictions on relocation at the epidemic epicentre in China have reduced the total number of infections in the country by more than 90%. If the measures already implemented will not allow to stop the epidemic development, while taking decisions on restricting transport movement in agglomerations and major cities it is necessary to take into account the importance of maintaining socioeconomic interaction within their territories. This approach is expedient if the population living in the hour and a half automobile accessibility from these cities exceeds 85% of the total region

Environmental Aspect of Implementing Integrated Programs for Optimizing Local Energy in Russia by the Case of the Khabarovsk Territory

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.134-141

Статья посвящена технологическим и экологическим эффектам реализации комплексной программы оптимизации локальной энергетики, сокращению выбросов CO2 при генерации энергии на дизельных электростанциях. Также рассмотрена возможность использования «зеленых» финансов как инвестиционного инструмента

Weak Regulation Causes Frequent Violation of Consumer Rights

On March 5, 2020, the State Duma adopted in the third reading the draft law “On introducing amendments to the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”. Its main provisions specifically for the ES magazine were clarified by the LDPR deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Vasily Maksimovich Vlasov

Using Contract Forms of Cooperation Between the Business and the State for Strategic Planning Documents Implementation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.126-133

Nowadays economic development governance needs immediate restructuring in accordance with institutional requirements of the new technological mode and world-economy system. The shift to these systems is intermediated by the world financial-economic crisis aggravation. The article considers an promising and qualifying arrangement of the state and the enterprises — contracting mutual obligations. There is a detailed review on a recently implemented in the law framework instrument — agreements on protection and encouragement of capital investments. It is suggested to enhance existing set of tools for strategic planning realisation with the multilateral special agreements — target contracts. Parties to contract can be not only public-law entities but also banks, development institutes, educational and scientific institutions.

Uncertainties in Pandemic Assessment. Chronicles of Appraisal Business

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.72-79

Methodology for studying the strategic potential of Russian appraisal companies is based on applying the “Strategic Matrix of the Company” software package, the algorithm of which involves analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow to create a complete company profile and to provide a scenario forecast for its development [1]. The main qualitative parameters accepted for analysis include such as the degree of innovativeness and differentiation of services, the level of competition and the company’s position in the market, priority of various strategic goals in the company’s activities, motivation effectiveness, corporate culture and the ability to quickly gain access to necessary resources. The present study resulted in the rating of 50 the most strategic appraisal companies in Russia according to results of the second half of 2019 — the first quarter of 2020

2020, January — April: an Optimistic Start with a Pessimistic End

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.120-125

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the first four months of 2020 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out

Methodological Aspects of Modeling Concept Value Assessment of Live Cycles in the Assessment Activities in the Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.80-91

The article discusses the subject of research, focused on the study of the transformation processes of the valuation methodology, focused on the effective management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development by ensuring the effective implementation of National projects using the results of the value management genesis in valuation activities based on the use of the concept of cost-based life cycle assessment The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of solving the national economic problem of the need to ensure the launch of innovative high-tech investment cycles for the development of industries, enterprises and investment projects based on the formation of an updated methodological base for valuation activities. Moreover, it is proposed to use the model of formalizing the processes of valuation and cost and cost management in economic systems based on the life cycles of goods, products and works as the main evaluative ideology. The aim of the study is to develop a set of relevant methodological proposals for modeling the concepts of valuation of life cycles in the valuation of Russia in order to ensure its transformation that is sufficient for cost management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development of the country through ensuring the effective implementation of national projects. The object of the study is the development of theoretical principles and conceptual approaches for modeling the methodological foundations of valuing and managing the life cycles of goods and products in the process of implementing national projects based on minimizing the cost of their life cycles, life cycle contracts, total costs and the cost of ownership of life cycles. As applied research methods, a comprehensive approach was used, based on analysis and synthesis, logical analysis, expert approach, methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting.

On the Issue of Class Stratification in Modern Russian Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.114-119

The author analyzes the latent process of reestablishing a class society in Russia, which aims to eliminate the equal opportunity society that existed in the Soviet Union

To Set Ambitious Goals and Achieve Them!

In an interview with Irina Alekseevna Komar, Managing Partner of Professional Group of Appraisal LLC, Vice President of the “Union “Federation of Appraisers Specialists” SRO, Member of the Council for Evaluation Activities under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Candidate of Economic Sciences, MRICS, given deliberately to the ES magazine, we discussed the measures proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development to regulate valuation activities and to establish new regulations in the industry. And of course, the changes in the industry as a whole and in the “Professional Assessment Group” company, in particular, related to decrease in business activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, were not ignored.